Silent Hill - Chapter 4

Story by DracoAzule on SoFurry

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#4 of Silent Hill

"Dude look..." Draco slowly picked the picture up, holding it a few inches from the tip of his snout. "That looks just like my son..." He walked over to Foxx and handed it to him, looking around the room once more. "I wonder where he went, though.." He walked back towards the door and blinked, seeing him at the end of the hallway running around the corner. "Hey! Wait up!" Draco took off after him as fast as he could.

"Holy...fuck.." Foxx said as he examined the picture. It did infact look a lot like Sampson, even if Foxx had only gotten a glimpse of him so far. He soon dropped the picture on the floor and ran after Draco, down the hallway and around t he corner. "Hey man wait on me!" He followed Draco around the corner and up 3 flights of stairs, then down yet another long hallway, panting hard and heavy as they ran into the school restroom. "Dude what the hell...are you doing??"

"I know I saw him again.." He said as he looked around the bathroom and walked towards the stalls. Suddenly, there came the voice of a small child from within one of the stalls, sobbing both in fear and in pain. "Sampson? Are you in there?" He walked towards the last stall of the bathroom and slowly opened the door. "Oh...oh no.. Oh my god..." He was appalled at what he saw, a younger looking lion fur that had been strung up with chains by its arms and legs, and sliced halfway in two from the groin up. Its body was spread out at the bottom, and half of its innards had dropped into a pile in the toilet. "What the hell kind of town is this..." Once he regained his bearings he looked back up at the rotted corpse and examined it more carefully. "What is this.."

Foxx took the paper from his paw and unfolded it. "It doesn't say anything, just has someones name. Thomas Briggs..." He handed the paper back to Draco and shrugged some. "Who knows, maybe it's connected to that picture you found? Anyways, I have a feeling we need to get back to the church soon. I'd hate to be in this school when the darkness hits. At that moment, the sirens began to blare from the top of the church, as the area around them grew darker and darker. "Well speak of the devil.."

Draco grabbed Foxx's arm and ran out the bathroom doorway as quickly as he could, using his flame breath to light the way as the area became darker and darker. "Hurry!" He began to run down the hallway and down the stair case, finally making it back down to the first floor and running down the hallway. "Wait.." He said as he slowed down. "You hear that..." Suddenly, a huge swarm of creepers made their way around the corner. Draco turned to run to the other corner, but stopped as he saw the creepers had infested the other one as well and were cornering them in. "Oh god... I hate bugs.." His flame suddenly went out, as Draco passed out from fear and hit the floor hard.

"Damn it, what kind of dragon is afraid of bugs.." Foxx fired his gun into the swarm, killing off two or three of them, and stomping a few more as best as he could. "I can't see anything..." Foxx picked one up as it made its way up his leg and threw it down, before picking Draco up and pulling him off down the hallway.


Foxx froze up with fear as he felt a warm breath up against the back of his neck. "Wh-who is this.." He slowly turned around and reached out into the darkness, running his paw over what felt like a furry, yet muscular chest. "Fuck no..." He slowly ran his paws up until he felt the all too familiar feel of cold and hard steel. Before he could react, though, he felt the powerful beings hand grip tightly around his neck and lift him up off the floor. "Ahhhhh!!" He screamed out as his hands reached up and tugged on the hand around his neck, his footpaws kicking around below him.

Draco's unconscious body went falling to the floor as he was dropped. As one of Foxx's feet kicked him in the head though, he slowly came too just in the nick of time. "What's going on?" He quickly blew out a stream of flame again, his eyes shooting wide open at what he saw. "HOLY..." He grabbed his shot gun and aimed it at pyramid heads chest, firing it at almost point blank range. Pyramid head let out a wail of pain and went stumbling back, dropping Foxx back on the ground. Draco took Foxx's paw and ran back through the swarm of creepers, his hot flame burning a path out in front of them.

"Lets just get the fucking hell out of this damn school! I'm sure the minister can tell us something about the picture we found..." Foxx pulled out his pistol as they ran down the hallway again, taking a right turn at the end. "Where did the exit go?!" At that time, Draco's flame went out once again, the light disappearing, the two now surrounded in the hellish darkness. "Damn it, remind me to try to find a flashlight some place before this hits again..." Foxx said, as the two continued to run down the pitch dark hallway.


The two suddenly slammed hard into a brick wall, knocking them both flat on their backs. "Grrr.. Dead end.." Draco slowly stood back up and helped Foxx up as well, his ears perkeing up to the sound of little claws tapping on the hard wood floor. "Damn it, it's those bugs again.. I don't know if we can hold them off for long..." Draco lit his flame again and, sure enough, the creepers swarmed on the floor and walls. Draco pulled out his pistol and opened fire, while burning the ones he could with his flame as well. "There are too many of them! We will never make it!" Foxx said as he opened fired with his pistol as well, only able to get one at a time. But for each one they got, there were two more in it's spot and they were getting ever closer. "Damn it!!!" Draco said, as he reached down and slapped one off his leg, crushing another with his shoe as two more began to climb up his legs.

"Fuck!!!" Foxx knocked one off his leg as well and stomped a few more, continuing to fire at the forth coming mass of creepers. Suddenly the insects began to slow down, until they came to a complete stop. "What's going on.." Draco said as he watched the insects begin to dissolve into nothing, some changing back into ceiling tile and floating up, the rest changing back into wall paper and sticking themselves back up against the wall. "...whoa...that always amazes me how it likes to happen at the very last second..."

Draco walked back down the hallway, and smiled as he saw the exit only a few feet away from them. "It must have disappeared when the darkness came.." He walked back outside and sighed a breath of relief, glad to see daylight again, no matter how dreary it looked. "Lets go to the church and talk to the minister now.." Foxx nodded and walked across the street, looking back at Draco over his shoulder. "Isn't it a bit strange that your son just disappeared? And we saw someone...or something that looked just like him in the school? And we found that picture.." Draco walked closely behind him, his eyes staring at the ground as they walked. "I know..this is getting really fucked up.. I'm sure the minister knows something about the pic though."

The two of them walked up to the church and walked inside, seeing the black dragoness standing at the pulpit in front of her congregation, leading the church in a prayer. "And though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil for thou art with us. We rebuke all outside evils from entering the church so that no innocent soul may be harmed, In Jesus' name we pray, amen." Draco didn't pray along with them, but stayed silent out of respect. As Cheryl opened her eyes, she smiled warmly at Draco and Foxx. "I am happy to see that you made it safely through the darkness. But I take it you did not find your child.."

Draco shook his head as he walked towards the pulpit, the rest of the congregation standing up and filling out of the pews. "No.. But we did find something very interesting.." He pulled out the picture and handed it to her. "We were in one of the classrooms at the school, and I found this inside one of the desks. Oddly enough, the desk had a ‘666' and the word ‘DEMON' carved in it.."

Cheryl took the picture and examined it closely, her eyes shooting wide open, before quickly glancing up at Draco and back down again. "I uhh.. I'm not sure who this is. Probably just one of the regular students that used to attend the school. Yea, probably nothing more than that.." She gave the picture back to him and quickly turned away. Foxx blinked some and tilted his head. "Well the reason we ask is because Draco claims that it looks-" He was suddenly cut off by Cheryl. "I said it's no one. I'm sorry if I seem rude, but there is a very pressing matter I must attend to at once and I have to time for talk." With that, the dragoness turned away and walked through the doors into the back of the church.

"I swear I think she is hiding something. Believe me, I'm a policeman and I deal with this stuff every day.." Foxx said, as he saw the members of the church walk into a door in the side of the church and come out with a tray of food. "I'm getting hungry, maybe we should grab something to eat and rest a bit. And I think the minister knows a little something we don't.." The two of them walked off to get their food, and came back to eat on one of the church pews.