Opposites Attract - Chapter 1
#1 of Opposites Attract
"Damn it son get up! You will be late for school!" Samuel barked at his son from down the hallway of their small home in the suburbs. Draco sighed some as he slowly rose up from his small bed in his pig stye of a room. Right now he wore only a stained pair of tightie whities, since their washer had broke and they didn't have the cash to fix it. For the past week or so he had been forced to wear the same dirty, smelly clothing to school, which always drove away what little friends he had. "Ok... I'm up..." he said with a groggy, weak voice. He looked around on the ground and pulled out his usual garb, a tight black t shirt and baggy black jeans, with the chains hanging heavy and low as usual.
This was Draco's day. Wake up in his piece of shit house in the projects, eat breakfast, listen to his dad go on about how his ‘whore of a mother' left his dad for some other rich guy who lived in the area about a mile north of the projects, then school. His mom didn't stop loving Draco though, at least. "Maybe if you would get a decent job and a decent life she wouldn't have left you, you fucking prick.." Draco always thought to himself every time he had to listen to that speech again. He stood up from his bed and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a cereal bar and quickly running out the door with his things. He was glad his father happened to be in the restroom when he got his breakfast. He was quite tired of hearing the same damn thing every morning.
Draco quickly slid into his car and turned up the cd player, listening to Disturbed full blast as he pulled out of his driveway in his old 1995 purple Saturn. The steering fluid leaked, as well as the brake fluid, oil, and radiator, but it was all he could afford on his minimum wage job delivering pizzas. His dad was too busy spending most of what little money he made himself on more beer to get himself wasted on every weekend. He slowly pulled away down the street and made a left towards the school which wasn't that far away; only around half a mile..
Ring Ring!!!!
As soon as class started, Draco was already in his seat of his 1st period science class with his pencil out and book open. Although it may not seem like it at first glance, Draco was always ready to learn. Seeing how his dad turned out every night always inspired him to try hard at school and do his best to succeed. As the teacher walked in, he stood in front of the class and cleared his throat. "AHEM... Class, today we have a new student. Sara, if you will?" After that, Sara walked into the room slowly and shyly, carrying her book bag with her in front of her stomach. As the light poured in and rested on her light pink scales and beautiful deep, purple eyes, her body seemed to sparkle with her natural beauty. Draco's eyes went wide as he looked up at her, his eyes going to her breasts for a few seconds, then slowly gazing up to her eyes.
"What are you thinking man? She's a fucking rich kid... She doesn't want anything at all to do with someone like you.." He thought to himself, blushing some and looking back down at his book. "Ummm... Hey everyone. My name is Sara.." She quickly stated, before taking a seat next to Draco and pulling out her things. She looked over at Draco and gave him a quick and friendly smile, before opening up her book and sitting back against her desk.
Draco smiled back at her faintly and waved. He was insanely shy of new people, especially if they were girls, and even more so if they were attractive. "M-My name is Draco. It's nice to meet you.." He stated idly, fiddling with his book some. Sara turned in her seat and leaned up against her elbow, placing it on her desk.
"Nice to meet you as well. It's my first day here. This certainly is a bit different from my older school. They may have had more technology there but they also had more pricks as well. And horny boys humping my leg and trying to get me in bed with them with expensive jewelry. Without their cash they would be lost, I swear.." Draco perked his ears some and smiled inwardly. Maybe he would have a small chance with this girl, or maybe not. He had to find out.
"Well, I promise you I won't try to get you in bed with expensive jewelry, because I don't have any. I'll try to get you in bed by wooing you with cheesy lines I found in a book at the grocery." He joked with a smirk on his face. Sara laughed silently, not wanting to disturb the class. "Well you do have something that those guys at my other school never had. A good sense of humor." She sniffed the air some and caught a whiff of Draco's BO, but didn't even flinch once or say anything about it. Male body odor was a turn on for her sometimes, but Draco had gone for two weeks without a bath and it was quite strong. "He must live in the projects... So I guess he would be off limits to me. My dad would kill me if he found out I was interested in a guy like him..."
After class, Sara pulled out a piece of paper and jotted down her phone number, before handing it to Draco. "You seem like a really cool guy, so I would like to hang out with you sometime after school. Maybe you could take me out someplace and show me around town? I really need to get away from my over protective mom and dad..." Draco was in shock. She actually wanted to hang with him? Was he in some sort of weird dream? Maybe it was that pizza he ate right before bed last night. "Uhhh.. Heh, sure. But like, our washer is busted, so all my clothes are a bit stale if you know what I mean. But yea if you don't mind that I'll gladly take you out."