The Power of True Love - Chapter 1
#1 of The Power of True Love
The Power of True Love
"D-Damn it... Banesworth!" Draco panted out with a vengeful growl as he sank down to his knees in defeat. It was late at night, the only light coming from the stars above and a small bonfire encircling Sara who had been tied up and bound to a wooden log.
"Why her? Why my sister of all dragons?!" He roared out at his enemy, the blood oozing from many wounds on his scaly hide glimmering in the fire light. The wolf simply sneered at him before raising his blade once again and holding it up at the dragons throat.
"Because of all dragons I've seen she is the sluttiest and filthiest of them all." Infuriated at that, Draco growled as he tried to stand back up with every last bit of strength that he had. The wolf simply swiped at him with his blade, slicing the vein in his neck and kicking him back down to the ground.
"But your chivalry and courage for your loved ones has not fallen on a heart of stone. I'll make you a deal.." He said, walking up and placing his boot on Draco's chest and leaning down, putting all his weight on him.
"I'll let you and your slut of a sister live on one condition. I know you, and I know how evil you can be in this form. I will lock you in this state for all eternity. You will remain a monster and therefore live in solitude only until you find your true love, though I doubt anyone would ever love a thing like you."
Draco simply sighed and nodded, not seeing any other alternatives. "Alright... D-Deal.." The wolf grins an evil grin and begins to recite a spell in a tongue long lost to civilization. Draco's wounds suddenly seal themselves back up, his strength returning to him.
"Bad move!" He says as he tries to sit up...but can't. In fact he finds he is unable to move any muscle at all. The wolf just chuckles some and kicks him hard in the head. "You think I'm that dumb? I also temporarily paralyised you but don't worry, it'll wear off before your sister meets the fate that will soon befall all dragon scum!"
When the wolf finished he turned and walked off, his black cloak hiding him well in the night. Draco laid on the ground as still as stone, the only movement coming from his chest as it moved up and down ever so slightly and the faint, slow beating of his heart inside his chest.
20 years later...
One evening Aeon was at her home fixing dinner for her and the rest of her family. Their home was a small and quaint little home in the middle of a small medieval town. The girl lived with her overly abusive husband amongst the peasants in the town, although she herself felt pretty much like a slave. Her husband never spent any time with her because he was always out getting drunk during the daytime with his friends, and when he was around he only wanted her for sex, or to abuse her more.
But her only alternative it seemed was being kicked out on the streets, so she put up with it for as long as she could. "Lets see.. I think it's time for a trip to the market again..." She took a quick peek out the window again and realized that it was getting late, and that her husband would be home again soon.
She walked back into her room and began to get dressed, dressing in clothes that covered her entire body to hide the many bruises she had received over her body from her husband. Underneath her clothes her body was laden with cuts, a few burns, bruises on her breasts and stomach, and worst of all many long stripes down her back from where her husband had tied her up and punished' her like a slave. She had always tried to keep her suffering a secret from her friends.
Taking one last quick glance around the house, she walked out the door and began to stroll down the street towards the market, taking a mental note of the dark and ominous clouds that were always seen floating above the old abandoned castle off in the distance.
Meanwhile inside of this dark and gothic style castle lived the young dragon who had sacrificed so much for his sisters well being. The old castle lay in shambles on the inside, nothing but a mess of rusted out knights armor, moldy walls on the inside, and a few rotting corpses here and there from the last few times some unfortunate souls had tried to invade his home.
Draco had perched himself up on top of the tallest tower and stared out into the large full moon overhead. To his left, he could see the town with its street torches still blazing to light the way for any late night travelers. There were only a few people out this late as far as he could see.
The shop owners in the market were about to close and a few shoppers were picking up a few last minute things. There was a small family of wolves who had gone out together this time, picking up a few treats for the children before turning their backs and walking back up towards the market place entrance.
"Mmm.. Looks like it's time for me to do a bit of food shopping of my own.. I'm in the mood for wolf meat tonight." He jumped off the top of the tower and spread out his wings, gliding down towards the town, his longsword appearing at his side and a cloak appearing around his body.
The dragon could usually make a successful flight without being spotted but this night was different. One lone homeless dog who happened to be leaning up against the opposite wall glanced up and gasped as he saw the dark figure with the unmistakable burning embers for eyes, eyes that seemed to see past ones outer body and burn deep inside their soul.
"Run!" The sickly looking homeless dog shouted out in a raspy but still audible voice. "The demon! He's coming!" He stood up slowly on his own and began to run as quickly as he could from the market place, taking his usual hiding spot behind a large and thick bush as everyone else scattered and ran to their homes.
Aeon looked up in horror as she saw Draco drawing even closer. She picked up her groceries and ran as fast as she could for the marketplace entrance, stepping on her own dress a few times. As she made her way out of the market place the family of wolves who Draco had spotted passed her on by running on all fours to their home, disappearing into the shadows of the street.
Aeon looked back again to see that Draco was much closer now, making his way just over the town marketplace and landing on the huge doorway. She let out a scream as she tripped over her own dress and struck her knee on a rock, shattering her kneecap and letting her groceries scatter across the dusty road. She quickly brought her claw over her maw to stifle out her cries of pin as she used her other claw and good leg to slowly scoot over into a nearby alley way.
Her knee was still throbbing and swelling up but she managed to keep quiet despite the staggering pain. "Oh God please no.." She thought to herself as Draco came closer.
She heard the silent beating of Dracos wings as he landed just on the other side of the corner. Draco looked up, seeing the groceries she had spilt and licked his lips as he knelt down to pick it up. It was then his ears perked as he heard Aeon sniffle a bit from tears of horror. He then stood back up and glared hard at her with his burning red eyes before drawing out his blade and and raising it over his shoulder. "Mmm.. Not quite what I had in mind but you'll do nicely for my meal."
To Be Continued...