
**Mother** **"No! Mother what has happened, why are you like this, what have the humans done to you, and were the others!?"** _ 'Now I know you are confused and have little knowledge of the things that are becoming of our world. We join the...

Dragon Spawn Book One

**DRAGON SPAWN** Chapter 1 An unexpected trip A day like any other day, I was in a class taking a test. All of a sudden a blood red hole opened under and engulfed me. Feeling as if all life was pulled from me, I weakly looked around and with...

The Forgotten One

**The Forgotten One** **By** **Jaberwalk** **Once, in the oldest part of the galaxy, a pact was made between the Devil, a man and a woman. The pact was to save them and their planet from an eternity of enslavement by an evil and far...

Love is False Hope

To some love is blind To most affection is fine But to me love is false, Being is a lost hope And hope is affection In a loveless life What is there to hold Where does a husk Go to find hope, Where does an empty existence Go to find...

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Life is a Lie

Death is freedom From this lie, To live is to Exists in false hope, In death I am Still a captive, In life I'm in false hope, But all I hope for Is Truth or Deceit, I am an indefinite presence, With the wish for a known Basis to go on...


The Love of a Riolu

The sky was dark with spots of white stars and the disk of the moon. I just kept staring at it. Searching through my mind for answers to unknown questions that I might have. I don't know how long I was watching, but then I felt someone sit next to me....

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Universe of Conflict Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven Regal, who made his way to Natasha's room to give Alex the scoop of what happened yesterday, he had only been here for a week and all of this is happening... Regal laughed to himself thinking on Alex's behalf. "You have just the best...

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Break Ups Suck!

Break Ups Suck! For 3 years I was with my boy friend. He's a pre operational transsexual. Oh how smart he was and how strong he was. He never liked being a guy but she would have been my girl. I was gay for the longest time but I sure did love her. I...

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Universe of Conflict-Chapter 01

UNIVERSE OF CONFLICT Chapter 0ne Another Day... It was near the break of dawn, an alarm clock with a quite annoying chirping sound rang repeatedly, it was time for work...and not the work anyone would ever want to do. Still laying in bed a young man...

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Justice - Tales of Crimson Wolf - Chapter 1

~Justice - Tales of Crimson Wolf~ -Main Character- Name: Crimson Wolf Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Ferfnir, a Wolf sub-species with shape shifting skill allowing them to change freely from human shape to the normal Wolf shape at will. Ferfnirs...

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Justice - Tales of Crimson Wolf - Chapter 2

~Chapter 2: A Noble Vow~ Crimson Wolf had been asleep for hours now, but rather than dreams, it was one long flashback of a past experience that happened not long ago at all (a heads up, the flashbacks generally tend to have more dialog to some...

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Breakin' Out, Part One: Yeah.

My experiment with a plainer style. Hope it lends itself well to dialogue. This is just a short introduction, and an attempt at doing something a little lighter in tone, friendlier. Since it's only the first chapter of an intended series, this is going...

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