The Forgotten One
The Forgotten One
Once, in the oldest part of the galaxy, a pact was made between the Devil, a man and a woman. The pact was to save them and their planet from an eternity of enslavement by an evil and far more superior race. The pact was made, and as the devil plays his sick games, he did not fulfill his part of the pact and the planet was not saved and the people were not enslaved but eradicated. Escaped in a pod that was destined for a younger and faraway place near the center and on the opposite side of the galaxy the man and woman were the only survivors. Ensuring the prosperity of their race, he saved them and only them.
The man and the woman landed on a fertile planet, but both were all alone and thought that if they could they would start their race anew. The man named Adam and his new wife Eve settled down in a garden: a large, lush place and heard a voice. "I am the creator. You are in a safe and peaceful place. You may stay in this garden as long as you follow one rule: don't eat the fruit on the tree in the center of the garden. If you do this, I will grant you divine protection and eternal life." Adam and Eve looked at each other and smiled; they had a place to live and the creator said they were safe.
(But their happiness would be short lived, for they did forget the pact between them and the Devil ,oops, and he is one not to be undermined and forgotten. For in time, the curse that he would put on Adam and Eve would be so severe that one child would be the decider of the fate of not the world, not the solar system, not the galaxy but the entire Universe and all of the inhabitants.)
"Jain, where did you put the keys? I cannot find them," yelled Jim scrambling franticly in the living room. [I know you are confused, but the curse will be explained in due time; so stay with me and enjoy a pleasant ceremony of bringing a new life into this safe and pleasant world.] ** "There! The keys are on the KEY TREE! HURRY HE'S COMING!"** [Man are they loud? Key, key, key do they know that they are doo.... Oops you're here. My bad. Let's get back to the story. Hehe] "I got it! Ok, Hun, let's go.... Whoa, ok be careful; we don't need a miss..." "SHUT UP AND LET'S GET TO THE DELIVERY ROOM NOW!!" [Hahahahaha she trips and he catches her and she yells at him, what a loving couple do you agree? Hahahahaha] The couple got to the hospital in time to get the best delivery doctor and a prepared room and get straight to birth prep. As soon as the little light above the door that shows occupied something happened.... [Okay ya let's stop here for a moment, Remember the Devil, Adam, and Eve. Well they had THREE sons not TWO and when the Cain and Able seen was happening the Devil took the infant and kept him till he found a woman and brought them together. The Devil said to the boy and his new wife that they were coursed. The boy cursed with the demon warrior symbol and the girl was cursed with the demon wolf symbol, and the Devil said "In six-thousand years a boy will be born at the cost of the lives of his parents and he will inherit the symbols of the two of you. Be happy you and your descendants have been chosen to have a hand in the deciding of the fate of the universe." So you see they are doomed to die and they fought about keys and tripping. Well back to the story this will be the last I speak to you by.] *...the lights dimmed and a diagram appeared under Jim, "What's happening?" Jim says in a panicky scared tone "you're now to fulfill the pact you and your wife have been destined to full fill", Said a vice that came from no ware. Jim about to ask what pact fell dead onto the ground as soon as a cry came from the room; his wife was in tow leaving the new life alone in a now lonely and scary world_. "Child you have been born cursed but I will see to it you be razed in a loving and caring family but you will because of the curse be alone and hated. I will be here so call me and I will be here for you."_ The Creator placed the new born on the door step of a couple who have dedicated their lives to following him and serving him and with a vision of a baby the wife awoke and went to the infant and named him Derk August McStar. *
Mr. McStar is no one popular and is not all that well known. He runs a small trade business with a well-known industrialist called the Dragon of the business world. A most ruthless business man, but when his supplier Mr. McStar brought his adopted 3 year old to work with him Mr. Dragon took interest in the small child. "Mr. McStar who is this little person you got telling you?" Mr. Dragon asked with a razed eye brow. "I am Derk. Nice to meet you", said the small boy. "Derk this is daddies' partner....well business associate." Mr. McStar corrected seeing a glare from Mr. Dragon. "Well I did not know it was bringing your son to work day." Mr. Dragon inquired to McStar. "It's not sir my wife is out of town and the babysitter could not make it. I did not think you would mind him staying in my office...sir." McStar said not making eye contact with Mr. Dragon. "Let us see... you are having money problems are you not." Mr. Dragon inquires after looking at a folder an intern handed him. "You are having trouble paying the Twenty-Four Thousand I loaned you last September it seems." The look on Mr. Dragons' face was pure amusement. "Sir I'm... I'm trying, payments have been nonstop you will g...g...get your money Sir." The fear could be tasted in the air all the employees had stopped working but too fearful to look at the beating McStar was receiving. You see the main reason this man is so powerful is that he started at the bottom and fought tooth and nail to gain the footing he has now and no one is going to ruin his empire, not now not EVER.
"SO WHAT WILL WE** do, about your outstanding debt Mr. McStar?" States Mr. Dragon still giving his intimidation grin, trying in vain to unnerve McStar. 'Man that look is not going to make me shift my stance. I must hold my ground if anything I must part ways with Mr. Dragon... no I will address him with his true name, Core Kre Tore.' Still deep in thought McStar did not notice Core looking curiously at Derk. The boy was drawing something on a piece of computer paper. 'What are you Drawing Boy' Core tries to communicate with the boy through telepathy thinking it would not work. 'Circles' Core jumps at the sudden reply but not enough for people to see, but McStar noted the sudden change in atmosphere even though it was only for a split millisecond. "Mr. Cor..." "SILENCE" yells Mr. Dragon. He was now looking at McStar with pure hatred and disgust. "You WILL meet me in my office ASAP" he turns and storms towards the elevators. He turns and motions to McStar. McStar Turns to a coworker that has knowledge of things most know not "Watch my son. If anything happens get him out of here. Dragon's getting a piece of my mind before this day is over." She nods and collects Derk and goes to her cubicle. "Where is my Daddy going Angie" Derk asks the coworker with a puzzled look upon his face. "Daddy is going to talk to Mr. Dragon now he will be bac..." she stops when the pressure in the room grew heavy, Angela grabbed up Derk and runs for the door. "Angie why are the people not moving? Are they frozen? Angie where is my dadd..." "Will you be quiet child your daddy is not coming back and I have to get you out of here. Your daddy told me to do this. Please bear with me and you may see your daddy again." Angela had Derk in her arms running down the stairs as if the world was ending. The boys' world was ending. All he knew, and loved were going to disappear and he did not know it. All of his questions were hard to answer and only his mother now could answer them.**