Justice - Tales of Crimson Wolf - Chapter 1
~Justice - Tales of Crimson Wolf~
-Main Character-
Name: Crimson Wolf
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Ferfnir, a Wolf sub-species with shape shifting skill allowing them to change freely from human shape to the normal Wolf shape at will. Ferfnirs cannot run at their top speed even when running as fast as possible on two legs in their human shape, and must run on all fours to reach top speed.
Personality: Generally calm and cool in personality, but he may become emotional when something personal comes up, or something of his past, they are sensitive subjects to him.
Other Details: Though not just any emotion, but some emotions he can turn to power in battle, sadness can be a motivator that improves his overall effectiveness in combat, while when anger reaches a very high point it can increase his shape shifting skill that comes with the potential to do even far greater damage to enemies, but only for a brief period of time; two minutes. This is called Emotion Channeling, though the fear emotion cannot be channeled into strength, however.
Appearance: http://fc00.deviantart.net/images/i/2003/52/5/2/do_the_fandango.jpg
This story follows through some of Crimson Wolf's past, and two other characters are of great importance as well, playing their roles in Crimson's life, one good, and one a most dishonourable and unforgivable being that always seems to be covered in armour from head to toe ( http://thelifestream.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Garland.png ).
A wicked, and mysterious foe after making an attempt to take Crimson Wolf's life, his name untold to him and it is known by no one else, he is a man that for some reason finds Crimson to be a serious threat, when the first attack he made that was intended to kill him had failed, he rethought things through and left the area, doing something most cold and heartless, to try lure him to come -to- him.
He went about with his huge and heavy sword, mercilessly slaughtering Wolves, unprovoked, and leaving a marking on a tree in the area of the packs of Wolves he has killed, a marking matching the one on Crimson Wolf's tail, as a sign to prove to him that he had been there and killed them, this would happen several times, and every time it would both deeply sadden, and infuriate Crimson Wolf everytime he witnesses this.
He had been through enough provocation from this mad man, after enough of this he dedicated all of his waking hours to pursuing him to put an end to his murderous ways. But on his travels, other things did indeed come up during his pursuit of the Wolf Slayer in a suit of cold, dark armour, and the journey begins now.
~Chapter 1: Revelation of Great Interest~
It all started when Crimson Wolf left from the pack of Wolves that raised him, to make a deal with the Hunters of a nearby village, to in return for his service, no longer hunt any more Wolves, then after fulfilling his part of the deal, returning to his pack to tell them this good news, only to discover they were all brutally killed, only being alive in the area aside from himself being a sinister looking man in a suit of cold, dark armour.
The mysterious one who had killed them all noticed his arrival, and gave him a cold stare, then noticed a particular marking on the two legged Wolf's tail, and spoke in a seemingly slightly surprised tone, saying "That marking, on your tail...!" he exclaimed, then became frustrated and after letting out a grunt, under his breath he added "I missed him...tch." With this he began to flee, to get outside of the forest to rethink things now that the target meant to be killed in his attack, was not among the pack during the attack, and lived.
But Crimson Wolf, furious, rushed after the man who massacred the Wolves in cold blood. "You're not going to get away with what you have done!" he cried out as he chased after the killer. But he started to turn around, swinging is huge sword, which extended way out with a chain, swiping at Crimson. He hadn't seen such a manner of weapon before, and was caught by surprise by this, and got struck by the heavy blade, knocking him back several feet, then crashing hard into the ground, bleeding from the cut from the blade that went pretty deep.
The enemy stopped for a brief moment, and with his back to him, he turned his head over his left shoulder, "When the time is right, Crimson Wolf..." he said suddenly, then ran off until he was out of sight.
"D-Damn it..." Crimson Wolf spoke, weakened from the heavy blow he just had taken. The killer had gotten away, for now at least, so he knew the first thing he should do is to get back to the village and get somebody to do something about the bleeding, he would grow slightly weaker with each passing minute.
On the way back to the village, however, he had grieved at the loss of the lives of the Wolves that raised him nearly his entire life growing up, when he saw them all lying dead in cold blood again. But during every moment his condition grew worse, he couldn't stay any longer, he dragged himself the rest of the way to the village, having little strength left by the time he got there.
Immediately one of the hunters he had just made an agreement with noticed him entering the village, and in a bad way. The man ran to him fast as he physically could, catching him from collapsing to the ground when he nearly had lost consciousness. "That is a nasty deep cut, damn... Who or what did this to you?" he asked Crimson Wolf, examining the slash in the lower left area of his torso.
Crimson Wolf tried to build up enough strength to speak, and slowly, he finally did. "A Wolf Slayer...man...in armour...killed...all of them...in...cold blood...he got...away...but the pack...of Wolves...they're all...dead......" he used up what strength he had to the point that he had now fallen unconscious after struggling to get these words out, his head had now lowered straight down.
The man was a bit disturbed by what he just heard, then grew more concerned when he fell unconscious. "Ah hell, he's out cold, and losing blood, he's needs a medic, nurse, or somebody, RIGHT NOW!" he shouted urgently, trying to get someone over to help, before long someone came over. But amongst all this going on, it naturally came to the attention of anyone currently residing in the village.
In the case of all but one, it was all humans there living within the village, the one who wasn't, the children liked being around and had fun playing with, so she was an exception, this being caught word that somebody just entered the village badly injured, being kind hearted as she is, she went through the village to seek out this person, but little does she know it isn't a person at all.
Eventually she ran into the one who was in bad condition, he was just about to be carried off to where the bleeding could be stopped, fix up the wound, and get the blood he would need to be able to make a full recovery, soon, with hopefully minimal time of recovery, otherwise he would go through more suffering of pain before getting all better.
She was set back when she saw what the wounded one looked like, then in a soft, but frightened voice spoke, "Oh, that cut, it looks so deep...he's bleeding bad!" she exclaimed, seeming shocked at the sight of it. "What happened to him to cause this?" she added, deeply concerned for the one with a very Wolf-like appearance.
"He said a man in a suit of armour, that killed a pack of Wolves, did this to him, but at the moment he is unconscious, he is going to be taken to where he can be cared for and able to recover..." after the man responded saying this, he looked over at Crimson Wolf, then back at her, and thought for a moment, "Sophia, you should let him be to rest for the time being, but I think you should meet him when he feels up to it, I'll mention you to him when he comes to, his name is Crimson Wolf." he added, as he thought they could be related, though keeping it to himself.
Sophia was seriously concerned for this Crimson Wolf's well being, he had lost a lot of blood and was cut up badly. "This just happened? You're acting like you already have been told he's alright, he's still weak to the point of not being able to stay conscious, are you really sure he's going to be alright?" she urged him to not take any of this for granted, and just because he is going to be getting cared for to heal him up and get his strength back, not to stop taking this seriously, mayhaps his condition improve without much time taken, or it may be much longer.
The man was slightly set back by her pushing him about with these words, as if to suggest he was acting like he was indifferent about what becomes of Crimson Wolf. He responded a bit sternly, "I am not sure I care for what you are implying here...I know well that this is very serious, and he did all of us villagers a great favour when he had eliminated the bandits that kept coming back here and up to no good, always causing problems for us, he deserves better than this, but even so, he is strong, I have a good feeling he's going to be just fine..."
After hearing this, she felt an apology would be in order here, "I am sorry, I just misunderstood you before...he has shown to be strong, so he should be able to pull through okay given time... I can only take your word for it, I just hope you're right. Because yes, I would like to meet him once they have finished fixing him up in there, if at all possible I would like to be there when he...regains consciousness." she said, with a smile on her face. She wished to be the first thing Crimson Wolf would see when he would come to.
"An odd request, you've never even met him, and he has not met you, what reason have you for this?" he asked, curiously as he continued to speak, saying "I will do what I can because it is for you, but I have to wonder what has you...drawn to him like this, so suddenly?"
Giving a little chuckle before answering, she replied with "I am curious about him, he looks like someone I think I should know, I guess I just want to see what his reaction would be if he awakens with me being there." no trace left of the little chuckle just prior to these words, but rather a slightly more serious look.
"An interesting response, I'll be sure to make sure you are let in as soon as they are done with him and are leaving him be to regain his strength and eventually, consciousness, at which time you should be there, as you wish, Sophia." he answered, confident that he would be able to have let her in to be by him before he has come to. "I'm going to go ahead and let them know of this in advance, so they will be expecting you, and let you know when you can come in." He started heading off after this, to where Crimson Wolf is going to be kept for the time being. As he did, he thought to himself "She has said she is a Ferfnir, which I have never heard of, then that Crimson Wolf says the same...could they be related...?"
Sophia thanked him for this, then the waiting game would begin, waiting until it was clear to go in, then she would get to see him again for hopefully a moment before he wakes. She starred up at the clouds in the sky, as they were becoming more abundant and dark, it started to look like it could start raining at any moment, she liked looking up at a clear blue sky, but now she just hoped rain wouldn't start coming down, at least not until she gets in to where she would be sheltered from it.
With this in mind, she was all the more anxious to get to where there would be a roof over her head, but she wouldn't take shelter elsewhere for the time being, but wait close by to receive word she could enter. There was much on her mind, she wondered how he was doing, if he was really going to be alright, what he is like, his past, practically anything about him, she knew nearly nothing of him at this time, she would indeed ask a few questions after she would of course, introduce herself to him when he sees her there.
Meanwhile, Crimson Wolf, still out cold, having the bleeding from the cut stopped, then it being cleaned for any bit infected it may be, then stitched it up, fortunately he was only very weak from blood loss, this was just a flesh wound, though a severe one. Since he was unconscious, they just tested to see what type of blood he has, to give him how much he needed to get his strength back after a while. This was all a bit unusual working around all the fur, it required more delicate work to not have any of it in his deep cut when it was stitched.
They had finished working on him, taking care of the nasty wound that had gone unattended for a little longer than would be ideal, but he grew weaker the closer he got, so his progress eventually got to a point it was very slow, but did fortunately reach the destination in time, and had his life saved for it. Once they were all done and had just left him to rest and recover his strength, they let Sophia know, and gave her the ok to come in, but don't be loud, or disturb him in any way, he would still have to stay put for a while until he would have his strength back to be out and around on his feet, or rather paws, again.
"Thank you," she responded, "I will keep quiet, I appreciate your allowing me to go in already." At this, the messenger simply smiled and gave a nod. Rain had just began to fall, mild at first, then as she was entering the building it soon started to teem down, she was most grateful the worst of the rain being held off until she got to shelter, as she stepped into the doorway, she turned to face back outside, looked up at the sky, then gave a smile, as if to say thanks, but this was all, no words came out, she would save words until Crimson would wake up and meet her.
Once she got in the room, she had a good look at him, as he lay still, motionless for the moment. She noticed some unusual crimson colored fur and markings on him, but aside from this, he looked much like her father, whose fur was all black, and was quite strong in appearance, Crimson Wolf appeared to be at least as strong, if not stronger, yet he was still quite young, she was a bit surprised, why he would feel the need to strengthen himself so was at this time beyond her, she was unsure what to make of it.
She remained nearby, but silent, after half an hour or so he began to stir a bit, but not much. He still felt pretty weak, but he struggled to slowly open his eyes, light brown in color, and as he did he noticed a two legged white wolf near him, it seemed familiar, but it was something he hadn't seen in many years. "You...is that you, mother...?" after he heard himself speak these words he immediately snapped out of it and realized his mother has been dead for many years. "Ngh...sorry, you just look like my mother... Who are you? I don't know you, so what brings you here...?" he asked, looking slightly confused, but mostly weak.
"I saw you badly injured, after you had apparently fallen unconscious, as one man of the village told me. You looked like someone I should know, and I've been very concerned about your condition, no one should have to suffer the pain that deep cut must cause you..." Sophia said, in a soothing voice, yet as she spoke these words, there was a trace of sadness in it. "My name is Sophia, and in case you are wondering what I am, I am a Ferfnir. And I heard of your name, Crimson Wolf, from that man that told me what happened...how awful, who could do such a wicked thing..." tears did not leave her eyes at this point, but when she tried to envision what it would have been like when it was happening, they did trickle down her furry face after this.
Crimson Wolf was shocked to hear that she is a Ferfnir, aside from his parents, he had never met another Ferfnir in his life before, she was the first. And he was touched by the emotion she had towards the Wolves that had been killed, she genuinely seemed to care a great deal about it. "I...yes, it hurts deeply, and you haven't any idea just how much so it pains me personally...that pack of Wolves...when my parents got killed by hunters, they took me in and cared for me all this time, since I was less than a full year old...it was very emotional when I discovered them dead, even though I was very young, I knew, dead is dead, they were gone for good..." he answered, not letting himself get too emotional as not to potentially worsen his condition.
Sophia became more saddened when he explained this, she felt for him, he sounds as though to have had a tough upbringing, a difficult past. "No...how can you go on when you have been through so much? I am truly sorry, my deepest condolences for that whole pack of Wolves...they are in a better place now." she spoke faithfully, something Crimson hadn't experienced much of, he hasn't really been sure what to believe or not, so he has never truly chosen any belief.
Crimson was once again confused by her words. "They are...in a better place? What do you mean by that? ...Heaven...?" he asked curiously, it seemed at this time to him that this Sophia might be at least somewhat religious. "And you said you are a Ferfnir...huh. I myself am one, and other than my parents, you are the only other Ferfnir I've ever met in my life..." Between this and how much she looks like his mother did, from what he can remember, a thought now crossed his mind; could she be related to him, somehow?
"Yes, Heaven, they only have followed their God given instincts, adapting accordingly to the behaviour of humankind, which seems to be becoming more twisted all the time, I fear..." she replied, wiping the tears from her face. "And odd, none of the Wolves in that pack were Ferfnirs? And you've never met one outside of immediate family...Crimson Wolf, do you have any siblings? You know, like any brothers are sisters?" she asked slyly, with a bit of a grin on her face suddenly, she quickly shifted from very sad to cheerful in a moment's time, she always tended to be good at it, being playful and innocent as she is.
"Siblings? Never really thought about it, when I lost my parents, I always thought of that had no more family left, they were all gone, they had no other Ferfnir cubs that I know of...but when I look at you, speak with you, and listen to your soothing voice, I am reminded of that innocence I would see of my mother, she was a beautiful creature, as are you...what did your parents look like, do you know what happened to them? And you clearly ran off...why?" he wanted to learn more about this Ferfnir named Sophia, and he was pretty sure she was the same, wanting to learn more about him. "My father was a Black Wolf, he basically looked like me, but without red fur...which I have never known why I have these strange markings...my mother's fur was pure white, like yours, with sky blue eyes, they looked as deep as an ocean, but beautiful as a clear, sunny blue sky..."
When she heard him saying this, she could hardly contain herself, she was positive Crimson Wolf is her brother. "Oh, Wolfy, it's you!" she giggled happily, with a smile across her face. She started answering his questions. "Hehe, you basically just described my parents! I am certain our parents are the same, making you my brother, and me your sister!" she was excited about this now, but hadn't yet thought what that would mean the fate of her parents were. "I know this is going to sound selfish, but I ran away to this village that was nearby with children in it, I thought they were a lot more fun to be around than my parents, and got along well with them, the people there gave me my name Sophia. So one day when I went there, well, I stayed there. As for what happened to my parents, I... Oh, no..." it just occurred to her, if her parents are the same as Crimson Wolf's, that means they suffered the fate he said his parents did.
Crimson Wolf knew it right away, after what she said before this, that she had realized what would have happened to her parents, seeing as it certainly would seem they came from the same two Ferfnirs, sharing the same parents. "Come on Sophia, it's alright, now that I know there is some family left, that you are my sister, I don't want you to be sad again. Like you said about the others, they are in a better place now, isn't that right?" he didn't dare try get up to comfort her more, but he did as best as he could using words, and used his knowledge of her faith she recently had shown.
This appeared to cheer her up again. "Yes, you're right. Really, thank you, Wolfy." she wanted to just hug him now, but she didn't know if it would be a good idea under the circumstances. "Hug? Or would it hurt you with your wound...?" she asked, in a cute, innocent tone, looking almost pitifully at him.
"...Where did 'Wolfy' come from? But if like to call me that, then I am fine with whatever makes you happy..." he stated, and he liked the thought of being given a hug, he never really got one, but he could really use that comfort to ease what pain he still is dealing with, both physically and emotionally. "Never gotten an actual hug before, but I know how it goes, one's arms wrap around somebody, and the other does the same back...I think comfort to ease my pain would be good, emotionally, and even physically, perhaps I can try forget about that for some time and relax despite it..."
Sophia stepped to the side of his bed and leaned down to reach out to hug him, lightly nuzzling her head against the side of his as she did. "And I don't have to call you Wolfy if you don't feel comfortable with it, you just look cute, and you're my brother, as soon as I realized it I had to call you by that name, you're that Wolfy brother that I deep down inside wish I had, now I know I do, and I am very thankful for it, this happened to you so I would hear about it, then we could meet, now that we know of each other, we don't need to be apart any more." she had a sigh of relief at this, then paused, awaiting Wolfy's response...
Crimson Wolf was a bit caught off guard when she nuzzled his head with hers when she hugged him. "Wasn't expecting that little nuzzle, not part of a hug...but it still felt nice, element of surprise didn't hurt." he replied, with a bit of a smirk on his face as he spoke. "And like I said before, I have nothing against it if that's what you want to call me, it is also easier to say than Crimson Wolf, so I don't blame you, and someone of your personality may like to call me that anyways...but huh, cute...never really thought of myself being cute...more like tough, or cool, I guess..."
"Well, guess I am just going to have to get to know you a bit better then, huh!" she said, smile never having left her face. "Would love to stick around here for a while longer, but you already have been talking for a bit, guess I should leave Wolfy to get some sleep and get your strength back, so you can have this done with then you can get out of here before long, I'll be by again to see how you're doing soon, but it is bye for now, you just try and relax, and rest, alright?" she had kept Crimson Wolf up long enough, she felt it was time to leave him to rest up for a while now, saying good bye, but to see him again very soon.
He nodded his head once, layed it back onto the pillow then closed his eyes and said "Very well then, good night Sophia, my dear sister, I'll see you soon..."
After this Sophia left him to rest for the time being, then he thought to himself "So I haven't lost all my family...now that I know there is someone, and not all has been lost, it is a huge burden off my shoulders...I get out of here, I'm not gonna ever let anything happen to Sophia, the last of the family I have left, I must protect her..." he then let himself fall into a deep, and peaceful sleep.