Justice - Tales of Crimson Wolf - Chapter 2

Story by -Crimson Wolf- on SoFurry

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~Chapter 2: A Noble Vow~

Crimson Wolf had been asleep for hours now, but rather than dreams, it was one long flashback of a past experience that happened not long ago at all (a heads up, the flashbacks generally tend to have more dialog to some extent), it began with two days ago, when he was back with his pack of Wolves that he grew up around, who were all getting quite old now. This was that time, the time when he told them what he was going to set out to do, to convince the hunters of the close by village to stop hunting Wolves, so they wouldn't have to continue to live in fear of being hunted down and shot.

he wanted to show his appreciation for the pack taking such good care of him through the years, so he told them he was going to speak with the people in the village, and try get them to agree to stop hunting the Wolves in the forest.

They all warned him strongly to not do this, he'll get himself killed, but Crimson Wolf told them he has to do this, he has to do something to repay them for their hospitality.

He was in his human shape, as he drew close to the village. He clung to a tree, the side facing away from the village, so he stayed out of sight at first. He called out from there, and waited for a response.

As he heard somebody's footsteps drawing closer to him, he heard a man say "Who's there? Where are you?". At this time Crimson Wolf spoke out to the man, just loud enough for him alone to be able to hear, no one else back in the village.

"Now wait a minute, I must explain myself before meet face to face, and state what business I have here." he said calmly, but in his usual, confident voice, he was hopeful for this to turn out well.

"Alright, I'm listening, stranger." The villager replied, lowering his guard, becoming less tense.

"First of all, who am I, you must be asking yourself." he said, continuing to speak at a not overly high volume. "You will find even my name to be unusual, but that will likely be the thing you will find least unusual about me. My name is Crimson Wolf, I am of the Ferfnir race, a race of humanoid Wolves, with the intelligence of a human, and the strength of a Wolf, and, as you can tell, capable of speech."

The villager not far from the tree Crimson Wolf was behind was refraining from bursting out laughing. "You expect me to believe that? Wolves can't talk, you're just some bored guy, hidin' behind one of these trees, trying to take me for a fool." He said, seeming insulted.

"No, I speak the truth." Crimson Wolf exclaimed. "Listen, if you come out to where you can see me face to face now, promise you won't freak out, causing alarm to the other villagers in the process."

After the man heard this, he donned a more serious look. "Wait, are you really serious?" He asked.

"Yes, very." he answered. "Now, do you give me your word to remain calm when you see me? Know that I mean no one any harm, in fact, I would like to arrange an agreement with you and the other villagers, perhaps be of service, and in return grant a request of mine in exchange."

"Okay, we are having a bit of a problem that you may be able to assist us with, if you're able." he said. He proceeded to advance towards the tree, then eventually to where Crimson Wolf was in his sight.

"Good heavens!" he exclaimed, but trying to keep his voice down. "You actually are one of those Furnif things you had described." He was setback when he saw for himself he was indeed as he said he is.

"It's Ferfnir..." Crimson Wolf corrected him, as he was crossing his arms. "Anyway, moving on. You said the village was having a bit of a problem I may be able to help you with?" he asked, willing to do pretty much whatever he may ask of him.

"Yes, you look more than able to handle the ongoing problem we've had with...a particular group of bandits." he replied, "But you say you want something in exchange? What might that be? The villagers just want to be rid of these Bandits that keep coming back to the village and I am sure will accept whatever you request in return for taking care of them. And by taking care of them I mean eliminating the bastards, so they won't be able to return again."

"So the task here, in short, is kill the bandits next time they come to the village, making it that last visit." Crimson Wolf said, acknowledging the villager's request. "This will be my end of the deal, now what I want in return directly involves the cooperation of the hunters, both any that are already here, and any that settle in the village in the future..."

"These words coming from a Wolf-like being like yourself, I think I have a pretty good idea of what you're going to ask; the hunters agree to stop hunting Wolves, and any hunters that come along must agree to this to settle in the village, or else we must turn them away in honor of this agreement. Correct me if I am wrong here." the villager answered confidently.

"Precisely." he replied, "If you could direct me to the hunters in the village, I should ask them if they can agree to this. It's that, or the bandits continue to pillage your village, I'm afraid, so they should be agreeable to my request."

"Aye...we've had all we can stand of those darned bandits, I can just hope that the hunters here can come to an agreement on this, so you can go ahead with watching out for when they come, which is never very far off, then you can swiftly strike and put an end to their criminal activities for good." the man responded.

"But before that, and no offence intended here, but you look an awful lot like a Werewolf to me, and I don't think you oughta be going into the village looking quite the way you do now. I have some clothing that I never wear, nor do I have any use for, but I think they would fit you, and it would give you a more civilized appearance." he said, "If you would, wait here a minute while I go get them, then you can put them on before the two of us together head into the village."

The villager made his way back to the village, heading into one of the buildings, his own. A minute or so later he came back out of the house and headed back for Crimson Wolf with a long coat, sweat pants and a belt. The pants had clearly been modified in the past to allow for usage of a belt with it.

"These clothes? They don't look like something some villager would own..." Crimson Wolf said, after the villager arrived back with the clothing. "But they look cool regardless."

"Well I'm glad you like them. I never bought them, they were given to me as a gift, but I never wear 'em, so you can have them." the villager replied, as he handed the clothing over to Crimson Wolf. "Here now, put these on and you should be good to go, and I gave some of the villagers a heads up on what you look like."

He put the clothes on, all of which fit well except for the pants being just slightly big, so he used the belt, and so with it they fit rather well. Ready to head into the village, the two of them went there and Crimson Wolf met with the hunters there, explaining the deal he and the villager come to, asking if they would agree to their part in it.

Being as eager as any of the villagers to be rid of the bandits, they ended up agreeing to his request for them to cease to hunt Wolves.

That night, the bandits came out sure as the moon in the sky, and when they drew close, he struck them all down swiftly, and very effectively. This victory was for the pack of Wolves that took him in and looked after him when he had no where else to turn. After this was carried out successfully, the villager who first came up to him, same person who had earlier given him the clothing he now wears, and suggested he stay there the night before moving on. Since the offer was put out, he decided to do just that.

When he woke up the next morning, he headed back to tell his old pack of Wolves the good news, that they wouldn't have to live in fear of the hunters any longer. But when he reached their location, his gaze saw all of them lying dead, and a man in a suit of armour with a large and powerful looking sword. At this moment, he woke from his slumber realizing that he could still be near, and he knew Sophia had been away for some hours, he feared for her well being, but knew he wouldn't be up to getting up and around, and certainly at least couldn't do anything much if he were to go, and find her in danger, because of the weakened state he is still in.

Turning his head slowly from one side to the other, looking across the room, he made sure she hadn't by any chance slipped back in there while he was not conscious, as she did before. He never mentioned anything to any of the passerbys to go locate her and make sure she is safe, he just remained silent, but in his mind concerned.

He could see that it was that it was a clear sky, seeing the bright blue sky after the clouds and then nightfall was somewhat relaxing, but his mind would not be at ease until he saw his sister, safe. Beginning to wonder how long he will have to be in bed like so, recovering, he became a bit anxious, but managed to stay put and not go make an attempt to go out to find Sophia, laying still for hours, lost in thought, until she eventually got there and Crimson Wolf was greatly relieved to see her, but didn't get excited because firstly, she may just be a bit confused by why he would be so concerned about her already, and secondly staying as still as possible would be advisable.

"Sophia, I'm very glad to see you safe, I have been worrying about you from ever since I woke up." he said as she was entering into the room. "I had a nightmare last night...but no, it was like a flashback, a quite recent one, then when I woke up to realize the armoured man that killed the pack of Wolves, that wasn't so far away from here, I had feared if he had come and harmed you...I really can't stay in bed much longer, got to get out of here soon, then I can stay by you and protect you, Sophia." he stated, no intention to ever let anything happen to her, being all he has left when it comes to family.

Sophia was surprised, pleasantly of course, that he is already so protective of her and concerned for her well being, but it was just one night away, the night after they just met, two complete strangers that happened to be very closely related. "Oh Wolfy, you were really that worried about me? We only just met yesterday, and I was only away for a little while, but I'm glad you're so protective of me, never had anyone show they care about me as strongly as you have, it's terrible you've had to go through so much loss...I understand you would be so protective of me because I guess I'm the only family you have left, which breaks my heart...you're the only family I have left too, so you're right, we have to look after each other now, we're all we have." Sophia hadn't stopped thinking about Crimson Wolf since she had left, thinking about how he was doing, and if today he would be feeling much better.

Crimson was glad she fully understood the situation between the two of them, as she spoke he became a bit teary eyed, it would seem she was very good at making him become emotional. Between the strong resemblance of his mother that she has, and the innocence about her and the words she would speak, it was almost as if it was easing what pain he still had from his injury, which he was recovering from very well, his body itself remained intact from it, after making up for the lot of blood he lost, he already felt a lot better when he first woke up, but to rush this too much could be very bad. "Good...I have a very smart and caring sister in you, Sophia..." he said as a couple of tears left his eyes, "...if at all possible, I want you to be able to be near by my side while I must be in here, so I can see that nothing happens to you while I am bedridden for a short time getting my strength back..."

She didn't want to be away wondering about his well being either, "Don't worry, I don't have to go anywhere, I'm sure I'll be able to arrange to be here with you while you are getting better, we can be together now, they've been very understanding about this, I am confident they could allow me to stay, when you need to rest, I will rest and not disturb your sleep." she replied, in a soft, gentle voice. The sun shined through the window, the heat of the rays keeping the room at a fairly warm temperature as they exchanged their words. "I know this is going to be difficult to hear, but try to not get too upset by this. While I was away I ran into an 'Adventurer' who..." she sighed before continuing, "how to put this...he saw a man in some goldenrod colored armour mercilessly killing a pack of Wolves with some unusual sword, for seemingly no good reason. When he started to run he shouted out at him, saying 'HEY! What the hell do you think you're doing!?' God forgive the language, I quoted him word for word..."

Stunned by this, Crimson Wolf was beside himself, he was setback by this man's mindless massacres, "No...tell me this isn't happening...what the hell is he trying to PROVE!?" he spoke angrily, but getting worked up by it aggravated him slightly. "Nnngh... Grrrr..." he growled, annoyed.

"No Crimson, you mustn't get worked up like that, you'll hurt yourself!" Sophia replied firmly, it must be understood by him that he keep his blood pressure down, not get worked up over things like this. "There's more. When he began to chase after him, he turned around and swung his blade at him, which appeared to extend from some chain, he was caught off guard but managed to get his large sword up in time to block the attack, they both recoiled from the impact, but the one who has been killing these Wolves recovered from it quicker, as he was rushed and took off and out of his sight. But after he was gone, he said he noticed something written on the ground, which said 'To Crimson Wolf: The Wolf Slayer has been here', apparently he marked that on the ground with his blade." she explained to him, as his mood remained a bit snarly.

"Grrr...so he gave himself some title now...as soon as I am out of here, I swear I will bring him to justice, believe this when I say it Sophia, his actions are punishable by death, he is a twisted man of evil and the only way to end his senseless murders is to put an end to his very existence...I will do what must be done, I was taken by surprise by the reach of his weapon, but now I know, I can bring him down for his most unspeakable sins, as of now I do vow to protect Wolves from him, by eradicating the threat on sight, the 'Wolf Slayer' won't get away with this..." he vowed, at that moment, to cease this Wolf Slayer's crimes, he would focus on tracking him down and eliminating him as soon as he be released from the room he had to be in for a short number of days.

His sister was strictly against any kind of violence, she was more than a little worried when he spoke these words, "I know this is truly awful what is being done, but I am strongly against violence and believe things could always be resolved without fighting and death...please, isn't there another way, Wolfy?" she emplored, wishing he would reconsider his method of approach for this matter and try to think more of another way, but this man has clearly lost it, there would be no reasoning with him, there would truly seem to be no other way.

Crimson Wolf merely turned his head to a side, and closed his eyes before responding with words, "I am sorry, but this man is clearly a heartless, cold-blooded killer, who seems to be calling me out by infuriating me by slaughtering all these Wolves...including that pack of Wolves that...raised me and looked after me since before I was even a year old...damn him...he took so much away from me, and for what...why..." as he thought more about everything, it shattered him, more than a couple tears fell now. He would know peace, when Wolves are no longer endangered by the one calling himself The Wolf Slayer.

It hurt Sophia to see him so upset, she went up to him to comfort him, gently setting her right paw on the side of Crimson Wolf's head, proceeding to gently brush his fur, which was somewhat soaked by his tears, then spoke very softly to him saying "We'll work this out, one way or another..." Crimson Wolf then looked at her opening his glassy, sorrowful eyes, but he couldn't for the moment manage to get a word out, overwhelmed. His eyes said it, he needed a shoulder to cry on. Sophia hugged him, not letting go for a few minutes as he grieved over the many loved ones he has lost in his life already, and he has so much of his life ahead of him still, he knew he could continue to lead a hard, difficult life. He cried softly, quietly.

The two of them spoke no words for nearly half an hour, while Crimson Wolf slowly overcame his sadness and settled down. By this time, the bright shine of the sun through the window was a little weaker, and it was no longer shining directly through it, but partially. At this point, Sophia was seated nearby, she finally decided to say something once Crimson Wolf had appeared to be calmed down. "That adventurer, he was curious about the name that message was wrote to. I told him about you, and while he never mentioned his name, he said he'd like to meet you when you can come out. He seems like a pretty energetic young man, and strong enough to handle a large sword with considerable ease, seeing as it is quite big... So are you planning to meet with him then, or should I tell him to move on and not wait around here?" she asked.

He gave it little thought before replying, "Fine, I'll see him...once I am out of here. But he doesn't need to be in here, he can wait, find some place to rest a night or two until I can get out." he said, then taking a pause before adding "If you need to go to let him know to stick around, please come back quick, clearly the Wolf Slayer has still been nearby, whether he is heading elsewhere right now or not, can't afford to take chances on you, just return as soon as this guy gets the message that I'll see him when I get out, probably in a day or two..."

Sophia nodded and said "Yes, I'll be right back, Wolfy." before she headed out to tell the man Crimson Wolf would see him when he gets out. He was waiting not very far from the building, she went just as far as to tell him the message, "Crimson Wolf says he'll see you once he gets feeling strong enough to b released, which should be a day or two." she said, then still not knowing the man's name, she asked "If I may ask, what is your name? I guess you planned to wait until you met with my brother, but it is just a name, and I am his sister..." The 'adventurer' was slightly surprised by how she seemed to be pressing for him to say his name, and found it unexpected to come from her. "Whoa, easy there girl! I was going to tell you my name anyways, no need to be pushy, right?" he replied, taking a step back. "...I don't think I was being -that- pushy about it." Sophia retorted. "Well anyways, my name is Zekery..." the man cleared his throat, then said his name more clearly, "Zachary. Excuse me."

She found his behavior to be a bit odd, but at the same time amusing, "Certainly. And nice to meet you, Zachary. As you know, my name is Sophia." she reached her paw out to offer a handshake greeting as she spoke. "Yes, you told me you were Crimson Wolf's sister Sophia a little while ago, and nice to meet you too." he replied, as he reached out to accept the handshake. "Would you believe this is the first time I've ever shook someone's paw?" he joked, with laughter in his voice. "I might!" she answered, with a friendly chuckle back.

She remembered she told 'Wolfy' she wouldn't be gone long, so she bid Zachary farewell for the time being, "Ah, you seem fun, but I told my brother I would be right back so he wouldn't have to worry, guess I should head back, I may not see you again until he gets out, so goodbye for now, Zachary, stick around and I'll see you in a day or two." she said as she started walking. She turned around while she was walking off to wave back, but as she tried to keep walking, she stumbled a bit causing her to lose her balance, embarrassingly falling back on her rear, catching herself with her paws to at least prevent her torso from crashing into the ground. Zachary started over to see if she was alright, when she saw him coming over she said "It's alright, I'm okay now, that was just a little embarrassing..."

She stood back up, then expected some kind of a response from Zachary. "Nah, accidents happen. Don't sweat it, you got that?" he spoke encouragingly, not making some joke from it. "Alright, thanks." she replied. "No problem. And most people just call me Zach, rather than that whole seven letter name, you feel free to do the same."

"Okay then, Zach, I'll see you in a day or two. Until then you just take care of yourself. I think I'm just going to keep walking and not twist back around to wave this time, if you don't mind..." Sophia, even though Zach took it well, she was still embarrassed about the fall. "Haha, I don't blame you! See ya Sophia." Stumbling no more, Sophia finally headed back to where Crimson Wolf was being kept for a few days, relieved to see he didn't seem to have worried yet. "Hi Wolfy, I'm back. That guy's name is Zachary, or Zach for short, and he actually seems to be a really good guy! Although, he was a little touchy at first, if you ask him something, try word it carefully or he might think you're being pushy..." she spoke as she entered his room, looking cheerful as usual.

Crimson Wolf noticed a bit of dirt on her, "Did you fall trying to hurry back here before I would start worrying? You aren't hurt are you?" he asked, looking concerned. "Not at all, it was just a little stumble when I turned back to wave goodbye to Zach as I was walking back here, it's nothing." she replied, as she seated herself near Crimson Wolf's bed, as she had been.

He looked slightly nervous as she sat down, "You should have been sure to not get any of that dirt off on the seat, they probably won't like it." he commented, being his overly cautious self, not wanting her to do anything they may not much like. "And if I didn't emphasize so that you hurry back, you likely wouldn't have stumbled if you weren't as rushed..."

"Don't be silly!" she exclaimed, "I headed back here when I was done speaking with him. I didn't even run, just when I tried to keep walking over here while turned around and waving, I didn't end up multitasking very well, it seems." she said, with an embarrassed look on her face as she finished.

As Crimson Wolf saw the expression on Sophia's face, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Why the funny face, Sophia? Ferfnir can stumble too." he remarked. "But anyways, until I am out of here, besides throughout the night obviously, I need to sleep for a while at least once during the day, not as long of a rest though, but still crucial for quickly getting my strength back fully, so if you don't mind..." he had his sentence interupted with a yawn, then finished, "I think I might sleep for a bit now, I feel like I could doze off... Just don't wander off, okay?" then proceeding to rest his head back, closing his eyes.

"Alright, you just get yourself good and rested up today and through the coming night, then maybe you can get out tomorrow!" she responded, with hopes that if he rests up enough throughout the day he would be out tomorrow. "So, I'll just um, rest right here for a bit then, I guess."

"Shhhh......" Crimson Wolf subconsciously shushed her, as he was fast entering slumber from just before she started speaking. Sophia's head perked up in an almost startled manner at this, then after a short number of seconds she leaned a little closer to his head and called to him; "Wolfy...?" in a soft, fairly quiet voice. He had no response, aside from a flick of the ear that she spoke near.

'He's already out cold...' she thought to herself, as she slowly leaned back into the seat, being careful not to make much noise as she did. Less than an hour later, Crimson Wolf still fast asleep, he began to snore mildly, while it wasn't loud, it was noticeable. Sophia had been able to successfully stay asleep for little more than half an hour of the time between when he first started dozing off, and now. She was currently awake, and noticed him snoring a bit suddenly, 'Aw, he looks so cute!' she thought, as she watched him as he was in a deep sleep. Her eyes continued to stare right at Crimson Wolf's face, his mouth just slightly open, enough to see a bit of his fine white teeth. Bored, she continued to think to herself, 'Wonder how long he'll stay asleep like this.' she eventually just nodded off to sleep, not to wake until after Crimson Wolf would awaken.

Five hours later, he came out of his siesta, to notice Sophia was asleep at the moment. She was leaned back in the chair fully, her head not back, but facing directly down, suggesting she may have nodded off. No matter if Crimson tried to hear any snoring noise come from her, it was just the faint sound of ordinary breathing, she didn't snore at all as she slept, and her mouth was fully shut. He simply watched her, admiring as it was a silent, peaceful slumber, she looked very innocent, and cute. He had plenty of time to wake up quite sufficiently before Sophia woke up, likely watching him sleeping so heavily made her become so sleepy.

"It is dusk..." he said, looking out the window, and as Sophia began to stir, opening her eyes. "Sophia, sorry if it is a bit intrusive, but I've been awake for a short bit of time now, and have mostly been watching you sleeping. You looked very peaceful, and you barely made any noise while you were asleep, it was almost oddly relaxing, it is just nice to see you right here, knowing you are safe."

After having seen him in a deep slumber before, she was slightly surprised he was awake some time before her, and that so much time passed that the sun was now setting. "I don't mind really...because I did the same thing!" she said, with a sly grin. Crimson Wolf wasn't overly surprised, his expression remained unchanged, which was a relaxed look, but still plenty alert to any going ons. "And I'll take your words as compliments, so thank you. Wanna know a bit about the results of my little sleep study on you?" she asked teasingly, putting her two paws together by the right side of her head, then tilting it.

Crimson was indifferent about it, seeming like a rather dull topic, "It's a pretty boring subject, why not come up with a more interesting topic? All the same to me, if you want to say it and then move onto something more exciting, feel free, my ears are open..." he replied, as he propped himself up slightly more on the bed.

"You probably think this is pointless, but I bet you at least once have wondered if you ever snore in your sleep, Wolfy." Sophia made a soft little chuckle after this comment, continuing on to give the 'results'. "I could first tell you were drifting off to sleep after you shushed me going 'shhhh...', which-" "I shushed you while you were speaking? Sorry, I mustn't have been very awake." Crimson Wolf interrupted apologizing, "It just startled me a little, think nothing of it." she answered, giving a warm smile before proceeding, "I tested to see how awake you were after that by getting closer to you and saying 'Wolfy' just once, you had no response other than the ear I spoke near giving a flick. You were out like a light, from my observation you don't have much trouble just shutting down and falling asleep when you want to. And you can be quite a heavy sleeper, I fell asleep myself for a short time early on, then woke up to notice you were snoring, you looked so cute so fast asleep..."

At this point, he was becoming a bit embarrassed, "Uh..please Sophia, it's embarrassing." he turned his head to a side slightly, shifting is eyes a bit more towards the same direction. "Aw don't worry, I'm almost done with it, I just need to finish." she said, with a mischievious look on her face, which Crimson Wolf did not see. "Your mouth was open a bit when I woke up to you snoring, but don't worry, the snoring was just noticeable, it wasn't very loud. I could see your nice, white teeth, some good chompers you've got, and in your mouth through those of course I could see your cute, slobbery pink tongue, you looked really adorable, then I just nodded off while I leaned back in the chair, watching you in a deep slumber, I guess it made me really tired for me to fall asleep and not wake up for several hours." she laughed quietly before adding "That is all for my report, now are you gonna blush Wolfy?"

He rolled his eyes before replying, "No... Just a little creeped out." he said, looking directly at her, also noticing to the side that the light outside had become quite dim by this time. "That Zachary guy should have found himself some place he can stay overnight, I have every intention to be out of here tomorrow morning, I feel quite strong, pretty normal, so another full night's rest, which apparently you know I should have no problem with sleeping through well, I should be more than ready, and good to go. It was only a flesh wound after all, replace the lost blood, stitch it up and I can make a quick, full recovery." spoke one confident Crimson Wolf, sounding tough. "After the obligatory meeting with Zach, I will hunt down the Wolf Slayer, and ease the fears and so forth of any Wolves along the way. Stick close to me on my travels and I will keep you safe. I know how you feel about violence Sophia, but sometimes fights are inevitable. I have the strength to protect you, and keep myself in good health."

"But why...there must be another way, that doesn't have to bring about the end of lives!" Sophia exclaimed, becoming only mildly upset. Crimson looked directly into her answer-seeking eyes, and reasoned with her, "Listen, some situation where some wild creatures encounter you, and they have set in their minds it is either they kill or be killed, and changing that mindset is something of an ordeal, one has to do what he has to do...surely you would not rather I let myself be killed?" "No..." "Look, believe me, I try to minimize unnecessary losses, there has already been far too much, I know... Even when I was within that Wolf pack, I knew I wasn't the same, and would live much, much longer, so I would strengthen myself regularly, for I knew one day I would need to have the strength enough to make up for lacking the advantage of outnumbering as a pack. Now I can only hope it was enough, enough for me to take down our kin's biggest threat; The Wolf Slayer, by myself, face to face..."

Sophia could understand what he was saying, but still strongly believed there to be some way around the fighting and conflict, and resolve things in a more peaceful manner. The two of them continued to speak back and forth for a few hours before they both agreed to go to sleep for the night. But Crimson Wolf had a little request for Sophia. "Sophia, after tonight it is going to be a very long road ahead, the rest of our lives. I ask if you would bring the chair up to the side of the bed, and if you would rest your head near mine, so that we may closer to each other, comforting each other for the night, for who knows what nights to come will bring, we may even not be able to settle in one place long enough for a good rest very often..." he said, speaking quietly as the hour was fairly late now. "You're probably right... Either way, I'd be happy to rest by your side for the night, Crimson Wolf, I know you have to have so much on your mind..." she answered, as she shifted the chair over.

"Thank you, Sophia. I hope that chair isn't too heavy..." he spoke, as she was finished moving the chair over to the side of his bed, and near the head of it. "Nope, quite light actually, but thanks for your concern." she replied. Now seated by his side, she gently laid her head down on the bed near Crimson Wolf's head, feeling considerably tired, enough so to go to sleep at any moment. Her eyes looked lazily up at Crimson's face, but warmly. He noticed some of the fur on top of her head looked a bit ruffled up, he gave the fur a few gentle licks to straighten it out, grooming it, "There..." he spoke softly. Sophia appreciated his kind gesture, but didn't say anything, just closed her eyes and smiled, though Crimson Wolf did notice this, so he took it as thanks. He laid his head down by hers, and whispered with a humorous comment; "I'll try not to snore..." before he closed his eyes, and put an arm around her. The two of them then went to sleep for the night, not knowing what might await them ahead.