The Good Days-Prophecey
Erin,John and co. Just arrived in Oreburgh City. It smelled of Machines,rocks,and sweat? "Finally"they said in unison"Ill be first to battle Roark!"both Erin andJohn sighed. they looked at each other with determination in their eyes "Not of i can...
The GoodDays-Electrifing Performace!
"Ahh Jubilfe City"Erin sighed"It took us two days when it was supposed to take two hours." "Your the one who had to go out and catch the riolu."John said annoyed "Yeah I did" she high fived riolu and mocked John. "Rio,Riolu..." "Fine well meet at...
GoodDays-old grolithe new tricks
.......(Chansey's POV)....... "you insane son of a Snotoutland"I said fear "Shut up before i make you"he sanrled "what could you do anyway?". \*Riolu is one of my favs that's why I choose one\* I stayed silent becuase i knew I probably shoudnt...
TheGooDays-New friend
Erin was first to wake up.When she felt a small weight on here legs she realized she fell asleep siting up,with Blake in her lap."Crap my back hurts" she sighed with a small moan.a small sound exscaped the tent next to hers and it was John no...
The Good Days
It was a warm sunny day in Twinleaf town,Bidoof and Rattata playing,Staly and pidgy composing a chorus.Today was a awsome day for one ecstatic 18year old named Erin she was going to uget her partner Pokemon and officially become a trainer.She ate...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon:Gates To Infinity
_Hm_?You think to yourself as you awake to a dream._What is that_?you see a bright light glowing a little bit in front of you."H-H-Help..."a faint voice says,barely a whisper." help,You will be that help..You look feel very...
A New Love at chance
Erin was slowly coming too with a burning sensation in her neather realm. While she was clearly not in the bathroom anymore evident to the bug types roaming hear and there,Her memmory of the previous events where flowing back to her. "Where's that...
The Good days-A Aura to Behold
"Go,Riolu!"Erin said triumpantly. "Lets go Onix!" It was a match betweem Roark and Erin. John was a little agitated since he couldnt go first,bit was suportive of his very,VERY close friend. "This will be a three on three match."An pokemon Ref...