TheGooDays-New friend

Story by ChibiCharmander on SoFurry

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Sorry the first was soo short but it was ma first so,this will be longer it took me a couple days

Erin was first to wake up.When she felt a small weight on here legs she realized she fell asleep siting up,with Blake in her lap."Crap my back hurts" she sighed with a small moan.a small sound exscaped the tent next to hers and it was John no doubt.

"Guees i should cook"when she thought about it she realized she never battled with Blake.I should catch another Pokemon or at least train him.She woke Blake up,told him what they were doing and found a few Starly.

..........(Erin's POV)..............

"Blake use pshchock!"

a few abjects like twigs and pine floated around Blake before flying towards a Starly,knocking it on the ground open for attack.

"Use pound!"Blake smaked Thea starly with a audible smacking sound".Knocking it out cold."

"our first win"i said in glee!"

........(Blake's POV)...........

(I feel stronger)

(almost as if defeating opponents a makes me stronger)

"You did great Blake"Mistress Erin said as she praised me.

"Only becuase you told me what to do"

"You did all the work silly"she retorted

........(normal POV)........

John woke up with cosmi after Erin cooked.

They ate and left to Jubilife city.

Appearenly they werent to far away and both trainers and Pokemon were feeling quite stupid that they set up camp first place.

"Oh well John sighed guess past is past."

"It was your idea to set up camp ya goof"Erin grunted.

"I could have slept in the Pokemon center"she commented loudly

The Pokemon of the group were chuckling lightly at that.

On the outskirts of the civilization Erin saw something out if the corner of her eye.

"I think I saw something"she sighed.

"what did you see?"

"Like I know!?"

"well we should go and see."

they followed her view of sight and ended up standing in front of a thug who seemed angry"Gimme your money or Riolu will snap you like a twig"

"Our Pokemon don't thinks so"Blake and Cosmi focused their minds.

"Fine then if i win I get your money if u win you can have this worthless wimp of a Pokemon"

"How dare you say that about your friend"she ane John looked surprised as the thug realesed the riolu in subject,which had bruises and scratsees and bumpes all over its body.

"I refuse to fight a Pokemon in such a poor condition"Blake uttered

"Use hypnosis anyway"

Blake shoot several rings of energy and cuased Riolu to fall asleep.

"Cosmi Psybeam on that guy"

the white bows on Cosmi's body glowed a rainbow then shot of one beam of pure psychic energy frome her forehead,which was lunched toward its target and made its mark.

"That's for abusing a living creature you son of a houndoom".John triumphed

"Your ganna pay kids!"the the had a shocked look on his face and ran off.

"Here take this wimp!"He threw a pokeball at Erin which she cuaght and ran to Riolu and put him inside."Don't worry Riolu ill protect you"were the words she mumbled the ran to Jubilife City.

She ran to the Pokemon center and demand Nurse joy heal riolu.She placed the n all on a scanner and took riolu's ball to a Chansey,And Chansey to it to the back room. "May i ask why he's in such a bad condition?"

"He was being abused by his trainer"Erin also sighlent ly swearEd at him under her breath.

"Oh my would you like the Riolu to be officially yours?"


"Ok then,ill make officer Jenny investigate this dont worry."

...........(Chansey's POV)...........

"Bad Riolu get back in your ball or ill tell nurse joy"

"I will once you tell me where the hell i am"

"Jubilife City"

"Now get in your ball nurse Joy will be here"

"Not till I've had my way with you"

"What do you mean?"

Just then Riolu broke the window and pulled Chansey out with her screaming

Her screams fell on death ears.

.......(authors note).........

what is riolu doing to Chansey?

Why is he?

If you are old enough continue on to next chapter.