The Good Days

Story by ChibiCharmander on SoFurry

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I do Not own Pokemon i wish I did ide be sooooooo rich.This is a remake of first chapter.There will be some chapters where u must be old enough.

UPDATE:Just a few minor tweaks

It was a warm sunny day in Twinleaf town,Bidoof and Rattata playing,Staly and pidgy composing a chorus.Today was a awsome day for one ecstatic 18year old named Erin she was going to uget her partner Pokemon and officially become a trainer.She ate breakfast and went with her friend John to Sandgem town.Little known to John,Erin secretly had a chush on him. She was a little envious since John already had a Pokemon.From the newest Region Unova she was a Gothita named Cosmi.She could even talk to John telepathicly!But her jealousy was something she didn't dwell on.

................(Erin's POV)...........

He's so cute i can't stay made at him......for long at least.

If only me and Cosmi had better vibes maybe i could get close to him,but when I try she glares at me as if im a imprisoned criminal.*sighs*Oh well i guess it's not time.

John noticed i was deep in thought,"what's wrong?" "nothing!" I mental facepalmed myself as i said that to quickly.Cosmi telepathicly laughed at me.I said nothing as i knew she was reading my mind.(don't think it,don't think it )then John looked at Me as if he was concerned.thats where I made a serious mistake.Cosmi looked at me evilly. (Please don't tell him)i thought to her why do you hate me Cosmi? "I don't"Cosmi actaly said it sincerely. )So then why would you do that stuff to me you know I love him deeply) "I was envious of you"(why?) becuase you found someone you can love."you should tell him before you lose him"(Cosmi im)"shhh" dont bother" apologizing its my fault just tell him"(ok)with those words i had a better understanding oh her.I was ganna tell him.

...............(normal POV)........

"Hey John" i said playing with my hair."Hm"he said in a innocent way.

(Crap,did it have to be so hard)thanks Arceus thanks.If only she knew Arceus was laughing his ass of but she didnt know.No one knew."Um I have to tell you something"He stopped in front of me "ahh Sandgem Town where I met you Cosmi"

John sighed with a huge grin."Lets go get your Pokemon now Erin!"

(Thank you Arceus!)Arceus didn't find it funny and though about sending a thunder to her but didnt.We walked in town,went to Professer Rowan's lab and he said there were no Pokemon that were official starter Pokemon of Sinnoh.Only a couple of starly and a ralts he gave me a pokeball asked if i wanted to give him a nickname

"is it male or female?"male of course"his name is Blake"i said annoyed "we'll thats just fine!" Then he blabbed on for a hour. John forced himself awake.We left after that."So what did you want to tell me?"That I like that we both have Pokemon "

he knew she was lying but didn't dare say anything.

...............(Erin's POV)...............

"you should probably release Blake to learn more bout him"John said none caringly with his hands behind his head.

"Good idea" I pushed the middle on the red/white ball and a white flash erupted from within.Blake Appered and stood on my shoulder,he talked telepathically to me" bout time Erin!you had me crammed in that little ball"."well I need help setting up camp,Johns sleeping."she glanced over to the male in subject who was snoring loudly,Cosmi siting on him.......five mins later.......everyone was in their tents exchanged goodbyes and went to sleep.

Hope you liked.took me three hours????what a relife im done.