The Good Days-Prophecey
New Destiny?
New ally?
New foes?
Read and find out.
Erin,John and co. Just arrived in Oreburgh City.
It smelled of Machines,rocks,and sweat?
"Finally"they said in unison"Ill be first to battle Roark!"both Erin andJohn sighed.
they looked at each other with determination in their eyes
"Not of i can help it!"again they said in unison.
"Stop copying me!"
"Here we go again"Blake said.
"They should have their own show"Cosmi lolled.
"Will you two just kiss already!"Riolu shouted
Only Blake and cosmi luaghed leving both trainers wondering what was said.
"I hear theres a hot spring in the mine."erin stated
"Well lets go there Cosmi is a little.....stressed"
"What was that!"cosmi said eyes glowing
So they went inside the mine
avoiding the swings of Onixs' tails and Geodudes' punches
They arived inside a small cavern with a pool of clear cerulean water. It had small diamonds petuding from the sides.
"Wow"was all they could say.
"SUICUNE!"a pokemon said.
Then a blue blur sped Towards them running on the water
"Suicune?"Erin said."Underground,In Sinnoh?"
"Yes humans"
Both looked shocked at the legendary in front of them.
"Dont be shy all legendary pokemon can use telepathy"
They calmed a little,Yet still in shock of the Pocket monster in their north.
"Why...are you here?"
"Suicune only appear to those worthy Chosen one."he said gesturing to Erin
Erin was beyond shocked
"Yes i have come to ask of you"
there was a new atmosephere in the cavern.
something was lurking in the water.
Then a small beige horse-like pokemon with a red mane.jumped put on top of the water.
It was shooting water out of its hooves.
"Hello master ive been waiting"it said in a childlike telecinetic voice.
Erin pulled put her pokedex and pointed it towards the colt.
"Keledo the colt pokemon".the animatronic voice beppec.
"Its parent were killed by a large fire."
"It shoots water out of its hooves to walk on water".
She put the device away and stared at it.
"Keledo im your?"
the pseudo legendary's only response was a simple nod.
"I will test you." Suicune said "If you can defeat him you may catch him."
Erin was still shocked.
She studered but replied
"Your on Keledo!"
Since Keledo was part fighting type,She sent out Blake.
"Blake if you win Keledo will join us."
That only kade Blake more Determined.
"Alright Erin lets go!"Blake shouted
Keledo's Horn glowed,and then he charged at blake.
"Blake intercept with pshcic!"
The ralts eyes glowed and Keledo stop in place.
"Perfect,Now slam him!"
Blake levitated him off the ground an let him go to hit the floor.
"Good one master."
"Thank you Keledo."
"But not good enough"
Keledo charged at Blake at a speed almost blinding,covered in water.
"Protect" Erin shouted at second.
The shard on Blakes head glowed and he spread out his arms,a green aura surounding him.
They colided,the aquajet dissapating and protect shatering.
"Ill end this now Blake psyco cut!"
"Ralts dont use Psyco cut."John said from sidelines
"Just wait."Erin replied
Blake's hands glowed and he lashed them in a slashing motion sending a purple wave towards Keledo.
Keledo slashed with his own horn ,blocking it then he stood on his hind leds and shoot a huge beam Of water from hos hooves.
The attack sped toeards Blake.
"Curl it around you!"
Blake put out his hands,and swoshed the water around him towards Keledo.
Keledo took it head on Passing put on impact.
"Ha He can dish out but cant take!"Blake said
Erin pulled out a pokeball only to stop when two large robotic arms came out of the darkness and curled around Keledo.
"What is this!"Riolu said
"Prepare for trouble."A voice said
"And make it double."
Two people with white uniforms walked out with a remote pointed towards a rover holding a tired Keledo.
"To protect the world from devestation!"the femine one said.
"To unite all peoples within our nation"The male followed up.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Jessie"the female said
"James"Stated by the male.
"Team rocket blast off to the speed of light!"
"surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meoth!Thats right!"A meoth said appearing out of the shadows.
"Who are you?Give Keledo back!"Cosmi barked.
"Who are we?Do we need to say the motto again?
"Prepare for..."Jessie was cut off "Blake!,Psyco cut those psycos!"
Meoth slashed the purple blade dissolving it.
"A talking meoth!"Erin cryed.
"Yep,the only"meoth said proudly.
"Take this Psycic rat!"
James pressed a botton and the arms sent put a blue beam that hit Blake freezing him."
"Blake!"Erin shouted.
"Riolu forcepalm!"John rebuddled
Riolu hit the Ice making it shatter.To reveal a Kirlia Loud and proud.
"Erin are you ok?"
"Yes im fine,there getting away"
The odd group was thirty feet away from their original spot.
"No the arent!"
Blake twirled around and a barage of psyco cuts went flying towards the machine.
It severed the arm realesing Keledo and cuasing it to explode.
The blast put a hole in the room and the three were sent flying.
"We're blasting off agaiiiiiiin"they shouted and dissapered Out of sight.
"We gatta get Keledo to a pokemon center catch him Erin"John yelled running out.
Suicune had dissapered.
"Ok"She threw a pokeball at the colt.
It never shook once.
She grabed it recalled Blake and Riolu and ran with John out.
After thirty minutes or desperate running,They made it to the Clinic.
"Good to go!"Nurse joy chimed.
"Would you like to nickname the pokemon?"
"Hmmm,Ill name him Tidal"Erin puffed
"Exelent name for a Water type"
(a little stereo type)nurse Joy thought to herself.
the nurse turned to a computer amd typed in a few things.
"Lets to Erin!"an empatient John.
"Wait!,what happened to ladies first?"
"Gym Battles before ladies."
It was nighttime in Oreburgh.Erin opened keledo's ball and with a flash of light,he was realesed.
"Please call me Erin"
""the words sounding forien in his maw.
"John's beating you."
Erin turned to see him runnig towards the gym.
"You little Snorlax!,get back here!"
"Hm...nah!"John stuck his tounge out.
"Great he'll be first."
"I could cary you."Keledo offered.
"Your shorter than me."
"Im part fighting"
Erin's eyes gleamed as she remembered.
she sat on his back and Keledo jetted of ising water-propulsion.
"Hi John"Erin said in a sing-songy voice as she passed him.
John couldnt help but stare at her.
"So majestic.."John blushed
he then snapped out of it and contiued running