Marry Me
The world swims around me in a peculiar haze. I can't focus, for some reason, and my heart seems to be trying to burst out of my chest. Something constricts my throat and prevents me from speaking. My skin is clammy, cold, yet I feel hot beneath my...
A Strange Day Out
So there was this rabbit. And one day, this rabbit - I think his name was Jacky; Jacky O'Hare (on his father's side, I believe) - got up, looked out of the window of his little bachelor warren and saw that it was an absolutely perfect Spring day. The...
Fairyland Magic
Cinderella and Prince Charming were married, and everyone rejoiced. The country was safe, offspring were guaranteed (an heir and a "spare") and the fairy-tale ending was had by all. Except it didn't quite work out that way. See, Cinderella - real name...
Can you help me, my dear friends, . to support my kin and not to simply shelter, to encourage them and not resort to force, to guide and not to drive before me, to show the way and always from the front; . to follow on but never follow...
most people think they know what they want. no, most people don't think about it, they just go with their feelings and live each day. they accept what they're told, they do what they 'should' and they go with them. you dare to think about what you...
Love in the West Forties
One fair evening it so happens that I am passing the corner of Forty-Seventh and Broadway, minding my own business as a fur is wont to do, when I spy the sight of Freddy Two-Stripes leaning against a doorway talking to an elderly jaguar dame by the...
Return of the Shaggi
After Lone Star and Princess Vespa were married, they had a son. Let's call him Jim. And all was well. It looked as though he might have inherited his father's powers, and that was good. Then Vespa became pregnant again, and this time they had a...
"Imagine yourself as a lake... as a large pool of water..." The voice in my ears was soft, steady, mellifluous, calm. "A large... still... body of water... no ripples... no sounds... Just utter, utter stillness... "Now imagine yourself looking at...
Of Questions and Unwanted Answers
The next few days were quiet and without incident. My two guardians, Brighteye the cremello and Swiftsure the roan, barely left the cave except for some exercise two or three times a day. Only one left me alone at a time, and it was easy to know when...
What We Call a Dreamweave
"Dragon! Seth! Wake up! \*WAKE UP!\*" A voice is shouting my name, impelling me into wakefulness. The violent earthquake resolves into simple bodily shaking. As I think about opening my eyes, it dawns on me that it is Celestia's voice, and when I do...
Things Happen
I had fallen asleep under the ministration of the pony. It was fascinating to watch their horn glow, see the change of their expression as they concentrated, and then their horn would glow again. There was a peculiar feeling in my back: something was...
No Idea
So, what happened... It's a little hard to explain. In my mind's eye I could see ponies, flying around, and I had this weird feeling of falling, as though my wings wouldn't work: they felt numb from the muscles to the ends of my fingers. I fell through...