The Outlander 1 10

**10** The battle was lost, the defense volunteers had put up a brave fight. However their efforts were in vain against the ranks of scorpion cavalry, and rifle-rats had all but wiped out the archers with their black-powder weapons. Jagee was up on...

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The Outlander 1 8

**8** The two days passed slowly, the training of the volunteers was proving difficult. Many of them were peaceful folk who had never seen a sword let alone wielded one. However, some were more suited to the bow than the blade. Sandokhan thought it...

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The Outlander 1 7

**7** Lon had heard more distressing news. Jinkai had fallen, Yoshino was all but conquered and the enemy were now on his doorstep and heading towards the Niji gate. So it was that he assembled the remainder of the triad council. Sandokhan stood to...

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The Outlander 1 6

**6** The Shogun of Jima, the great badger Lon, was known as a great protector of his subjects. His rule was stern, but fair. None of his good-beasts were under the whip or the chain, they were free to live as they wanted. However the one thing Lon...

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The Outlander 1 5

**5** Graduation day had arrived at the dojo and everybeast was in high spirits. Today was the day they were going to be made full warriors of the samurai order. Jagee had spent the night in the infirmary with his injuries. The left side of his...

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The Outlander 1 4

**4** Also that same night, on the heaving seas to the west of the Mochizuki domain Ikkit Claw's flagship _Black Coral,_ along with five others, sat at anchor on the high tide. In the captain's cabin, the rat warlord was surrounded by the captains of...

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The Outlander 1 3

**3** Out on the heaving waves of the East Sea, a flotilla of massive junks travelled eastward being propelled by the winds and tides. On the quarterdeck of the flagship a big stocky built black rat stood over an assembly of his most fearsome...

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The Outlander 1 2

**2** Far to the east of Mossflower country, over the eastern coastline and across the sea lies the great continental landmass cartographers have named Osea. There on the far eastern side of that continent, sandwiched between the East Sea and the...


The Oulander 1 1

**BOOK ONE - STARFIRE** **1** Extract from the diary of Tim Churchmouse, recorder of events at Redwall Abbey in Mossflower country. _The Autumn of the Late Chestnut has almost drawn to a close and it is a sad time for the abbeydwellers. Last spring...


The Outlander

**IN MEMORY OF BRIAN JACQUES** **1939 - 2011** _A Quick Note From The Author_ To start off I would like to explain why I wrote this. I had been a fan of Brian Jacques' Redwall series for many years and after reading a majority of them I realised...


The Outlander Epilogue

**Epilogue** The humidity of the late summer beat down on the dusty trails of Mossflower Wood. The crickets chirruped lazily as if to serenade the summer flowers now in full bloom. On one path a vixen walked peacefully towards the massive sandstone...

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The Outlander 39

**39** The story of Sandokhan had taken three days to tell. Burrlo had listened to every word with great interest and whenever they had to go to bed or have a meal, Burrlo, Rollo and Jube would retreat back down to the cellars for the rest of the...

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