The Outlander 1 2

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#5 of The Outlander

Book 1 Chapter 2


Far to the east of Mossflower country, over the eastern coastline and across the sea lies the great continental landmass cartographers have named Osea. There on the far eastern side of that continent, sandwiched between the East Sea and the endless waters of the Emerald Ocean lie the islands of Jima. The country itself was split into three island domains, Yoshino Island in the north, Jinkai Island to the south and the Mochizuki Domain in the centre; the largest of the three islands. Everyday and night, all three domains were watched by the Shogun's elite; the much feared and respected warrior order of the Samurai. Legend says that the Samurai were old when Lord Brocktree was young. Although the moon had risen over Mossflower country, the sun shone high in the sky over Jima. Cherry blossom trees lay bare after shedding themselves of their small pink blossoms that spring.


The great hare Akito Krinz was part of this legendary order. His appearance was proof he had faced many battles, with a long scar covering his left eye socket and half of his right ear was missing. Not only that, it was rumoured he once wielded the most ancient sword known throughout the land, the Starfire Katana. One season, he decided that the warrior's life was too much for him and dedicated his life to teaching budding warriors the way of the sword.

Sandokhan the fox was one of these budding warriors. He sparred with his friend, the otter Wataru, using wooden bokkens for you were not considered a full samurai until you earned a real katana sword. Wood clonked on wood as the pair parried and dodged each other's blows. Akito stood with his paws folded as he watched the pair spar. On one advance, Wataru was caught off guard as Sandokhan's wooden sword whacked against his left shoulder. Wataru yelped with pain as the fox tended to his friend, overcome by guilt. "Sorry Wataru. Are you alright?"

The otter then made a lunge for Sandokhan and bowled him over to the ground. The pair then rough housed together as Master Krinz applauded slowly chuckling. "Hehehe. A little sloppy but an interesting technique Wataru!" The pair then raised themselves from the ground dusting off their giis. Krinz turned to Sandokhan. "You must let go of any feeling for remorse when you are in battle Sandokhan. If he were an enemy armed with a real sword you'd be dead by now."

The fox bowed respectfully to the battle scarred hare. "Yes master. Sorry master."

"You shouldn't be. The initial attack move you did would've severed the paw off. I'm surprised you didn't see that coming Wataru. Your eyes must've given you away."

"But Master, if I close my eyes I cannot fight!"

"Become unpredictable. Strike from your subconscious mind. Even the most skilled opponent shall fall from a move that has no history or reference. The moves created through your own individual essence may surprise even yourself." The wise hare could see that his students were deep in thought as they pondered over his advice. A smile passed over his scarred face. "Now come you two, we must get prepared for supper. Wataru, go to the well and fetch some water. Sandokhan go get a sack of rice and don't waste the day away chatting to Ritsuko. I know you have a fondness for her but do not let that get in the way of your duty."

The pair both bowed again to their mentor and replied in unison, "Yes master."


The sword school, or dojo, was nothing more than a big mansion house on the banks of a fast flowing river. Sandokhan looked quite the comical figure, donning his conical straw hat and wooden sandals, as he treaded gingerly through the heavily irrigated rice paddies on the opposite side of the river. He lost his footing and fell sideways into the shallow waters and soft mud. Just as he started to correct himself, a paw was extended in help towards him. "What's this? A young samurai that can't keep his balance?" Sandokhan tilted the straw hat upwards as he looked into the gentle eyes of a radiant vixen.

He took the paw gently as the vixen helped the budding warrior back on his footpaws. "Hello Ritsuko. How are you today?" The vixen smiled, "Fine thank you. I take it Master Krinz has sent you to me for some reason."

"Oh yes, a sack of rice grain, er, please," replied Sandokhan, trying to hide his blushing face under the rim of his hat.


Suddenly, he felt something hit the back of his neck. He turned round to see Wataru tossing a small pebble up in the air and catching it with a single paw. "Ho there, mate. Are you going to talk with her all day? May I remind you that our master has given us duties to perform." A hedgehog maid approached them bearing a burlap sack full to the rim with dry rice grain. She slumped the heavy load on the ground in front of Sandokhan. The fox bowed respectfully to the maiden before he started heaving it in the direction of the otter. Sandokhan grunted with exertion as sweat dripped off his brow.

Wataru hoisted the two heavy water buckets with both paws, knowing well that they would have to climb the fabled stone staircase back up to the dojo, a hundred and ninty steps. Already fatigued from their sparring match, the weight of their burdens took their tolls on the pair having to rest four times on the way up the seemingly never ending stone steps. However their efforts were rewarded with the welcoming sight of the dojo's front door. As they entered the massive front hall a ferret walked past them, eying the fox moodily. As they crossed paths the ferret sneered one word at Sandokhan, "Gaijin!"

Sandokhan glared at the ferret as he exited the mansion into the autumn day. He nudged his friend, "What is his problem?"

"I think it has something to do with your blood heritage, seeing as your great grand sire was once a corsair," the otter replied. "That's no excuse! Alright, he might've served under one of the most vile sea rats who'd ever lived. But I have as much right to learn here as you do, friend."

As they continued on their way to the dojo's larder, Wataru comforted his friend. The otter could sense that Sandokhan was greatly upset at the ferret Jagee's remark. In Jima, gaijin can mean many things than just outsider.