The Outlander Epilogue

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#41 of The Outlander

Thank you Brian Jacques for creating a world that I felt more a part of than the one I've always lived in.


The humidity of the late summer beat down on the dusty trails of Mossflower Wood. The crickets chirruped lazily as if to serenade the summer flowers now in full bloom. On one path a vixen walked peacefully towards the massive sandstone building of Redwall Abbey that loomed over the tree line in front of her. She came across a pear tree and cut down one of the ripe pears using the Starfire. As she adjusted the sword of Martin across her back, she took a long breath of the warm summer air. She looked to the sky and noticed some grey clouds passing over the sun. Suddenly, an arrow shot into the ground next to her paw. But the vixen took a bite of the pear as several vicious looking bandits emerged from the overgrowth. "Thanks to your interference vixen, we lost 500 pieces of gold. We can't go back to our chief empty-pawed!" "Well you won't have to go back completely empty pawed. There's a pear tree back there with some of the ripest fruit I've ever seen," said the vixen. The leader of the band spat contemptuously, "Cut 'er up, boys!" Then the robbers advanced on her. But the vixen drew the Starfire with lightning speed and with a few sword strokes subdued them all. Their leader drew his short sword and charged her, the vixen ducked and cut upwards, severing off the bandits' paw. He fell to the ground in shock, nursing the bleeding stump. "So, it's true? Redwall only paid you ten pieces of gold?" "Yes, of course they did," the vixen replied. "The sword we stole was a priceless relic given to the Abbey by Martin the Warrior... and the Abbess is only paying you ten to get it back for them? You're so stupid!" "You belong to a small, poor tribe. You can't swindle 500 pieces of gold for a sword, even if it is the legendary Redwall sword. Your chief was asking too much. He's the one who's stupid!" Said the vixen before continuing on her way. In little time she reached the front gate of Redwall and knocked heavily. A spyhole slid open and a blind female badger sniffed the air. "Begone fox," she snarled. "It's me Cregga," "Ah, Mizuki! Welcome back," she said before the gates opened. Mizuki had little time for pleasantries as she marched up to the Abbess' room and knocked on the door. "Come in," she called. The vixen walked inside and placed the sword on her desk. "Abbess Songbreeze, I have returned the Sword of Martin to it's proper place." The Abbess spread her paws wide, "Excellent! And as promised, ten pieces of gold." She said as she dropped a small purse on the table. The vixen bowed politely, "Thank you. I was reading one of your annals and I noticed my Grandfathers' name appears many times." "Ah yes, Sandokhan. According to the records he came here long ago to seek our warriors' help," said Songbreeze. "Yes, I've heard my Grandfathers' story many times. It was my favourite when I was growing up. I was hoping to stay a little longer before I return home to Jima." "Stay as long as you like Mizuki, Granddaughter of Sandokhan."