The Outlander 1 7

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#8 of The Outlander

Book 1 Chapter 7


Lon had heard more distressing news. Jinkai had fallen, Yoshino was all but conquered and the enemy were now on his doorstep and heading towards the Niji gate. So it was that he assembled the remainder of the triad council. Sandokhan stood to the badger's right while Fujokai was at his left. The wolf had argued his case constantly for a massive mobilization of the entire army. However the decisions concerning Mochizuki Domain were up to Sandokhan. All three stood round a grand oak table with charts and maps of the domain in great detail. "I will assemble as many fighters from Yoshino as I can. But their numbers will be low. My beasts would die rather than be slaves to the Stormvermin," explained Fujokai. Sandokhan studied the charts closely. "If you bring any archers, I say we divide them into two groups and deploy them on both sides of the valley. That should get them a clear shot of anybeast coming down the road. Meanwhile, I have spoken to the other samurai clans. Nine will join us, three will not." "Why, my sword?" "Because the future of the clans will be at stake. If those small clans become involved they'll be crushed." "Sounds like cowardice to me," Fujokai sneered. "They should be proud that their clans were wiped out in battle. Their glory would live on through the ages." "We will need defence volunteers and Mochizuki troops to form a defensive wall in front of the main gate, which of course will be barred from the side facing the townships." "But that means we have to alert the commoners fox," "We have to anyway, my bow," replied Lon. "Besides my goodbeasts have a right to know. My sword, you will need to send messengers out to spread the word. Meanwhile my bow, gather as many fighters from the northern province as you can." The pair bowed before setting themselves to their tasks.

Wataru was very eager to help a good friend in a time of crisis and Sandokhan had made the otter his second. However the fox made it clear that in fact the otter would be in service of the shogun. Both Sandokhan and Ryu stood by a dressing screen at Wataru's house, waiting for the otter to finish donning his armour. "Come on waterdog! Mochizuki will have already fallen the time you finished," Ryu remarked. Wataru hobbled out clumsily, "This armour's heavy!" "Of course it's heavy, duck feathers won't give you much protection," Ryu replied. Sandokhan tapped the floor with the tip of his scabbard, "Right let's get going. I trust that you have spread the word amongst everybeast?" "Don't worry Sandy, we did our part," Wataru said reassuringly. "We saw the square on the way over. Impressive turnout," said Sandokhan.

Sandokhan was taken aback when he saw the huge crowd that had gathered in the centre of his village. Ryu sounded a small gong to bring a sense of order to the crowd. As the fox stood forward everybeast bowed. Sandokhan rolled his eyes into his head. "Thank you all, however I bring sad news. The armies of the Eshin claw have invaded Jima, Jinkai and Yoshino have fallen. The Shogun has requested us to ask you for help in our defence effort." A stunned silence fell over the crowd, whispered conversations spread and many were feeling frightened. Ryu banged the gong numerous times until order was restored. "We are not here to ask you to die," Ryu shouted. "We're here to ask for your help. Help us to wipe your homeland clean from the scourge that threatens it. So we ask you, will you good beasts aid us, your shogun, your country in protecting it from those who strive to conquer us?" After the mouse had finished speaking the first volunteers started to step forward. The three samurai exchanged smiles between themselves. "Nice speech," Wataru commented. "You need a common touch to deal with these beasts," Ryu smiled. Just then, the crowd started to part to allow a mouse to stagger past. Sandokhan pushed himself through the crowd to get to the injured mouse. The fox caught him just as he collapsed to the ground. An arrow shaft protruded out of the mouse's back. "What happened?" Sandokhan asked. "Stormvermin... gate, two days..." the mouse went limp in the fox's paws, Sandokhan then rose off the ground and beckoned Wataru to his side. "This information could be invaluable to our effort. I must address the Shogun at once. I want these beasts capable enough to wield a blade in two days. Then I want to call every disciple of our master together at the gate. We can work on an effective strategy when the time comes." "You better have a good battle plan otherwise most of us probably won't live to think up another one," the otter replied. "Don't worry Wataru, I already have a plan forming in my mind."

The Niji Gate spanned across a steep, narrow valley to the west of Edu village. The gate itself was constructed of light grey rock with fragments of quartz crystal embedded in it. Depending on the weather and season the sun would reflect off the stone radiating a aura of bright colours. Giving it the name Niji, eastern tongue for rainbow. General Gash stood on a hill further west of the gate, surveying the battlefield and calculating the best vantage point for his troops. The massive gate was just visible through the gap in the valley. "Hmmmm," Gash thought out loud to himself. He reached inside his knapsack for his spyglass and held it up to his eye. The sloping valley would prove to be a problem, if the defenders were planning of moving archers to the valley slopes they would have the perfect vantage point. The valley could become a death-trap. "Those troops had better show up when they're supposed to," Gash muttered.

"That's it your Lordship, you've heard the whole story and I hope it helps us in some way." Lon reflected on what the fox had related to him, "You did well telling me this information, my sword. It appears Claw has wasted no time in his war effort. Have you and Fujokai agreed upon a strategy yet?" Sandokhan bowed politely as Lon rose from his chair, "We are still formulating a plan. Fujokai agrees with turning the valley into a killing field. He doubts if that alone will be enough to deter the Stormvermin." "You will have to make a convincing argument. I believe your strategy is capable of holding them back, my sword. However, I don't want your plan to sour on us on the field." "Us? You're fighting with us, Sire?" "Of course I am!" the great badger barked. "It has been many a season since I've tasted battle. Ten pieces of gold for every head you take," he added. Sandokhan smiled and bowed before he exited the chamber in search of the white wolf.