The Oulander 1 1

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#4 of The Outlander

Book 1 Chapter 1



Extract from the diary of Tim Churchmouse, recorder of events at Redwall Abbey in Mossflower country.

The Autumn of the Late Chestnut has almost drawn to a close and it is a sad time for the abbeydwellers. Last spring both Old Constance and Abbot Mordalfus passed away and now I fear to write that Matthias, father of Mattimeo, has fallen prey to a powerful illness. The apothecary and the infirmary sisters have tried potion and poultice with no clear success.

Sister May our apothecary said it might just be old age catching up with our once strong and wise warrior. Mattimeo is taking it very hard and I must confess, I worry about my best friend's mental state. I know he will be alright with my sister Tess and his son (my nephew) Martin to comfort him. Abbot Sedge, our new Redwall father has said that our will must be strong in times like these. However I have seen so many of our old friends come and go; Basil Stag Hare, Sir Harry the muse and even Orlando the Axe has left our abbey for the life of a badger lord at old Salamandastron.

We cannot all be sad, sometimes we just have to take things as they come because that is the way of life. I'm sorry that I have nothing happy to write about, there is a sense of dread here. Dread that the next time the bells will sound shall be a death toll. I think I will leave my writing now and see what I can do for Mattimeo and my sister. If you are ever passing Redwall, please come. We all need some cheering up. I know I do right now.

Tim Churchmouse, Abbey Recorder

The fire burned low in the sitting room of the gatehouse cottage as Sam Squirrel stood gazing into the dancing flames, shut off from the atmosphere around him. His trance was broken when his friend Elmtail placed a reassuring paw on his shoulder. "Are you alright Sam?" he asked. Sam shook his head slightly, "I just wish there was something I can do. I feel so helpless."

"We're not like the seasons friend, we can't go on forever. We all knew this day would come sooner or later,"

"It's not that, It's Matty," replied Sam. "Don't worry about Mattimeo, he's a warrior after all." Sam couldn't help but smile a little at his friend's remark. Just then, an infirmary mousemaid accompanied by Tess walked by with a pan full of cloth smeared with puss and phlegm. They strolled through the sitting room without saying a word. All eyes were studying them to see if they knew something the others didn't. The infirmary mouse just opened the door and casually walked out into the still night towards the abbey. Tess closed the door and sighed heavily.


Upstairs, in the master bedroom surrounded by his family, Auma and Sister May, Matthias the warrior lay on the bed. His whiskers had turned a silvery grey, his rugged fur and long beard adding to the haggard look of the once grand warrior mouse. He peered sadly through sunken eyes feeling his strength ebbing away. Cornflower could hide the tears for her husband no longer, she sobbed heavily and began weeping piteously. Matthias held out his paw to his wife as she knelt down next to him caressing it. "Do not grieve," the old mouse said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Soon I shall join Martin."

"I don't want you to go," Cornflower sniffed. Matthias stroked her ears lovingly, "Oh my dear Cornflower. You always loved me more than anyone. I'll always love you more than anyone." Cornflower rose from the bedside and kissed her husband on his elderly brow. Matthias then turned his gaze to his son who was standing with his back to the door paws folded. "Mattimeo..." the old warrior called. Mattimeo approached his father's deathbed desperately trying to fight back the flood of tears staining his eyes and cheeks. "Come closer son, everything's getting darker."

Mattimeo then knelt down beside his father and took his paw. Matthias then placed his free paw to Mattimeo's face and stroked his whiskers. "Now you have to be brave, son. I name you Mattimeo, Warrior Mouse... Protector and Defender of Redwall and my sword is yours. Trust in Martin and follow your heart. I have been... and always shall be... proud of... you." Matthias's voice trailed off as his paw fell from Mattimeo's face and landed limply on the mattress. His eyes drooped and closed slowly. Mattimeo gripped the lifeless paw tightly, as he fought through the wave of shock he uttered, "I love you father."

The great badger Auma stepped towards the now lifeless form and raised the bedclothes to cover the body. "I'll call for a stretcher," she said as Sister May accompanied her from the room. Mattimeo raised himself from his fathers' deathbed and exited the room without saying a word. Out on the landing he looked up and saw his wife Tess, her face a picture of concern. She stepped forward and took her husband by the paw. "Is he sleeping now?" she asked. Mattimeo nodded solemnly as he embraced Tess and, unable to fight the feeling of immense grief, broke down in tears and wept freely on her shoulder.

All the beasts that were present downstairs looked towards Auma as she broke the news. "We have just come from his bedside. Matthias, warrior of Redwall, is dead." A sigh of mourning arose from everybeast present. Auma then turned to Cynthia Bankvole, "You know what to do." The abbey bell-ringer just nodded and left the gatehouse cottage. Upon closing the heavy door, Cynthia sighed heavily with sadness. The walk to the bell tower seemed more arduous and difficult. Just as she walked past the orchard she bumped into Tim Churchmouse. The kind recorder looked into the bankvoles' tear stained eyes and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry," Tim whispered, "I'm so, so sorry."