Sol was yanked to conciousness by something running up a nearby tree. Opening his eyes, he watched the vixen run into a bush. He chuckled, standing. "Feeling a bit scared?" He asked, looking in the bush she'd been in and pulling out the mouse. "I shall...
Shadow of Beginnings
Shadow of Intent The sounds of the forest hardly moved the pokemon sitting in the grass. Blazing crimson and chilling silver eyes stared out of the foliage, and hard ivory-colored claws dug into the loamy soil. He stayed absolutely still, intent...
Close Combat Part One: Meeting
A/N Hey. This story is the first page of six, right SIX, pages in an RP between me and Bunny Rule on another site. I was just getting into charecter with THIS Solaris when I rped this. * * * Mimi's paw and back were better by now and she was...
And Though I Tried To Better Myself
((Note: For the sake of expediency, as well as my now-overwhelming need for sleep, I skipped an entire 3 stories. They will be posted as a new story series only if enough people want to read it. Enjoy!)) Mimi had gotten in to awful fight just...
Though Not In The Name Of Love.
A few days passed Mimi knew they couldn't keep Flame waiting, Flame had saved Sol and Mimi had guessed in return Sol promised her she would be shown Aria or parts of Aria, who knew how long it might take to show her every last paw step. Even Mimi...
Will The Gods Cast Him Down?
Mimi followed him, with luck nothing rotten was aimed at her. She had brought a small jar of honey with her. She didn't have any at the den, stupid humans took her honey. Time was following close behind him owner. Mimi had also put Sol's jacket in...
What Will Happen To The Innocent?
((Note to the mods/admins who check this, please excuse all spelling mistakes, run-on sentences, or any other gramattical errors. I'm done with this series, and merely wish to put everything up before my next story, so that it all makes sense. Please...
When the Truth is Revealed
Mimi placed the glass on the counter and turned to see what all the panting and gasping was about but only saw Sol with a gun pointed at her. Her ears lopped talk it out... She thought to herself. Well between fist and gun, the gun normally wins....
Solar Winds
Solaris carried Mimi through the crowded streets. Anyone unfortunate enough to so much as graze her footpaw got knocked through a wall. He was REALLY not in the mood for anything right now. He managed to find her home by scent, and walked up to the...
Mimi curled up into a ball at the site of the lizard. Well at least she wasn't eaten thanks to Solaris. Once the lizard had for the most part disappeared. She hurried and stood by Sol's side. Nudging his face with her nose. She was worried he might be...