Though Not In The Name Of Love.
#13 of Close Combat
A few days passed Mimi knew they couldn't keep Flame waiting, Flame had saved Sol and Mimi had guessed in return Sol promised her she would be shown Aria or parts of Aria, who knew how long it might take to show her every last paw step. Even Mimi herself had yet to see everything Aria had to offer. At least the journey wouldn't be done alone. Wolfe decided to join the group to the Treble Mountains. Mimi wasn't so hot on the idea but she followed. Now Flame had recovered and the group was off to Treble Mountains.
The large group left for the next boat to Treble Mountains. On the way they found Wits, he was a rescue rabbit as odd as that might sound to one. Wits said he was not really on a rescue mission but there was a request that he find some blue rocks and bring them back. Wits didn't know why someone wanted blue rocks but the pay was well and it wasn't much trouble to find the Blue Rocks .
During the two day long ride on the boat Time told her she would b having cubs while Sol or anyone else was around. Time thought it was the perfect time to upset his owner. On a boat, and with no way back to the highlands. He was surprised that Mimi said nothing to her mate about it yet he was just as surprised Sol didn't smell or sense Mimi's little secret, and if he did he did a good job knowing he knew. Of course Times message didn't go well with Mimi and she threw him off the boat. She wasn't upset about having Sol's cubs it was just the moment Time choose to tell her. Luckily Time was able to swim back to the boat safely but he was on a low flame now.
Once they had reached Rondo area the group had to walk towards their first destination, Treble Mountains. It took an hour from there. Wits and Time seem to be talking about recent events and what they had been up to. Well Time and Wits were the same height so they felt comfortable around each other because they didn't need to look up when they were talking to someone. "Yea, yea, yea! So there was this huge explosion then this monster came. It tried to eat the human I was rescuing but I was like POW and the monster went away." Wits said sounding excited. Well Wits was lucky, he had seen more than any other rabbit had.
Mimi was right beside Sol, she had never been to this part of Aria so she was excited about it also, but her pads were killing her at the same time, but she felt it might be worth it. "Sol, have you been to this part of Aria before?" Mimi asked giving his cheek a quick lick.
Sol nuzzled Mimi, smiling. "Never. It's an exploration for me too." His senses were overwhelmed with the scent Time thought he couldn't smell. His eyes had been stuck on time's sopping wet form until Mimi had walked up. Now they constantly strayed to her belly. He knew exactly what was up. But he was careful to show no hint that he knew. He'd give her her time. Let her decide when she felt like him knowing.
Flame stared at the mountains in fascination. She'd never been to such an area before. In her country there weren't even real hills, much less mountains so tall that there was actual SNOW on their tops year-round. Snow, too, was a rarity. Something sol had missed desperately during his stay in her country. She blinked and looked away from the mountains for the first time since they'd disembarked the boat.
Wolfe shrugged. He'd seen many mountains during his time in the military. What he hadn't seen before was a Catox. An honest-to-goodness Desert Catox. She didn't look like much. Actuall, she looked weak. But she'd recovered from a Desert Eagle gunshot wound as if it were a beesting. He had no doubt that, if he were able to convince her to stay, she'd be an excellent spy, if not a soldier. She'd take a bit of training either way, but....
Sol licked Mimi's cheek. "I'm wiped. We hauled tail all the way here... I say we take a rest!" Wolfe smiled. "I second that." He said. He wasn't tired, but he was just a little hungry. Flame looked up. "I, too, require some rest." She spoke slowly, still getting used to their language. But in Sol's opinion she was advancing extremely quickly.
Mimi was glad that they would be resting for a bit, her pads needed a break. "A short break would be good" she said looking to the others. Even if she had spent enough time in the highlands for her paws to toughen up she wasn't quiet use to walking long distances and soon the group would be padding up a rocky path. Mimi would be able to deal with it, a short break and her paws would be ready for the next challenge. Even if it looked like a lot of work Mimi herself was excited to see what was at the top.
Wits looked to the group, he was use to this kind of work so he wasn't dead on his paws yet but he learned rest was something he shouldn't pass by either. "Sounds like a good idea... "Wits said and quickly went back explaining everything he had done to Time. Time nodded and agreed with the group. Wits sat down and started to nibble on some grass, being a rabbit his food supply wasn't hard to find. Sniff around and he was bound to find a bit of grass growing somewhere. He stopped explaining his story and went to eat. Wits looked over to Time "Sorry, I didn't bring my hats this time, can't get anything to help that flam out" Wits had learned the trick from his owner, being able to pull things out of a hat. It brought Wits a lot of attention. A rabbit pulling something out of a hat, it definitely got him some good food when he wanted some. Even if he could just pull some tasty carrots or apples out of a hat even if he wanted to. He liked to entertain people at times
Time yawned and did what he did best, Sleep. He curled up into a ball a few paw steps from Wits.
Mimi sat down on a large rock giving a quick glance as the pads of her paws to make sure they weren't falling off or anything. Not that they would but she thought she would check anyways. Her ears relaxed a bit, she deiced to tell Sol when they had finished showing Flame around Aria if it didn't take long. Mainly because she didn't want Sol to worry about her safety, and make her stay back at the highlands or ruin things for Flame. If things got to dangerous she would tell him, then again Mimi laughed at the face of danger. Mimi pushed it aside she would worry about it another time. Sooner or later Sol would find out. She took off the backpack she had on her and placed it beside her, it wasn't much. Just a blanket, a bottle Water, a few slices of bread, and some meat that was left from the deer she had caught.
After the group had rested for about 30 minutes Wits got up "I think we should start heading up again, we had plenty of rest." Wits said he wanted to get his job done and it was better to climb during the day because who knows what comes out at night. Time yawned and padded over to Wits.
Mimi's ears flickered as she stood up wounding what was at the top. She put her backpack back on and looked to the others.
Sol shrugged. He managed to keep a smile off his face. Long ago an assassin had given him everything he'd owned short of buildings or cash. He'd given him a tram that sol had used once or twice. Along with that was plenty of knowledge. Including a large crimson-and-black dragon that lived at the top of these mountains. THESE mountains, mountains that Sol had never been to. Now was his chance. Standing, Sol looked around him. "Well, if we're going, we'd better go now. Who knows what kind of monsters come out down here at night?" Silently, he added to himself, 'And apparently I'm the only one who knows what'll come out up there...'
Wolfe glanced at Sol. Apparently he knew something they didn't. Which confused him. Why would he? Shrugging, he turned to flame. "What say we take the left path? Let them take the right. The left looks a bit steeper, but it'll get us there quicker." Unwilling to quite possibly walk into a trap, he dragged Flame up the trail.
Sol shrugged and said, "we'll meet you down here in about four days, then." Then he started off up the trail that was very quietly marked by a dark red scale embedded in a tree. It was so dark it was almost invisable against the dark brown bark of the tree.
Mimi followed Sol, she wondered why the group was splitting apart. Surely they stood a better chance in a group. Then again Mimi could be wrong and it would let Mimi have some alone time with her mate. Well with some luck they might see each other at the top. "Four days seems like a long time, I hope they don't get into any trouble." She said watching Wolfe and Flame disappear towards the part they took. She looked up to the path ahead, it seemed to be on forever. Well hopefully it would be worth it then they got to the top.
Time and Wits blinked looking at each other. "I think I'll follow Wolfe and Flame. I need to get those rocks as soon as possible and a steeper hill means I might get to the top faster." Wits said and hopped after Wolfe and Flame. "See you next time, Time." Wits said and soon he was out of Times sight. Time decided to follow his owner. Not in the mood to climb.
Mimi looked at Sol, she could tell him now but she was worried, still, about the fact he might send her back to the highlands. "Sol, you don't think your brother will show up here, do you?" Mimi had never heard of dragons in her whole life, she saw pictures but didn't think they were real. So the thought of meeting some giant, flying lizard didn't come to mind. She nuzzled Sol then looked to the path ahead. She felt safe with Sol around. "I wonder what the view is like at the top..." she said her eyes gleamed just like a child's in a toy store. She was excited and nervous all at once.
Sol smiled as he began climbing up towards a dark hole the size of a marble high up. It was actually about eight horses high, but from where he was it was a marble. "I doubt it. Powers protect this part of the mountain that not even he can get through." He smiled to himself. They'd be there by nightfall, if they worked hard enough. His feet carried him up quickly, but not too quick as to tire either him or Mimi out. He really wanted to finish off his trip. More because of the cubs than his own impatience. Well, if the stories were right, not only would he not end up getting eaten, but they'd gain the blessings of the dragon. IF he played it right. Unfortunately, his thoughts were interrupted by the one thing he'd not been expecting: Siralos. Sol groaned. "How do you always find me?" He asked with a whine in his voice. To his surprise, Siralos seemed as surprised as Sol was. But he wasn't wasting any time. He rushed forward, bringing a foot up at Sol's neck. Immediatly Sol reacted with a move Flame had taught him. Catching him by the thigh, Sol swept a paw under sir's remaining paw and brought him to the ground. Then, with his fingers spread like a tiger's claw, he brought his hand down on Sir's stomach and wrenched it up to his neck. Sir yowled in pain and leapt back at the first chance. Sol didn't give him a chance to retreat. Running forward, Sol swept aside Sir's blocking paw and brought his fist forward. It was a half fist, where the first two knuckles were bent but not the third, and when it crashed into Sir's throat it sent him to the ground. He lay there coughing for a minute before struggling to his feet. "You---" he lapsed into a coughing fit. "You're here for--" Another coughing fit. "The dragon, huh? Hope--- Hope she slaughters you." With that he ran off.
Sol watched him go. He wasn't even struggling to breathe. Turning to mimi, he sighed. "Won't leave us alone..." Taking a moment to drop down from his adrenaline high, he turned and continued up the trail. But how had Sir known about the dragon? Had he seen it? How?! Still, he was detirmined to get to the dragon. He just hoped that Mimi hadn't noticed the dragon thing.
Mimi wanted to help Sol fight his brother but something told her to hide. That a simple wound might turn deadly. Mimi turned and ran off to hide behind a rock until Sir ran off. She didn't have to go far being on a mountain, there were plenty of large rocks to hide behind. Time sat there and watched Sol fight wanting to know how that good for nothing fox found them.
Mimi was listening also for when the danger had passed, she was a bit confused what Siralos was yowling about. She wondered what this dragon thing was. She blinked wondering if her mate was leading her to a trap. Her ears lopped as she shivered from the thought. Surely he wouldn't. Mimi scurried over to Sol once she saw Siralos run off once more, why did that fox keep coming. He never won against Sol, surely enough beatings would scare him off for good.
Time hurried to his owner's side, he knew all too well what a dragon was and he would not stand for this. If Sol was planning to see a dragon Mimi wasn't going to be bait. He and convinced that Sol was up to no good now. "So you brought my owner as bait!?! I knew you were up to no good you filthy fox! Feel Mimi to the dragon, I should have known better!" Time yowled loudly as if he wanted everyone to hear. Well he had seen dragons before and he saw what they could do and what happened to those who saw one. He would normally keep quiet but not at the cost of his owners life if worst came to worst, but he wanted to see want Sol had to say. He knew Sir might be yowling more lies but he wasn't going to take any chances if there might be some flying lizard around here.
Mimi looked from Time to Sol. She wasn't sure who to believe but she would choose to believe her mate in the end. Mimi looked up to Sol her ears seem to lop a bit. She didn't know what to say she was going to believe want Sol told her but she wondered if what Time said, he made it sound like a dragon was deadly.
Sol paused as Time yelled at him. Taking it calmly, he turned to Time. His eyes, now blue-gold, burned angrily, and his voice made ice feel red hot. "Do you think I would put her life at risk? Do you honestly think that? Fuck, cat, if anything's 'bait' it's me!" Suddenly he didn't care if Mimi knew. Heck, it might be less frightening in the long run for her. But somehow he forgot that Mimi didn't know he knew she was pregnant. His claws extended fully, glinting, the light reflected tinted red from Sir's blood. "Listen to me and listen VERY carefully. I don't make empty threats. I'm a living weapon." Memories rushed over him. "I was an experiment. Plain and simple. I was meant to be the greatest form of destruction known to mankind, and that's what I've become. Human intervention changed me to this. What you see before you- Gold eyes, glowing fur, the like- is what you see. I'm a monster that should have been destroyed long ago. But you know what I want? I want my cubs to turn out normal. I don't want anything to happen to them." His voice shook with emotion now. Somehow Time had hit the right button at the right time. "Dragons aren't killing machines, you fool. I am a killing machine. Dragons are powerful creatures, yes, but they use their powers to bless the yet unborn. Now listen closely, cause this is important. No harm will come to Mimi. I will make DAMN sure of that. I will take care of ANY threat to her or her--Our cubs. And if you make yourself a threat, I'll take care of YOU too."
Sol took one step towards Time. "I've told you this before, back at Mimi's house. Now I tell you again. You make me angry and YOU will be the one to pay for it. Not me." Kneeling down, he leveled his gaze on the cat. "Now, as Mimi's mate, I will protect her." His voice warmed just a little. "So from one protecter to another, I give you my word that no harm shall come to her." Then he stood, retracting his claws as he did. He looked at Mimi with clear blue eyes once again, and his voice went from cold and threatening to warm and loving and slightly pleading. "Listen Mimi.... I don't expect you to believe me, that you'll be fine... I just want you to trust me... If you don't want to go on, we'll turn back and follow Wolfe. But... This is important to me. I don't want our cubs to be born with Second Sun. This dragon can help. At least, that's what I heard. So please... Trust me..."
Time nodded knowing that Sol wasn't something he should keep taunting. "Fine, but one scratch from that dragon on Mimi and I swear that you'll be crowfood!" He growled and looked over to his owner. He had never seen a dragon give blessing and he himself had been around longer then Sol or Mimi. He would be ok with Mimi going to see a dragon but he wasn't excited about the idea, did Sol truly believe in such a silly sounding myth. Well he wouldn't stop them either, they wanted the best for their cubs, whatever the cost. He knew that Sol would protect Mimi but it was still his duty to watch over Mimi also.
Mimi blinked wondering how long he know and more importantly why didn't he tell her he knew that she was pregnant! Well at least she didn't need to tell him know guessing what he was saying, meant he knew the whole time. After she saw what the Second Sun had done to her mate she didn't want to see the cubs end up with the same fate as their father. She nodded "Will go see this dragon then..." She game Sol's cheek a quick comforting lick. "I'll always trust you." She said softly. She wondered what Sol said was true or were the two blindly walking to a deathly trap. Well either way she was certain Sol wouldn't betray her. With that she continued up the mountain, things seemed easier knowing that Sol knew and he wasn't going to make her stay at the highlands while he was up and about. She knew she would have to settle down eventually but for right now she didn't want to.
Time followed his owner he wouldn't say a word. If his owner trusted what Sol said he would listen, besides now was not the time to had Sol do anything that might blow the mountain up (he could do that back at the highlands) that and he didn't want his owner to become deathly afraid of Sol and what he was. Time was aware what Sol was capable of and he didn't want to mess with that kind of power. Not while he was still under the contract with Mimi, if it weren't for the contract Time would be able to match Sol's power and possible surpass bur for now he was as useless as a kitten in some respect.
Mimi looked over to Sol. Her ears picked up a bit. She had never seen a dragon before but she felt she should be worried about it. "How much further do you think it is, will we make it before it gets dark?"
Sol blinked. He was amazed mimi had believed him. Heck, he couldn't even believe it, and he was the one telling it. But he felt happy that she trusted him. He walked beside her, eyes on the hole in the cliff that was now the size of his fist. "Well... We might. If not, I'd suggest we set up camp. As far as I know, Dragons are very... untrusting of most other forms of life. Well, if most of your race was murdered for it's scales and teeth and collection of gold and such, you wouldn't trust many people either. This one might get mad if we come calling at night. Besides, I stand a better chance against a dragon if I can see what I'm doing." He noticed it was getting progressively cooler. Odds were that by the time they reached the cave it would be cold enough for snow. Unzipping his flight jacket, he lay it across Mimi's shoulders. The cold didn't affect him. He'd been forced to sleep in colder weather than this without his jacket before, so this was nothing new. Stretching, he yawned and tried to remember what he'd been told about gaining a dragon's blessing. "First," The assassin had said, "You must show it that you mean it no harm. Lay down your weapons in front of it. In your case, with the barrels pointing at you. If it's a sword, leave it sheathed and lay it with the point facing you. Then kneel down in front of it and keep your eyes off it. Do not, whatever you do, look it in the eyes until it has accepted you. If you do it will think of it like a threat. When it accepts you, it will nudge your weapons towards you and speak. Take your weapons as it speaks and listen carefully if it explains something to you. Politely request that it bless you or someone with you. It will look into your soul, sometimes painfully, to see if you have a true reason."
"Then it will bless whoever you ask it to, should your reason be true." That had been all. After that the elf had left some different scales for the fox to study and left. Now Sol explained everything to Mimi. He emphasized the part about not looking into it's eyes. He omitted the part about the search of the soul. It would just worry her. He lost track of time and, when he looked back up the trail, was amazed to find that they were almost there. His heart beat in his ears as he looked at the huge cave. The edges were worn smooth and grooved from years of something big moving in and out of it. Sol swollowed silently. Was he making a mistake?
Mimi felt confident as they padded towards the cave that the Dragon might be living in. She wasn't thinking so much on how much danger they could be getting themselves into. This was not there home but a home of dragons and who knows what would happen if this so called blessing was only a myth. Well Mimi's personality wouldn't stop her; she always thought she had nothing to fear. Which was foolish for her to think at this point. She may think differently later on but for now she wasn't scared, or at least not yet. She didn't plan for cold weather; she had heard rumors that there were active volcanoes around this part so she thought things would be warm. She was glad that Sol gave her his jacket, sure her fur could keep her warm but it was the thought that counted in the end.
Mimi listened to what Sol had to say when they meet the dragon, Time seemed to be listen also. She wasn't sure if she could resist looking into the dragons eyes. It was a habit most people had when meeting people. She would just have to try to keep herself from doing something stupid or turn back. Which was her thought at the moment, seeing the mouth o the cave as large as it was. Maybe something big lived down there, but she could help but feel her own curiosity to see a real dragon. Mimi looked over to Sol, the sun was already setting. She hadn't noticed how long it had been to get all the way up here. "... uhh maybe we should rest a bit. My paws feel like they're going to fall off." She said the last part a bit jokingly, well she was more hungry then tired but her paws were a bit sore.
Time wanted to rest a bit also; he wasn't exactly in shape while he had spent his time with Mimi so this was defiantly a workout for him. He sat down and his flame crackled loudly. He flinched realizing that his crackle might put everyone in danger. Hopefully a dragon wouldn't come out because of his loud tail.
Mimi looked to the ground her ears lopped. Now she was having second thoughts. What if things didn't go as planned and she would become a late night snack for a hungry dragon. "Sol... what will we something goes wrong..." She didn't want to die with unborn cubs.
Sol was about to reply when he realized it was much too late. Slowly, delibrately, he unhookedhis guns and sword and lay them with the barrels and point facing him. Two emerald eyes glowed in the darkness of the cave. Sol shivered and looked at his paws. Kneeling down very slowly, he got down on his knees. Then he felt something. A prod at his soul. Then the prod became a wrenching pain. The wrenching pain became the feeling of being torn to pieces from the inside out. His vision swam. Then memories replaced his vision alltogether, and he had no doubt that the others could see this too...
Sunlight. The first light that Sol didn't fear. Dawn. Something he hadn't known existed until now. Shivering in the cold, the small fox ran through the tall grass. He felt happy. Free. No longer would he be awakened by a sharp needle in his arm or a kick in the side. Running at top speed, the tiny fox cub made it all the way to the road before collapsing. Panting, he sat up and ran a hand through his hair, watching an approaching cart with amazement. By the time it dawned on him to move it was too late. Grabbed roughly by the neck, he was thrown into the cart...
Sol glared at the man as he lay down thefood. He was being used like a slave...
"NO!" Sol grunted through the pain. "That has nothing to do.......... With why we're here!" There was a rumbling sound and the pain released, and sol gasped. He hadn't noticed that he'd fallen on his side and rolled up unto a ball. Slowly he stood up and looked at the eyes. Only now there weren't just eyes, but a huge scale-armored head as well. Taking a step back, Sol stared as the dragon advanced, revealing more and more of it's body to the fading sun. Snorting, the light reflecting ruby off it's deep red scales, the dragon looked at Mimi.
"It has more to do with it than you think." The calm, kind voice in his head shook him. He fell back as the dragon took one last step, revealing itself fully to the sun. Yawning, it stretched its back, like a cat would, then it's wings. Tendons and bones popped as they reached their limit, then she folded them back. "You had a horrible upbringing." The voice spoke again, and sol wondered if everyone else could hear it. "And yet, despite that, you worked hard to be yourself, not the opposite of what they wanted you to be. At times that meant killing, and so you did. But you did it for a reason. And now..." The dragon lowered it's head to look him straight in the eyes. "You come to me to bless your mate and possibly rid your cubs of the curse the humans gave you."
Sol blinked. Then, slowly, nodded. "Well, come inside then, the three of you. You're lucky it's a full moon tonight, otherwise I couldn't do anything." Sol stood for a moment before following the dragon as she turned and walked inside.
Mimi blinked then did what Sol did in the presence of the dragon. Well she might be fast but she knew there was no paw to paw combat she knew of to take on a dragon. Not that she was thinking of it but at the moment she knew that this dragon could kill her. It frightened her in some respect. To the point her paws were shaking. She felt like someone was eating away at her mentality. Time let out a frightened meow and bolted himself into the backpack Mimi had. She glanced over Sol but she didn't dare look at the giant in front of them. She wanted to nuzzle him but she was too scared to move.
Mimi listened to what the dragon had to say and looked up when she asked him to come inside. She realized she had felt no pain, not like Sol had when the dragon spoke to him. She gave Sol's cheek a quick lick. Time peeked out from the backpack wondering if it was safe to look around, but he didn't leave the backpack. Besides why walk when he could be carried.
Mimi stood up, seconds ago she felt like a scared rabbit but now she was a bit hopeful, but there was still fear. She quickly padded beside her mate. She wondered if this dragon was powerful enough to know why they had came here, and then maybe the dragon may know who Sol's parents were. Not that it was important but Mimi would like to know who they were and if they were alive still. Maybe if would be a good thing for Sol, letting him know whether he was an experiment or did he had a family once.
Inside the cave it was all dark, human eyes could never be able to see anything here but Mimi was able to see something's that were around her. She saw a faint glow but it seemed to be in the deeper parts of the cave. "Sol... I'm scared..." She whimpered quietly. As curious and hopeful as she was at the moment she was deathly frighten. She wanted to run off but if the cubs could avoid the Second sun she would do anything. Even if they ended up having the genetic flaw Mimi had no intention of leaving then, either way they would be perfect in her eyes.
Time crawled out of the backpack then jumped to the floor his flaming tail provided some light in the cave. Well at least the dragon seemed friendly enough. I wonder if there are more dragons here... He thought to himself wondering if Flame, Wits, and Wolfe would run into this kind of trouble.
The dragon turned and looked at them, then breathed a puff of flame up onto a rock above them. Immediatly it began to move until a large hole was shown in the ceiling, flooding the cavern in light. The dragon looked at time, it's black-and-gold horns glinting in the light. "So, what are you?" She asked, looking at him as if he were a puzzle. "A celestial cat? Demon cat? Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. Either way, you'll have to wait outside. You can watch from the entrance." She then looked at Mimi. "You're lucky you got Solaris, you know. If you'd met with Luna, then you wouldn't be here now. He's ruthless. I can't believe he and Solaris came from the same litter." Then she turned to Solaris. "This world is not what you expect it to be. Remember that." Then she backed up. She had spoke very slowly, as if drawing it out. By the time she was done the light had softened and the moon had revealed itself through the opening in the ceiling. The dragon sighed deeply, and in that moment Sol felt everything change. Suddenly he was back hundreds of years, to a time when dragons were worshipped and revered. He could smell the sudden change in time. He shivered. The air was clearer, crisper. But in reality time was still on track. The dragon was focusing it's magic into itself.
An orb of light formed on it's snout. It was crystal clear, and could only be seen due to the slight distortion it caused. Moving forward, the dragon lowered it's head to look at Mimi. "You have a mate that loves you with all his heart. He would fight the gods themselves to keep you safe. And I've no doubt he's come out victorious, if not unscathed. You're the reason he's still alive right now. You have my blessing, as do your cubs." With that the dragon pressed it's nose against Mimi's belly, pushing the orb into her. "Let none stop you from being with the one you love." Then the dragon turned and dissappeared down a long tunnel. Moments later it returned with something hanging from a talon. "Take this." She let the object drop. It was a silver necklace with a dragon pendant attached to the chain. "It is proof that a dragon has blessed you. And you..." The dragon touched the sword that Sir had once again hanging from his belt. "Already have my gift. Now, you're welcome to stay here until morning. I, however, must go hunt." Quickly the dragon moved past them and outside, where her wings unfurled and propelled her into the air. Sol blinked and looked at mimi. "So.... We just met an ancient dragon that blessed you... What's for dinner?" He wondered how he managed to make it sound so.... Everyday.
Time had a slightly hateful glare at the dragon. So now he was going to have to keep watch. He wouldn't stand up to what the dragon had said, he muttered something to himself and left the cave. He didn't really keep watch like the dragon had said. Instead he just feel asleep at the cave entrance.
Mimi had never felt so cold at that moment, she felt as if ever scrap of warmth and life was being sucked out of her body. She felt like she was made of ice and if she tried to move she would shatter into thousands of pieces. She guessed blessing weren't spouts to feel pleasant. She wasn't expecting this cold feeling. She blinked watching the dragon vanish into the depths of the cave and to reappear with a necklace. Mimi nodded and put the necklace on. When the dragon left she stumbled backwards. Still, feeling cold, from the blessing. A few seconds passed and she felt herself warming up again. She never thought something as big as a dragon could be gentle.
Mimi blinked somewhat in a daze her ears flickered when she heard Sol. She looked up to him. "uhh... dinner..." She took off her backpack and started to dig though the bag trying to find the bread and meat she had brought for the two of them. It only took a few seconds. She pulled out the few slices of bread, the leftover scraps of leftover deer meat, and a bottle of water. Mimi noticed that the deer scraps were cooks and the dread was slightly burnt. "Guess Time accidently cooked the food when he was hiding." She said and smiled. It wasn't much but she had enough so it would last another day. The last two days Mimi and Sol would have to hunt there food. Unless the group meat up early. She placed some of the cook deer scraps on a slice of bread and handed it to Sol. She did the same with hers and finished her meal fairly quick. When she finished she looked over to Sol her tail flickered. "So who's Luna?" Mimi asked remembering the Dragon mentioned someone else that was Sol's kin from the sounds of it.
Sol blinked. "He's Siralos. Or, he used to be. He wasn't always like he is now..." Standing, Sol inhaled the sandwich, ignoring the taste of cooked meat. He hated cooked meat. Walking ouside, he mentally called to Siralos. The dragon landed nearby. "Why do you call him?" She asked. Sol looked back at her. "He wasn't always like this. Besides, he's my younger brother. I have to help him." He turned as the air compressed slightly. Siralos stood there, rubbing his throat. "What?" He spat. Sol smiled calmly. "Hello Luna." Sir physically recoiled. Sol sighed. "You forgot, didn't you? That day, when we were cubs. Back in the.... Prison?" Sir glared, but something sparked behind his eyes. He was remembering. "So do you remember?" Sol asked. Sir nodded slowly. Then he rushed forward. Sol blinked, about to draw back, when sir spun around. Sol blinked before he realized what was behind him. Three shadows detatched themselves from the wall. Sol blinked as they stepped forward. They held lances painted black and wore black armor. On the chestplate of all three were dragon heads, painted in crimson. "Dragonslayers..." The dragon spoke with a venom in her voice. Sir flicked Sol. "You know, you got me thinking. I AM someone else, aren't I? Heh... Guess I have a soul after all." He drew his guns and took aim. "remember what we would do when everyone else was asleep?" Sol blinked, then smiled and drew his combat knife. Sir rushed forward as he used too when he was Luna, firing off a few shots. These were real bullets, not just noises Sir made. Sol ran behind him, and when Sir threw himself to the side Sol lept into their midst, driving the knife into one's unprotected neck.He fell without a sound. Sir then covered Sol's retreat by opening fire and emptying his newly-replaced clips.
Sol promptly threw his knife into the air and drew his own guns. The combined gunfire from both Sol and Sir, who Sol was now thinking of as Luna, cut down another. As his knife came down, Sol kicked the grip and sent it point-first through the last slayer's visor. Thus finished the brothers' game from cubhood. Sol turned to Luna. "Thanks." Sir shrugged. "Where's Mimi?" He asked. Sol blinked. Sir shrugged. "I already know. "He walked into the dragon's den and looked at Mimi. He discharged his spent mags, reloaded, and then holstered the guns. "Sorry about everything." he said, looking at her. "Solaris made me remember something. Listen... If you manage to forgive me, then I've always got shelter for you if you're in trouble. Can't turn away my brother's mate. And... My guns are yours, should you ever need them." With that he turned and left. Sol watched him go, then walked in. He immediatly broke into a smile. "Just solving some family affairs." he told her.