Luna and Thief Ch: 11
Chapter 11: Raging Rivers Nearby a coffee shop on main street people crossed by through the city - it was just as busy in the afternoon as it was in the morning. Luna sighed and stretched - they were all sitting at an outside table enjoying the...
Taps I remember how night after night I would turn restlessly, every night my clock would say the same time 4:00 O'Clock on the dot. I lived in the silence, the darkness my chance was in the night really on my laptop reading through a blog. Night...
Luna And Thief Ch 4
Luna And Thief Chapter 4 Challenge of Pewter Gym! The next morning was quiet, Luna had just opened her eyes to have the bright morning light touch them. Her world a dream; she felt something... Something warm that was perched over the back of her neck...
The Warrior's Dove Ch:11
Chapter Eleven: The Shadows of Perseverance. It was the warmth and thought of the moment; how soft and edged the deserts breeze was. How I finally had a peaceful moment looking into my bewildering fathoms and dreams; dreams that expected nightmares...
The Shadowed Canvas (Short Story.)
Something I wrote for a contest here. Enjoy The Shadowed Canvas. Plowing through the snow, his mind focused into the black asphalt ahead of him. Looking to his left, he stared into the sleeping body of a dog. 'She's already...
The Warrior's Dove Ch: 7
Enjoy Chapter Seven: The Light Within Memories. I remembered, I remembered a friendly voice. I could hear her calling, yet I couldn't see, and I couldn't breathe. Feeling the shock of coldness around me, I froze, only to look up to the rippled light...
The Warrior's Dove Ch: 5
No scolding reviews... Yet... Chapter Five: The Truth's Lies. Looking into the darkness in front of me, I stared upon the walls. Like rhythmic symmetry, all I heard was the tapping of rain above me. A shape moved from outside the den, and I had the...
The Warrior's Dove Ch: 4
Chapter four, Enjoy. Ch: 4. A World's Dream? Or A World's Future? Awakening to the cold feel of wind, I looked upon a transparant, yet shattered wall. Looking around on what I was resting upon, it looked different from a bed, and more like a wide...
The Warrior's Dove Ch:3
Here's Chapter Three, I don't know if it sounds good myself, but I say if the other chapters are still up, then I guess it's doing fine. _Enjoy_ Chapter Three: A Killers Fear. It happened in a flash, the cougar jumped forward, as I stumbled back...
The Warrior's Dove Ch: 1
What I originally wanted to first post here, but I got a little 'sidetracked' with a very annoying task. This story was created for my Fursona, which I have absolutely no artwork for. (Though I am running some rough drafts, and I hope I will get a...
The Warrior's Dove Ch: 16
Enjoy. Chapter 16: A Memoir of Angels. "Senshi." A demonic, powerful sound struck my heart; ripping through the silence like a blade through skin. It shreds violently, tearing at my mind like a rabbit in a cougars jaws. "Senshi." A whisper; no,...
Luna and Thief (Ch 1)
Luna and Thief, Chapter One! With her nose close to the ground, the wind blew the final few seconds of daylight away from her eyes. Rumbling came to the silence. _Gosh, a whole day and I still haven't found even a berry to eat._ Her stomach nipped and...