The Warrior's Dove Ch:3

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#3 of The Warrior's Dove.

Here's Chapter Three, I don't know if it sounds good myself, but I say if the other ...

Here's Chapter Three, I don't know if it sounds good myself, but I say if the other chapters are still up, then I guess it's doing fine.


Chapter Three: A Killers Fear.

It happened in a flash, the cougar jumped forward, as I stumbled back best I could. Landing on my back, the vicious assailant was upon me. Teeth glared upon my body and throat, and it froze my mind. Being too scared to know what to do, I let out a loud yelp, as the next set of shadows came towards one of us. All I saw was darkness, and then I opened one of my eyes. Black fur was all that was there, and I was staring upon the back of a feral wolf pup. Looking ahead of it in fear, the cougar was growling and snarling at them. Blood trickled from its face, and anger filled the animal's eyes. A set of emerald and gold eyes turned to my light grey fur.

"Move!" Her voice was sharp, and young. With the cougar coming forward again, we both bolted off, and I dared not to look back. Darker was the shades of the forest, trees surrounded as if closing in on me. I barely felt my heart race when I ran off, let alone sense what was around me. All my attention was to my front, crisp and clear even as trees became scarce, and the path more rocky. My feet felt the incline up, as I reached the top of a sharp hill, my view disappeared. Forcing myself to stop, all there was were trees down the open cliff, and the mountains that was visible all around. "Hey there." The voice sunk my heart, I turned believing that I would face the worst, and only saw the same pup I saw before. She stared in curiosity and confusion, as I remained silent.

"Can't you speak?" She spoke again.

'Speak?' The word was the only thing that held in my mind. I just kept into thought and the driven paranoia that the cougar caused me. Feeling my body shake, she eyed me suspiciously, yet kept a friendly tone.

"Don't you have a name?"

'My name?' The words pounded into my head, and I only kept forcing myself to remember. Images flashed through my mind, but none were familiar. Just the early memories of my life as a feral, but the rest was lost, just lost to drive into my mind later on.

"Do you like to play?" She had a small skip when she moved around though she Kept her attention to the mountains view, and the sun that started to set over the mountain. A howl came close by; dangerously close. Looking towards the sound; I noticed the slit of a cave near the brush. Moving against the wall towards it, I caught the scents that came from the cavern. Then to my surprise, a shape came straight from the cave. Stumbling back, I stared into the golden eyes of a wolf. Full grown, and riddled with age, he moved towards us. Looking upon the other pup, she stared up at him until he finally spoke.

"Come." His voice was rough, and razered. She instantly moved and followed him.

"Bye." She nodded her head to me, and the wolf stopped.

"What's this?" Looking at me, I slowly backed up, and flattened myself against the caverns wall. He knew where I was in a heartbeat, and almost gave a smile. "Now how did you get here?" His voice though softer, was still sharp and dug into my ears. Understanding what he was saying, I tried to speak, but nothing came. Within the urging silence, I stood forward, and had the intention to run. The pup who save my life started to speak silently, and his expression changed. Standing in wake, I watched him move towards me, his chest massive, and his hind legs still strong in age. "It sounds like you need a place to stay pup." Standing, almost terrified to be, he urged forward, away from the settled sun. Looking into the darkened den, I followed his friendly gesture and walked into darkness, in which I finally was able to find peace to sleep. Though the thoughts of who they were, or why they helped confused me, I finally closed my eyes. Though a split second later, I awoke in a world much different from my own.