The Warrior's Dove Ch: 16
#18 of The Warrior's Dove.
Chapter 16: A Memoir of Angels.
Chapter 16: A Memoir of Angels.
"Senshi." A demonic, powerful sound struck my heart; ripping through the silence like a blade through skin. It shreds violently, tearing at my mind like a rabbit in a cougars jaws. "Senshi." A whisper; no, voice's speaking through my skull, tearing the very fabrication of my soul apart. "Shut up! Get out of my head!" Laughter responded in a maniac's cackle, teasing my thoughts like the pleasure of others. Sharpened fangs lit through the shadows, blood falling from its jaw with nothing more than a disfigured smile. "Why? Don't you like the asylums of your mind?" The voice wavered like smoky wind, mists that tore a slit through my ears; like a knife placed across my wrist. "WHO ARE YOU?!" A conscience shattered, like a mirror reflection; the picture of my face and body distorted itself before my eyes. "I am you. Who else would you be?" The terms laughed through the shadows, throwing me into a damp; cold place. Rain drops struck the top of the earth above, the patter ringed through the darkened cavern. "NO YOUR NOT!" I feebly cried out, turning franticly to the sight of blackened flame. Laughter came from the lighter depths of the cavern; than out of the blue a pair of pages was thrown to me, landing open onto a page; written within black ink. The page was hand written beautifully, as if made by a scholar; though I couldn't read it the way it was written, but only understand the way it was spoken.
*Day Five.* Shadows beat at the skies, tearing the heavens apart; rain fell like the blood around us. Shredding all I could believe good and just within this world... "I still can't believe that bastard, leaving us all for dead while he ran off with that mutt of a friend. He gave up on us; though I know we won't, I know we will all fight until the last male, female, and offspring falls. Magic and summoning can't help us here, only that fucker of a mutt Senshi, only that fucker who left us for his own dreams and greed, the one who left the only thing he truly loved behind... Kiyoko. This is Serviath, saying that we can't trust that fool; his stupid belief of being able to run. He'd only get himself killed, he'd only get us killed."
By now the flashes of where he was came to mind; I couldn't see him or his body or face, nor could I hardly hear or recognize his voice. All around me though, rain pelted the earth, like the arrows that flooded the skies and piercing downwards. Forms stood, most tired and bleeding; others broken and scared. Though within the distance all I could hear was the paced beat of war drums that overpowered their breaths. "You're a fool Senshi, You should just leave; have a life of your own." The shadows teeth and eerie white eyes was all I could see within the cavern. "No." "Why not? You don't even understand what has happened to this world; nor what is happening to it now." "And I guess you do." It responded with a youthful giggle; giving off a twisted smile as if the walls of insanity weren't too far away. "Come with me, I'll lead you to your rightful place within this world." The form stepped forward, and I could sense something reaching out towards me. "NO!" My footing gave way with a sudden upwind feel; my body was ripped downwards, being further engulfed by elements that only blinded, chocked, and drove me towards Angels forgotten memories. Hacking from the sudden inhale of blackened smoke and the scent of blood, my blurry eyes awoke to the signs of a shattered box of broken and fractured metal; a form lay above me, his skull crushed in from a solid block of reinforced glass. Blood was all that filled my nose, that and smoke. "Rook!" A hoarse voice cried out, and a fuzzy shadow came out from the darkened clouds surrounding me. Trying to call out, I could only gag on the smoke around me. The figure turned to the sounds of coughing, racing with a controlled pace to find the sound. Within a manner of moments a large darkened form was over top of me, and hoisted my body up; blood slowly dripped downwards, striking the earth with a drop every now and then. "Is he okay?" A female voice arose distorted from the sounds of metal; I fight through the sunny, snow blown air and look upwards; my neck and back completely aflame from the impact. She wore an oddly slender, black metal object over her face; the object having two tubes; both connected towards the mask and her back somehow. Her clothing was a midnight black with a symbol I could recognize, a symbol that dug painful memories from my skull. "Yeah, he's fine." The figure carrying me put me down, his eyes than quickly scanned around. "What have you found around here?" "Nothing relating to the Shurvian strain." 'Shurvian strain?'Shurvian was the only word that pierced through me. It forced images into my head; a gypsies gaze into another's life. Everything hurt like hell, and the images flashing at me only showed a building; a corporation with the name Shurvian before I was forced awake. "HEY!" Yukiko stood beside my bed; her paws against my shoulders in a panic. "For every damn right Angel, are you okay?" Shaking my head from a sudden, blurry gaze, my eyes fell towards Aaron who stood at the corner of the room. "Yeah, yeah." I spoke in a tired voice. "Of course I am." "You were just... Flinching a moment ago; Aaron heard some noise and surprisingly came to check on you." "Flinching? What do you mean by that?" The blinds were open from beside my bed; and those numbers told me it was only seven A.M. "Just never mind, I don't know what he means myself." She took her paws of my shoulders, than stepped away from the bed. "Shaking. Frantically moving, twitching; it almost looked like something was hurting you." Aarons voice arose from room, though his tone seemed oddly empty of emotion. "No no, I'm fine." They both exchanged looks to each other. "if you don't mind, I'd like to get dressed." "Oh yeah." Yukiko and Aaron left right after; and from there I stood after they left, though the room; my mind flashing and everything surrounding me began twitching madly, the room began to twist like a constricting snake, and the colors in front of my eyes almost made everything appear to be drenched from blood and flame. Pain struck stronger than it ever did, and with a small grunt everything reverted back. 'What the fuck?' I could feel my body start to shake, paranoia or anxiety started through my body as the cold room began to finally touch my fur. As the shirt slightly blinded my view, I pulled it down past my neck; only for the mirror to reveal my form but twisted and demonic standing in a room paved with blood and handprints upon the windows and walls; it's claws reddened from the lives of others and its teeth bared smile gazing into my soul for a second, before my mind flashed once more; and everything was normal. My voice was the only thing that came into my mind; Angels was suddenly gone, though I knew I faintly heard it before. 'Angel!' I called into the depths of my skull, no reply came; except the faint sound of snickering. "You don't even understand." A faint whisper came into the room, catching my sensitive ears. "You don't know the Strazhi's power; you don't understand the darkness here mortal." A voice arose speaking with a light melodic voice. "Please remember Senshi." Karisifs voice echoed into my skull, the sound coming from the wind outside. "Please remember." 'Remember what!?' My thoughts were oddly violent, an ascension of rage and confusion that only delved my mind into the darkness of thought; voices whispered into my skull like some patient of dementia and schizophrenia, echoing through my head with vulgar sounds of death, screams, and the windows of the past. Fully clothed I left the room only to notice the other two stand, their faces studying me in great concern. "Are you sure you're okay?" Kindness and serenity were her words; soft sounds that brought my thoughts away from the confusion surrounding and strangling me. "Of course I'm fine." I said in a reassuring tone, my mind clear and my sight no longer a blur. "Why wouldn't I be?" All that was spoken; it wasn't my words, rather it was Angels voice and mind that overpowered mine. "You seem a bit jumpy Angel." He spoke, his voice solid and strong. "No, I feel great." A bright and eager sound almost sounded too youthful for my age. "Okay then, well Yukiko and I are leaving for now; I got to get to work." "And I got to get to the hospital now; they would be expecting me soon."
"Okay than, uh, I'm just going to see what I can remember; something's bound to arise if I think hard enough." All that came after was an assuring nod and they both left; an odd chill arose, and all I could do was sit down and think. 'There has to be something here that can help me learn anything about who I am.' Having a quick scan around, only one thing caught my eye. 'the empty room.' An almost frantic step and I walked into it. The windows were closed here; and the room trapped much heat. A closet stood closed at the far end, and it didn't take me long before I opened it. Only a large safe was below me, and a footlocker on the shelf above. Trying to open both of them I realized to my luck that they were locked. 'The keys.' Going back, I grabbed them and started trying each on for them. Finally reaching the last key, I unlocked the case above and brought it down. "What?" I said aloud, staring into enclosed envelopes and separate newspaper clippings. *Shurvian Co accepts company ties with Vitiriin industries* the words of one clipping caught my eye. *Shurvian Co relieves original C.E.O for Greoy Talion* 'Greoy?' The name was too closely familiar, other documents lay within the box; and after looking through some of them, and it started getting more and more of complex understanding. *With his final rounds through scientific and theoretical studies, Greoy seems to portray only the majority of his time studying within the walls of history at the Gesheian library here within this city; I myself never would spend my time in such a religious and peculiar landmark, though it shall not faze me to find that dog and explain my views about this segregation between both communities of people.* It was a memo from a notepad, handwritten; and well at that. A pen was beside it; and I spent a second writing the same message down. 'Handwritings the same. Why would Angel have written this?' Flipping through the notepad some more, the remaining pages were blank; though there was an odd device within the box. Picking it up, I spent a moment studying the small black box, before I caused it to speak with Angel's voice. *Log one, date September twenty-seventh of the Gesheian calendar; I've spent my time gathering all I can discover about this 'sickness' they call it within me. Some dementia or insanity of sorts. They don't believe what I've explained about the Shurvian Corporation, nor do they hold the basic understanding of its mass production within military weaponry and procedures. Vitiriin Industries holds a massive stock share within the majority of everything, from common household items; towards the newly built military S.A.H.C's that cost billions. My father, the owner of the company has spent his time listening to nothing I've spoken upon. within political or private standings; his understanding is that Shurvian will be able to create a stronger company threshold and excellent employee rights. He is a kind man; my father, but he's foolishly blinded by dreams; I just hope I'm not forced to do anything more that's drastic so soon.* the words caused a sudden painful thought, but my eyes fell towards the other box within the closet. Pulling the heavy and large safe out, I checked the keys. Two key emblems matched; the one for the footlocker, the other; broken from the crash. "Shit." Noticing the type of the lock a thought came to mind. 'I bet this could break open with the right tech.' Leaving the room, I quickly checked every room of the apartment, looking for anything that could work. After thirty minutes, I found something. A large two handled bolt cutter collected dust at the back of the hallway closet. 'Hell yeah, some luck.' Walking back to the room, I inspected the large safe one more time before snapping the thick key lock off. Opening the door once more, it revealed to me only five more boxes, and the imprint of where a sword could be placed. Pulling the bright silver boxes out, a small keyboard was imprinted at the top, numbering one to nine. 'All locked.' Standing in defeat, I passed the next hour pacing, keeping my mind deep within thought. After a while, I noticed something in the room though. 'The windows.' Passing by at a certain angle, they seemed to shine at me; small parts of them. Looking on the ground beside the safe, it labeled itself in little dots. One for the first window, three for the second, seven for the third, and five for the fourth. Going back to the cases, I typed the code in. Thirteen seventy-five; the latches popped open; and once I pulled the lid up, it revealed two black and silver objects. S.X.H Special was on their labels; and pulling the handle out it revealed a pistol to me. The clips lay beneath them loaded with three fifty-seven caliber bullets. Checking the code with another box it revealed a solid black object with S.M.P.R; pulling that out it gave me a short barrelled machine gun, a full adjustable stock on the back and fore grip on the front. The clip was long and pointed straight. Loading it, I noticed the clip pointed forward, and saw a small metal piece that fanned out and curved inwards. Unloading it, I put it back; the next box had nothing but a heavy black pair of clothes and a large black metal helmet labeled S.LR.V. All I could notice was the emblem on all of them seemed familiar, and in my mind I could see the twin headed dragons and lion symbol. 'These are all made by Shurvian.' The thought stuck in my mind as I put it all away; the safe still kept unlocked as I put it back into the closet. A shuffle came from outside the room; and from there it echoed from outside of the apartments door. Watching a shadow pass by from underneath, and envelope slipped underneath. I immediately opened the door, looking for anything that passed by. Nothing was there, no sound, no wind. Closing the door I opened the unlabeled document and opened it to the sight of a note. *I see you've discovered a piece of this puzzle Senshi.* 'Senshi?' My name caught my attention. *I was beginning to worry about you, Fylakas doesn't see any use for you; but I know you're valuable to us. In the next five minutes your cellphone will ring on the kitchen counter next to you, answer it; and Senshi, meet me at Callaghan's restaurant by seven-thirty, I'd like to chat.* 'A phone?' I turned to see the counter, my eyes stunned by the notes truth. 'next five minutes.' The wait felt like an eternity of pacing; just crossing back and forth until my final minute was up. 'No ring.' Turning to leave, I could hear it go off. My eyes scanned the number for a second; before it didn't feel like I was controlling myself.
"Hi Jason, what do you need?" 'Jason!?' The name shocked me with the thought. I suddenly couldn't speak, but Angel spent his time talking with him. "A theory, that's all I need. People are going missing Angel; I've counted at least a dozen over these couple days, all of them without relation, no M.O for any of it, but all were alone; and that's it." "Have you checked any previous files on them, past, present; there line of work?" "Of course I have. It's been a range from doctors to mechanics to babysitters and everything in-between. I can't figure this one out alone; hell our whole department can't do anything. I need you here today." "Yeah." I spoke, daring a glimpse past the glass sliding door; studying the city streets below, and the building beside my apartment. "I'll be over there in a bit." "Okay, thanks we're going to need the help." "Yep, I'll be there." Hanging the phone up, I closed the door for the empty room and walked back into the kitchen. My head was surprisingly calm, though I didn't trust any of the thoughts that came to it. A couple minutes passed before I put on a pair of shoes and a jacket, grabbed my keys and locked the apartment door. Putting my paws into the jacket's pockets; I felt the cold inside these hallways, digging into my fur and revising the past of another. That park; it seemed to fan out around me, the lights shone with red, green, and blue; vibrantly playing the streetlamps part. The trees were tall, though they were not like the forests height; reaching for the heavens. Instead they only topped the first or second story of a small building. Through the darkness I could see the city around me, a car passed by every now and then; as a figure would come in view ahead. The cold wind lingered around me, like the engulfing night that covered the trees surrounding. The sounds of footsteps came from the darkness of my mind, and I noticed the end of the hallway was here. Stepping into the small boxed room, a figure beside me pressed a button; and the doors closed. With the feeling of us being lifted down, an uneasy feeling came over me. From the corner of my eye, a splinter of whitened cloth came from under the clothes they wore. Hardly ten seconds in the room, pain struck my skull. The box flashed with the further sight of a hallway. Dark, cold, and quiet; a shape, standing taller than I stood at the other end and with sudden painful jolts its form seemed to jump further towards me though it hardly took a step forward. The sight of a single blood drop hit the floor, sending a ripple of shock through my chest, my heart suddenly racing as if struck from within. Grunting from its sudden pain, the shape beside me arose a voice. "Are you okay?" A sincere and honest voice reached my ears, causing me to reply with a smile before the main floor opened ahead of us. Footsteps arose from the oddly dark and quiet lobby, the form from the elevator was already gone. The lights began to flicker; the pain, the same familiar striking images hit me before everything was evidently clear. Something else was within this room with me. I took a look around; above me was a large vent, from out the glass doors stood a van with its windows glared out from the sun. A step forward, and a piece of paper caught my eye; the handwriting same as before. *Listen* All the words said; and a sound did catch my ear. Footsteps that seemed far away, but breathing that was so much closer. Lightly two metallic screeches came, as if blades were unsheathed. A sharp exhale led my body turning and locking my right bicep around the tricep of a grey cloaked figure. Rusted steel still shot forward causing my left paw to strike against their wrist to stop the blade. A small solid switchblade in one paw which almost struck my skull, and the other was just driving for the side of my chest. Jumping back, their blades swung across; causing me to duck under, and rise at the opposite side of them. The cloak had a tight black mesh faceguard forcing the illusion of a shadow. Upon the cloak was a blood red color that created fractured emblem; much like a rune, only shattered into missing shards of its original statue. 'What the hell?' Steel struck the ends of my fur tips, cutting off some snow white fur. The figure managed to knock me against the wall, and then took a stab for the eyes. Dodging the first by wrenching my head left, and then the other right; I drove my forehead clean onto their nose and muzzle, knocking them back with a stumble. Being free, I circled away from the wall studying their movements. The form ran straight, tackling my body where it hit glass and I struck the concrete hard. Their jump was high, falling downwards with the blade aimed for my heart. Rolling left, sparks hit the concrete causing a metallic snap as it did. With a broken blade, the hilt dropped to the pavement before they took a swing with their only other. Dodging, I landed my left onto their mesh cover, ducked under another swing and tackled them down. 'Who the hell is this!?' I thought with a bitter growl before placing my fist down onto them. Feeling sharp claws strike my chest, I felt the force of their feet kick me off and all I saw was their shadow driving me back to the earth. Taking suddenly wild swings with their knife and giving off a demonic screech that sharply stung my ears. Though its call became distressed as a familiar bark came from the silence and a blur shot forwards for the kill. "Caesar!" I called astonished and surprised as the small dog was enough to knock them back. The flame blazed dog perched all fours to the earth and stared at the shadow on the road, his tone a bitter snarl and his teeth bare. Eyes narrow and fur erect, he studied the movements they made once they stood back up. Upon the road, hardly a few inches away was a blade broken from the impact, the other was right at my feet. Rusted and ruggedly sharp, as if the blades had been around for years. Grasping the handle without any thought, I brought it up to their throat height and bolted forward. Everything was a blur from there though, a sudden dart of movement as it scaled the side of a metal fenced gate to my right, and ran from us deeper into the city with Caesar barking at the figure. The dog immediately reclined back, coming with his tail wagging and a small pant. The world above was clouded, blocking the sun that should've shone downwards upon us. Silence was my only virtue, a small curiosity why no one was around. A tug on my jacket led my eyes towards the dog who stared into mine with a familiar need. "What do you want?" I asked, feeling foolish for talking to a feral. His teeth tugged at my jacket, and he kept pulling me towards the side of the apartment building. "Fine." Following him I caught sight of a cardboard box in the alleyway between the brick walls of the tall building, and a wooden paneled fence that blocked the way towards the street over it. It was large, and newspapers were in it; though it couldn't look at all comfortable, it being soaked from the snow and all. 'He is determined to stay with me.' Looking around with a sudden chill, I realized that snow began to fall; white flakes that came heaven-sent. Scent, none came from here; none caught notice. Only the falling flakes that brought warmth to my heart; that brought strength to me before being rippled from my world.
In my arms once again, that wolf that snowy wolf was no longer there. We weren't in our familiar forest; we weren't in a forest at all. Kiyoko, she was young; her fur pressed against mine as snow fell around the cobblestone that lay under our feet. The streets gave the familiar sounds of memory; the streets rang through our silent night; giving birth to the time of night. Rarely seen, an oil lantern stood brightly in front of a home as if waiting for us to press forward. The warmth of her arms wrapped around my chest made my heart race; our breaths nothing more than the silent ringing of the sounds of footsteps in the closed distance. Down both ways was nothing but darkness, the sight of a long and snowy alleyway as she brought my eyes to stare into hers. Emerald-gold; it's shocking virtue caused me to shiver, before her muzzle was pressed against mine and her arms around my neck. Tender and velvet soft, her warmth pushed against my coldness; I could feel it, as I stood within the empty, clouded alley; I could feel her kiss, her heart racing as sudden as mine. I could only shiver, standing within the cold alone; though it wasn't the frigid morn that caused it. A chime interrupted my sudden thought as that dog came towards me, the sword from before within his jaws and the sight of a large jacket over his back. He dropped both to the cement, the blades hilt making a small ping as it touched the pavement below him. Giving a slight smile (And still with foolish thoughts.) I spoke once more. "And why would I need this pup?" Caesar only gave a slight whimper and an urging nudge, sitting shortly after with worried eyes. I could only pass a sigh, watching the way Caesars face was held to mine; before his dull brown eyes became sharp and narrowed. Without much of a warning, he shot forward; barking violently with a satanic snarl. "Caesar!" I jumped left. 'What the fuck is going on with him?' It came to thought before I turned to face him, and a form. Demonic, twitching with a devilish look; sharply placed as if cutting into me. 'What is tha' Cut from thought the form shot forward, all fours placed on the cement as a shadows flame engulfed around me. "FUCK!" I only barked out before falling back; scrambling for the swords hilt with a frantic crawl. Feeling its steel against my paw I took the handle, but swung too late and was thrown somewhere new. My face pressed against the blood dried soil, I rose my head up; the sight of banners and flags, pressed against a blood-red morn wavered within the winds. Echoes of drums, the beats of war struck this place as strong as its scent of... Gunpowder. Far in the distance, I recognized the sight; all the supports and ropes were broken, and the half built tower was crumbling from the light sight of flame. 'Big Ben... I'm at London' The thought sent a shiver through me, the flash of his words; that Serviath spoke around me. More voices touched my ears, Shakshira, the very name dug needles into my skull. Crying out with the feel of heated steel tearing through my hip; it gave me a familiar sense of pain. Pounding at me with a burn; my legs gave way as my face met darkened eyes of that demon. No blade in paw; hardly a sight around me all I simply could do was stare at this wolf's eye. Blood-stained; its burning coal shocked into my mind; leaving its mark as if I was branded. Growls, its wrench and bared teeth could only shed blood; falling with its gentle patter onto the reddened soil. Snarling, it eventually grew louder before it spoke as the world suddenly became silent. "Kisheviria." Splicing my body, my thoughts, and my heart; I was on the ground, the pavement cold and a form standing above me. Caesar sat next to the figure, his face to easily recognized and Angels voice was all that pierced through my confusion. "Jason... What th- What the fuck just." Angel's words cut from my mouth; and I felt his pain as mine. My head throbbed, pounding as hard as my heart was racing. "I don't know mate, but you best be thankin this stray; god looks like you've been unconscious for a couple hours now." The crossbred dog whimpered at me, nuzzling my frigid body to move before I stood up, swaying to the sudden change. Feeling lightheaded, the middays light stung my eyes sharply, stinging with a lingering pain that only grew as I stumbled forward. "Damn, your bleeding... Are those knife wounds?" Jason stepped closer, and I got the full-fledged view of a German shepherd. 'Knife wounds.' The words arose a sudden shock from across my upper and lower chest; my arms stung just as painfully and on the ground behind me, blood trailed from my steps. "Yeah. Just a couple shallow cuts." I breathed out slightly gasping from the sudden pain. "Some crazy S.O.B jumped me." My voice was deeper than I could remember; my head, I couldn't feel that familiar daze that haziness that came from Fylakas's chain finally seemed to be gone. 'Do I even have the chain on me?' I wondered placing my hand against my chest. The jacket Caesar brought me before was upon my body, warmly snug and feeling weighed down by the sword hidden underneath it. 'How did' I cut my thoughts off and kept feeling for the chain until I felt its rope like cold metal weighed down by the wisps crystal. "Someone jumped you?" I heard after finally tuning into reality. "Yes, a cloaked figure earlier this morning." Softly my voice pounded against my head, thoughts stung with every word; and the skies above began to fall snow once more. "We'll look into it, for now we need you at the department; everything is... Well shortly put this whole thing is messed up." Leaning against the wall for my support; I gave him a tired look. Yeah, you told me that over the phone. "You look like shit." "You think so? I'm figuring something hit me, and hit me hard." Bringing my paw to the front of my head, I squinted from the pain as I took another step forward. "I bet you'd like a ride." Giving a small grin, I only had one reply. "I'd love one." The walk over felt like it took forever before we reached his cruiser; Solid black, and that alone. No symbols, no words, just a solid midnight color that reflected the snow too well. It's interior as dark as the clouded sky that surrounded the blocks of towering stone and blood. Built upon the fragments of hatred and shadows as the feeling of his cars silent rumble struck me to reality. My head started to sting once more, Angels thoughts seemed to bounce, change course every now and then with a dark voice. Or so it seemed like it to me. A sound faintly pulsed; the familiar strike of strings rippled into my body and pierced my ears with a violent cry. My vision became blurred, an impairment that rang echoes into my head; the purring sound that arose from the front was murder against my skull, pulsing with that sound. A violin that playfully and deviously struck its cords against my very soul. Everything suddenly stopped; movement anyways. We were stopped between two smaller buildings, warehouses by the first look. Figures stood in the distance, a commotion that even worried my mind. "You are a fucking worthless son-of-a-bitch!" A wild kick, striking a form below the figure; again and again; Even as blood was thrown about. Jason, he was already out of the car, a pistol in his paws; held up firmly, his hands as solid as the kicks being landed upon the form that was pushed against the concrete. "Stand down!" Jason barked out, though it hardly stopped him. At the back of his neck, the shards of a symbol; much like a tattoo caught my eye. Though it wasn't until the figure finally turned that I realized it was the same symbol that cloaked figure wore before. "I said stand down!" Jason's voice was more violent than before. "I will kill you the radio made it clear that all law enforcement has been prohibited to use lethal force at any costs now STAND DOWN!" He snarled out, his paws still holding the blackened steel handle of his firearm. The figure only gave a small smile, almost as if held apologetically. "You won't shoot me." He took a single step forward, and all I saw through my daze was more than three shots. What stunned me though was the fact he stood, wavering for a couple seconds before stepping forward again; its holes just starting to bleed out. From there he only fell onto his left knee chuckling before hitting the ground entirely. "Holy." Jason sighed out, lowering his gun after a second and stepping towards the unconscious, blood covered body of a much younger figure. His eyes stared and studied the figures wounds before picking him up and staring towards me in which I could only keep mine on his before walking back to his cruiser. Grasping a wired blackened box, his words were quick and sounded distorted. "I felt death, ringing against my skull with that pulsing sound and that voice, it wouldn't stop." My mind stabbed my heart, where was I? All I could do was look around once more studying the wooden and frigid building around me. My paws wore a pair of black, wool fingerless gloves. The snow whined with a light rant towards the walls around all of us. "Sounds a bit creepy." His voice was too familiar; his gloved paws were pressed against one another as if making a small cavern before exhaling into his paws. "Damn it's cold..." He whispered with a passion, a longing of familiarly strong in his voice. Angel gave a chuckle, I heard his voice; deep and sounding only better. "At least that's what he wrote." "Who is this guy anyways?" The figure reclined, his back against the wall and legs split as if to support him. Giving another chuckle and smile, I could only listen to Angels replies. "Red, I called 'im that at least, ya know he's just an ol' friend from collage... Well... My roommate." Studying his face, I picked off the smile he gave himself. "Heh, fair enough." He spoke in a bright tone. "Always a good thing to stay in touch with old friends eh?" Those last words echoed, before the light and face of a figure came to me. "Angel!" I blinked twice, staring into Jason's face. "It looked like you passed out. I thought a marine like yourself could take a couple hits." Giving a light chuckle, I stepped from the vehicle. "And I thought a seasoned officer wouldn't be so eager to pull the trigger." It wasn't my words; I couldn't tell if they were words of disapprobation, or if it was simply within the fun of the sport. "Heh, You of all people listen to radio and television; I'm sure, during that time you've heard about the city councils agreement about law enforcement. With everything so screwed up in this city, we have the right to use lethal force on any grounds." 'On any grounds.' His words were dark, sounding pushed with a vulgar sense. "That's what I'm afraid of." Angel replied my words were just as barked; preaching into his ears in which he found satisfaction. "Same old Angel. Let's get inside; I need to check up on that kid anyways." He left, disappearing into the front. A shiver led me to scanning the area around me; everything clear and the sun above finally reaching above me. 'Something seems off.' The feeling wouldn't leave, only linger as it grew; sending that shiver through me once more. Staring at the tall building, I counted out seven floors; the buildings surrounding weren't as tall, in fact; most were just touching the fifth floor. "Hey Angel." Jason's voice reached me. "Meet me at the fourth floor, we need to chat." Jason's fingers pointed behind him, a staircase led upwards; ascending into the light above, though it seemed shrouded within darkness. I felt my body; my head give a nod before I started walking up. Everything was hazy; illusions of faces covered my eyes, and the faint hum of strings reached my ears. Every change, a simple note that held before it became lighter. A prolonged sound that dug into my skull; pain that made my visions become worse. Everything jumped; a sign was ahead of me. *Third floor* All I could make out, No one noticed my daze. In fact, out of it I felt balanced; another jump, a form seemed to appear from the corners; teeth jagged and blood dripping down striking the ground with a light sizzle, and the rise of steam. Eyes stared into me, the sound intensifying with every step; until my mind jumped once more, a room with a name placed on the front. *Jason* was all my mind would allow me to see; claws, at least that's what it felt like; they tore into my thoughts, bearings, and soul. Everything repeated itself, jumping; flickering madly as the walls closed around, tighter and tighter; constricting all life and feeding it into my skin. I was awake, and confused; in pain but couldn't feel. Shortly after I found myself within his office, a wave of smoke came from the burning ambers of a cigarette came from Jason's paw. "So this person who jumped you, what did he look like?" The room was glassed all around; blinds were held to the department behind me and the double paned window ahead let the dim sunlight shine through. "He was cloaked in grey; his face was covered off by some mesh guard. I didn't get a good look at anything except what he was swinging at me and some marking." Angels voice rang through my skull; the sun made the smoke clearly visible as Jason brought the cigarette to his mouth. Breathing inwards he shortly blew out, giving me an odd look before speaking once more. "What did the marking look like?" I was looking out the window when I heard her voice inside myself. 'You should duck.' The sounds came out as they were spoken. A flash met my eyes from a building not too far off. "What?" Jason's voice caught my ears. "DUCK!" Bolting left I brought Jason to the ground, the sound was louder than anything I expected. The wall was struck, implanting a large hole from the shot that rang through, the dust, the sounds; my sight was double vision, until my world turned black.
Awakening within the cold, a blanket of silence echoed from the snow and its howling winter. Late in the night the stars spent their time shining, glistening with its peaceful twilight; all that was shattered with the sounds of his screams. "FUCK!" The pain struck his head, his call dry and loud enough to echo from the mountains. More screams of pain rang out, agony that pounded the night with its constant warning. A closed distance led the darkness to conceal himself within a cover. It's simple and sturdy hide was held by large sticks that constantly held back the storms punishment. The distance also held other sounds however. Voices arose from the night, a dim light of a lantern that appeared so far away shone within his face. "By Gesheia." Their voice was strong with disbelief. "HEY HE'S AWAKE!" The forms calling led more lights to faintly arise within the cold. Everything was still double vision; but his cloak and tunic, green with the woven hints of brown and gold caught his shocked eyes. "It's fine." Another voice spoke, its familiarity shocked him. "I asked your mage and borrowed the incense to awaken him. Now, make sure he is ready and up; he'll need some food and water after being out cold for three days." "Th- three days?" His dry bitter voice struck against his throat painfully. "Yes, we needed you in this state to find out what we could about Lord Kisheviria's new ally." "W- What?" The sound as dry as the winter wind, his heated state only caused him to sweat; though he couldn't stop shivering. "I'll explain more later; right now, you need to get ready." With their final words the form was gone into the snow and wind.
End. Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^ (and the long wait :P)