The Warrior's Dove Ch: 5
#5 of The Warrior's Dove.
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Chapter Five: The Truth's ...
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Chapter Five: The Truth's Lies.
Looking into the darkness in front of me, I stared upon the walls. Like rhythmic symmetry, all I heard was the tapping of rain above me. A shape moved from outside the den, and I had the intention to move towards it. Walking forward, I did not sense her coming up behind me, until she was virtually upon me. "Morning!" She spoke into my ear, I gave a yelp, and dodged to my side. The nightmares of what happened still echoed in my mind, like the rain that pelted my ears within the den. My dreams helped me remember some, but not enough. I still can't recall my name, or what I am. "Your still a little jumpy huh pup?" Looking at the pup, my mind went into all directions. She saved me for one, but killed two others. Now she acted as if everything was perfect, and that she was just a naive pup all over again. Watching her walk out of the den, I closed my eyes, and only hoped I'd piece together what happened. "You're awake." He spoke with kind smile. "I hope you've enjoyed your night with us." My mind fixed on the images he fed into my head; that he forced into me. I tried to speak, but my own self denied that right. Laughing, he stared at me with humor. "Can't talk back can you?" Staying quiet, I looked into his eyes, as he began to speak. "Whether you believe me or not, that is not of importance here. What is important is your choice here, understand." I nodded my head, and looked at him. "I am a Fylakas. Now, I know your confused with it and my name, but I am part of a community by blood of my own people. Now within my own brethren, I found darkness. A darkness which I have linked to the murder of thousands, and that number is rising quickly. I held a strong disbelief within this, but the way he and that pup held their faces surprisingly led to that lingering truth. "I discovered that the way they succeed, was by finding and taking specific people. This disrupted a chain of life, and caused our time to change, along with another timeline." "Now speak, for that is all I know at this time." Almost feeling a weight coming off me physically, I was finally able to talk. "How can I trust you? I mean you could be doing this to help them." I humored him with my feeble tactics. "I am the reason your alive now." He spoke sternly, and I knew that it would be possible to be that reason, yet within confusion, and my loss of memory; I assumed he sent her to help me. "Why do I keep awakening in different places?" He gave a smile. "I brought you with us. You see, since Kiyoko was born in this timeline, she must return to it. Since your both alive in this timeline, you both must return." Within this daze, more questions came. "Why do I change from being full grown to a pup." I kept my mind clear, and just kept focusing on what could be real or fake. "You mean from your anthro self to your feral?" "...Yes?" "The changing of your lives. When one dies, they become opposites of what they were before. Anthro becomes feral, and feral becomes anthro." Looking upon him in confusion, he pulled out a small golden chain. It was twisted within itself like rope, and reflected the sun that just fought its way through the rain clouds. "If you want to help, take this and wear it. If you want more proof, just take it. If you want nothing to do with this, go back the way you came, and you shall never see us again." Starting to walk away from them with the tempting verse of never seeing them again, he kept talking. I only listened to what I believed was the ramblings of a madman, but he finally got my attention. "If you leave, you will have to spend your life here, forever. If you help us, I will grant you your choice of where, when, and how your life is lived." Stopping in my tracks, I looked back. Almost a look of greed and curiosity came to me, combined with that strong undying uncertainty. "Really, you'll be able to do that?" I asked with a smirk. "Yes." "You're insane." I started laughing, and walked off. When I saw a blaze of black cut me off, I stared into Kiyoko's sharp eyes. The shine of an emerald's gold dug into my conscience. As if it was a nature to stay, I stopped for her. "Please help us." Looking at her eyes, they held a strong sense of weakness; like she was scared herself. Her intention strong, and with her body starting to shake, I almost felt as if I should stay, just to make sure she was safe dealing this lunatic. Walking back to him, I picked up the golden chain with my muzzle and fought to put it on. "Prove it then." I felt my body freeze. Like the paralysis from a cobra's bite, I hit the ground. Digging into my mind was images, flickering madly in my head; causing me enough pain to cry out. My heart raced, and I believed it would rip out of my chest. My thoughts slowed, and I was forced to focus on one spot. "Watch, focus, and listen, it will explain it all." Fylakas's voice came to me, and my heart rate finally lowered. Within my mind, all I saw was shadows, shadows that danced around the flames of war. Finally seeing the light in my mind, I watched as cloaked figures gutted a creature. With their blades held high, a screech emitted across the broken field. Within the scent of blood and the sight of death, I found a set of pages; pages that waved and flagged like the banner being carried in the wind above me. Coming upon the ancient words, I saw the mangled body of a dog. A dog I recognized from my minds locked chest. A small flash of steel came, and within his paws was a blade, a wakizashi drenched within blood. Gasping out, a memory ripped through the illusions to me. Watching myself hand the book and my blade over to the blazed dog, he gave a smile. The same smile a companion would give. Snapping back to the scent of smoke, I watched flamed arrows rain from the heavens. Landing through me, yet feeling nothing, I looked to the shadows. Watching the cloaked figures walk upon the reddened hills, I finally looked to the book.
Day one: All of hell shot upon us like the thunder of god, with these demons, shadows, reapers, whatever you may call them. They just appeared, starting within the cities, and working their bloody way outward. I, lord Shakshira have now lost all my life. My children, my mate, all dead. All I have left is the paupers and the warriors on my manor, and stragglers appearing with us. We are fighting our way to the seas, but are being pushed back with every battle. How can you kill a shadow? Light? They slaughter us in the peak of day, and we can't even phaze them. How can I tell what women and children and fathers we have left that they're all going to die? How can I tell them that they shall never see peace, faith, or hope again? And how can I tell them that we are all going to die at our first day at war?
After reading first entry, the book was ripped from my paws, and thrown into the winds of sand, water, and blood. I then saw a darkened blade, a blade that tried to strike my heart. Reaching over, I grabbed the wakizashi from the dogs cold paws. Holding the blood-red blade, both steels collided, and all I saw was a flash of light.
Authors Notes:
Thought using a different colour scheme for Shakshira's journal would be an interesting touch.