Zy Zy University Chapter 8
Zy Zy University Chapter 8 Everyone looked at Bryant "I think Giratina is back and he brought back that one bastard from before" Julia looks at him "Which one?! Was is the dark version?!" he nods as she punches a wall. "Son of a bitch!" Bryant...
Zy Zy University Chapter 7
Zy Zy University Chapter 7 Bryant was asleep in his bed everyone thinking about what just happened they then heard a knock on the door and Elizabeth opens it. The Weavile walked in looking at them "Sorry to bother you but I wanted to...
Zy Zy University Chapter 6
Zy Zy University Chapter 6 When they arrived at the cafe Elizabeth tilted her head "what is this place?" Kylee looked at her "This is a cafe it is a place where you can do simple things in life like study or chat" Julia just walked in and...
Zy Zy University Chapter 5
Zy Zy University Chapter 5 When they finished signing up they got in their swim wear Kylee started learning how to swim as Julia was doing much better. Bryant noticed this and started going to Kylee until the Primarina stopped him "I'm...
Zy Zy University Chapter 3
Zy Zy University Chapter 3 Everyone woke up in the morning and went to class "Alright then I have something to say" everyone in class looked at Mewtwo. "In a few days we will be visiting a new place however in spite of this it is suggested...
Zy Zy University Chapter 2
Zy Zy University Chapter 2 The front door open as Mewtwo looked at them "I need Elizabeth or whoever fought her to the front office now." she slammed the door closed as they sighed. Kylee and Elizabeth was on their way to the front office...
Zy Zy University
Zy Zy University Chapter 1 Bryant woke up staring into the darkness he started floating around it "Where am I?...Why am I here?..." a voice started speaking "Moving onto greater challenges and a greater adventures" He looks around. "Who are...
The reality of the situation
Comet and the Mew just stared at each other. "I have grown bored of you" Comet looked at him confused. "Alright I had enough! Explain yourself you psychic bastard!" Comet said pointing at him. The Mew started laughing, "My name is Bryant Mew~" his fur...
Master of Realms
"My name is Arfer, I am a Nycturian that protects the realms from being destroyed" he looked at the colored orbs around him. "These are the realms I protect, the more see through they are the more they are gone, all of them so far are fine but I can...
A Fighting Chance
Nike has been going through the forest everyday to find someone to help them but he always came up emptied handed. When he returned to the gym he saw Derek walking in circles and Comet slowly working out. "What are you guys doing?!" They turned to...
Hard Trainer
The Ledian entered the gym very excited, he has been training hard for be the best bug pokemon in the world. "Alright day 255!" he spent a few hours around the gym using every machine but, during one of his routines. "Hey, you Comet" he turned to see...
Talk of the Town
A Greninja was walking down the street and everyone looked at him. You don't see a Greninja very often but this one in particular was well know. He was able to take down every pokemon gym in the city all in one night. One of the strongest pokemon the...