Zy Zy University Chapter 7

Story by Bryant Mew on SoFurry


#7 of Zy Zy University

almost done just one more to go before I need to try and finish chapter 9

Zy Zy University Chapter 7

Bryant was asleep in his bed everyone thinking about what just happened they then heard a knock on the door and Elizabeth opens it. The Weavile walked in looking at them "Sorry to bother you but I wanted to explain it" Kylee nods as they sat in a circle near Bryant. He sighed lighting is cigarette "Let me tell you the full story on why Elizabeth is the way she is"

For once Kyleen looked up from the book looking at him "I was going through the forest near the city you guys went to visit" Kyleen stopped him "How did you know that?" he sighed. "I always know where Elizabeth is" he looked at them. "Moving on I found a certain Pokémon hurt turns out it was Jiarchi the wish Pokémon after she stayed in my house to recover she gave me one wish"

Julia looked at him "You wished for Elizabeth right?" He nods "However it wasn't exactly it she had no idea I wanted a daughter so she made her the way she is now however she did do more for me an example is being able to know where she is at all times" Kylee looked at him "But why tell her to kill Bryant?" he shook his head "I never did a third party source made her"

He blew out some smoke "Back to the story it was 5 painfully long years of her not eating without permission not sleeping without asking and not being able to attend school so when the time was right I sent her here..." Elizabeth looked at him "Who was the third party?..." he seemed frozen in time like he couldn't process everything until he blew out some more smoke.

"No idea" everyone sighed "Come on you own her you should know!" Julia screamed at him. He glared at her "Well missy you act like you could do better keeping track of people although you could never keep track of what your love interests like" she was about to strike him but Kylee stopped her "Well all we can do now is hope for the best..." Kyleen looks at Bryant who was still sleeping "I think we should train harder what if Giratina attacks again?!" Kylee got up and left the room.

Kyleen followed as Julia looked at Elizabeth "Let's go" she nods and she follows. The Weavile looked at Bryant "You know you seem like a good kid I can't imagine who wants ya dead" he kept silent still sleeping. "They aren't here you don't need to pretend" the Weavile got up "you are going to need this rest" he left Bryant by himself. Giratina appeared looking at him "I know he is still here..." A black version got up moving around "W-what happened?!"

He looks at him "Shadow Bryant I assume you do not remember" he looks back "Apparently not" he held onto Shadow Bryant as they disappeared. Everyone was training outside this went on for days as school went on Bryant still hasn't waken up so they started a trip back to Zy Zy Academy. "I miss the Academy" Julia said excited to be going back "We are only there to ask for Mew's help other then that we have no reason" Kyleen looked at her annoyed.

When they arrived they saw a Pikachu and a Lucario running together "Come on Zach we can't be late" the Pikachu sighed "Yamada it isn't my fault we are late to class" Yamada got irritated "and it isn't my fault the damned Mew did this to me" Julia ran quickly to them stopping them "Hey we have questions" everyone caught up as Zach and Yamada were running in place. "Move it lady we can't be late" Yamada said as him and Zach ran around her.

She got mad and followed them but lost them when they entered their classroom. Kyleen walked past her "You should know where the office is Julia" when they arrived Mew was playing with yarn. "Uh Mew?" Everyone looked at her confused when she saw them she threw it away "what is it?" she floated up going to them. "Bryant hasn't woken up for a while and we need your help!" Kylee said going up to her.

"Oh I will take us there" The doors were slammed open as Yamada and Zach fell the floor. "Hey you need to expla-" Yamada looked up and jumped "Ah it is you!" Julia got mad at him and he was just as mad. "You almost made us late what is wrong with you?!" They glared at each other "Oh guys let me explain" Mew said and everyone looked at her "Yamada was a young human who I took a li-" Kylee interrupted her.

"ANOTHER HUMAN?! YOU ALREADY REMOVED BRYANT'S HUMANITY! NOW YOU REMOVE ANOTHER ONES NOT TO MENTION A YOUNGER ONE!" Everyone was surprised at her sudden outburst. Mew sighed "I can't e-" Kylee grabbed onto her. "TAKE US BACK TO BRYANT!" Yamada and Zach were dragged all the way to the University dorm. Everyone fell "Hey lady we can't all float ya know" Zach jumps up and looks at the Mew in the bed "Is that the other one?" Kylee nods and Yamada approaches him.

Julia tries stopping him "Don't you even tr-" Yamada touched Bryant's forehead and their eyes glowed white. Everyone backed up "What is happening?!" Kyleen said closing her eyes. "No idea but I can assume it has something to do with them being human" Mew said as Bryant woke up looking at everyone. "Guys" they all looked at him when the light died down "I think I know what is happening...everything"