Zy Zy University Chapter 3
#4 of Zy Zy University
Last one for today
Zy Zy University Chapter 3
Everyone woke up in the morning and went to class "Alright then I have something to say" everyone in class looked at Mewtwo. "In a few days we will be visiting a new place however in spite of this it is suggested everyone stays in either a group or in your class group personally I could care less" she opens a book.
"Open your books to chapter 3" everyone started reading then the bell rung and everyone went to lunch. "You know what? I think we need to find a new meeting place" Kylee said looking at them. Bryant replied with "I don't see why n-" he mouth dropped open looking at Krystal in a maid outfit "W-what?!" Bryant started blushing hiding his face as Julia went to her "What the hell are you doing Krystal?!"
She shrugs "I decided to do both attend school and do my maid job" she turns to Bryant who was hiding "Oh this wasn't the best time" Julia smacked her sending her flying. "Don't do that!" she sighed going back to eating everyone resumed their eating until they had to leave. Bryant went off to talk to Krystal "Could you explain what happened at lunch?" she sighs "More money the better...okay?" he smiles "Don't worry about it just stay within Zy Zy University we don't need another bad situation" she nods.
Elizabeth pulled Bryant over and started talking to him "I have a question" he nods "Go ahead ask it" she gave a blank and shy stare. "Do you like it when others wear those outfits?" He backs away a little "N-not legally required to answer that question!" she nods. "I understand sorry to bother you" she goes into her room as Julia over heard this sighing "I will find a way..." the next coming days were normal until Mewtwo came into the class. "Alright then everyone pack up today is the field trip" everyone started packing up "Meet in the front of the school within 2 hours"
"Alright I'm so excited!" Kylee said as Kyleen shook her "Then start packing so you don't miss it" they started packing as Elizabeth pulled Julia over "I need a favor" Krystal tilted her head "I know you aren't wearing it but you have extra's right?" she sighed. "Okay what do you need it for?" everyone met in front of the school with Arceus looking at them "We will be visiting a city for a while so have extra clothes we already rented apartments for you all"
Kyleen looked at Mewtwo "What is he doing?" she turns to her "Whenever people finish the University they are sent to this place we are doing a little test run to see how you guys will do" she nods. "Alright then" he opened the portal and everyone went through. Bryant woke up in a bed next to Kylee he looked around the room and exited it to the living room Elizabeth was sleeping on the couch. "This will be interesting" he goes into the kitchen and starts cooking.
They all woke up and stayed in the living room "So I wonder what will happen within in this time" Julia said crossing her legs. "I don't know but exploring this city is my priority!" Kylee said as Bryant came with Breakfast "We can do that" Kyleen looked at them "I will be at the library" Julia sighed "I will see how much I have to see if I can afford a spy trip Mewtwo is more annoying as a teacher then Assistant principal" Elizabeth looked at Kylee and Bryant. "May I join you guys for the city exploration?"
"Of course you can!" Kylee said finishing breakfast everyone went on their way as they went through the city Kylee started taking pictures "I like this place! It is so big!" Elizabeth looked at them. "I will be back I'm going to visit Krystal" they nod as she left "I think we should go to the beach just a few miles down" Kylee nodded excitedly. When they arrived the sun was starting to set they looked each other "Bryant..." he smiles "Kylee..." they leaned in kissing.
Elizabeth went over to Krystal "Thank you for letting me borrow it I haven't used it yet but I hope he falls for someone" Krystal looked at her confused "What did you use the suit for?" she nodded "I gave it to Julia" Krystal shakes her head "I hope you understand why that is bad" everyone got back as they went to bed. Elizabeth wasn't there and Bryant laid on the couch staring at the roof then Julia sat next to him. She picked him up as he looked tired. "Bryant?" he nods slowly "yes?..." she smirks "you are happy I'm here aren't you?" he lays his head on her hands "I guess..." yawns. "I'm just tired" she sighs placing him down "Then go to bed" she goes to her bed and he sleeps. In the morning Mewtwo went to them "Alright what did you guys do yesterday?" Julia looked at her "Spa" Kyleen kept reading her book this gave Mewtwo the obvious 'went to study at the library' when she looked at Bryant he was lost so she turned to Kylee. "Me and Bryant finally got some alone time" she shrugged "I went to visit Krystal for advice and other things"
Mewtwo sighed "Alright then" she left as everyone went out as a group "Let's go eat at a restaurant!" Bryant looked at Kylee "Sure I could go for something to eat" everyone went to a buffet and Elizabeth tilted her head "what is this?" Bryant looked at her. "This is called a buffet where you eat as much as you can" she smiles "Master never told me about these I always just had normal meals at a table I have excitement" she went over and started dining in.
"Do not eat all the cakes!" Julia followed "Leave me some meat!" Kylee started gathering food. Bryant looked at Elizabeth, Kyleen and Krystal and they nodded as they dug in. "You know this year has been much different then the Academy so far" Kylee said feeding Bryant fish "I know right? I hope we can come to this place of the world often it is so exciting here" Julia said with velvet cake in her mouth.
When every finished the bill was given Bryant was about to pay it until Elizabeth looked at them. "Please let me handle it Master usually makes me pay for anything so this won't be different" she hands the money to the waiter and he left. "That was a huge tip you gave him Elizabeth" Kyleen looked at her questioningly "A bigger tip a more chance they will want you back that is what Master told me"
Bryant sighed smiling "Just forget him don't worry about it" she gave that a thought. "You are right Master doesn't matter right now" she smiles as they left. "You know guys this place may be amazing one of the best reminds me of the human world..." he started getting very sad. "Don't worry about it" Julia patted his back "Maybe we can visit the human world some time soon again..." he smiles. "t-thank you..." they go home sleeping.