Zy Zy University

Story by Bryant Mew on SoFurry


#3 of Zy Zy University

It seems like it can't be done by file oh well I'm having to do about 8 of these before I write chapter 9 I have to transfer these from furaffinity to here and my three pages of work basically mean nothing meaning I have to write them longer somehow best first impression!

Zy Zy University Chapter 1

Bryant woke up staring into the darkness he started floating around it "Where am I?...Why am I here?..." a voice started speaking "Moving onto greater challenges and a greater adventures" He looks around. "Who are you?...What is happening?..." it got weaker "I have no more time...my power isn't infinite...good luck this year at Zy Zy University"

He blinked as he woke up on the bus the Gallade bus driver looked at him smirking "Ready for college?" he nods smiling "Yeah I'm ready" the bus stopped as Bryant went up to the front "By the way..." he looks at him. "Heard Arceus isn't so forgivable so good luck to your lady friend" he nods smiling "Thank you" Bryant gets off the bus as the Gallade pops a cigar "That kid..." he sighs as he drives away.

Bryant continued his way past Zy Zy Academy and into his next step in his life college. He went to the front office where he got his room key "115" he went on his way to find an empty room filled with other items. He noticed the books "Kyleen" he chuckles as he waited on a bed for their return when they did return they started catching up "So Bryant" Julia asked looking at him. "Why did you take so long? It has been a whole week into school" He shrugged "Things happen Julia" he lays back as Kylee cuddled him and Kyleen looked at them.

"I think this year will be different" he nods "I know...different school different rules" Kyleen went over to me "I have a question..." he turns to face her they stared into each others eyes intently. "How where the humans like before the 2000's?" he sighed "It would take too long to explain can't this wait?" she nods going to her bed and laying down. When morning struck an announcement was made "Please go to the cafeteria an important announcement is being said" When everyone got there Arceus looked down at them.

"As all of you are aware I will be your princpal this year" he slams his hand down on the ground causing the ground to shake. "I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY SLACKING IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!" his voiced boom "No excuses no exceptions unless you are damaged in some way you must attend class failure isn't an option! And you sure as hell won't make it!" he composed himself "That is all" everyone left for class as I looked at them.

"I was warned on the bus that he isn't forgivable meaning" he looks at Kylee "You have to try your hardest" she nods "Don't worry I will be fine" during class she seemed to be glaring at her test she was thinking 'I-I don't know the answer to any of these!' Kyleen was flying through it and Julia wasn't paying attention that much as she was more focused on Bryant. He just took it normally as class ended "Now then" the teacher looked at us "I'm just your pre-test teacher your actual teacher will be here tomorrow good day" everyone leaves.

"You know what I want to do something fun!" Julia said although Kylee looked at bit stressed "That is maybe for the better" Kyleen replied as they went back to their apartment. "Actually I'm hungry eat first then we plan" Julia went to the apartment's kitchen before they heard screaming outside. "What?!" Bryant left to see what was going on and so did everyone else Krystal was fighting a Sneasel. "What is wrong with you lady?!" The Sneasel looked at Krystal "Master wanted me to find a Mew but you got in my way so killing you is my only option" Bryant rushed towards them so did everybody else.

"What the hell do you need him for?!" Julia growled as she looked at all five of them. "Master wants him dead so my mission is too kill Bryant and anyone who stops him" her hands and feet were covered in sharp ice. "No matter how many you throw at me I will reign victorious" Bryant started thinking "Alright" his two chakram's floated around him "How about a one on one" she nods. "Fine with me" Kylee was about to say something but Kyleen stopped her.

Bryant started throwing his Chakram's but she continued to dodged them then she came in close quickly slashing at him he fell back bleeding. "S-she isn't playing around" Bryant got up "Aura Sphere!" he shot it and then she sliced it into pieces. "W-what?!" she got closer for another attack before Bryant teleported dodging it holding onto his wound. "All I need to do is wait for you to bleed out" he didn't let his guard down. Her hands turned slightly green striking Bryant again "Now you are poisoned" he lands on the floor writhing in pain. As Kylee shot a Aura sphere knocking the Sneasel onto the ground Julia picked him up carrying him to the nurses office. "Who are you?!" Kylee looked at her then she turned to face Kylee "My name is Elizabeth and Master told me my mission I never failed before and failing today isn't an option"

Kylee used Bone Club smacking her "Not going to happen! I will stop you!" she continued to whack at her but then she started blocking. "Failure isn't an option for me" she used counter breaking the Bone Club and sends Kylee flying when she landed she got back up. "I'm not letting you hurt him!" she summoned a big Aura sphere and threw it at her. Elizabeth couldn't handle it as she was sent flying. "Mission...failed..."

Ice regrew on her hands "I can't return to him under these matters..." they got closer to her neck "Death is the only option..." Kyleen stopped her shattering the ice with Brick Break. "What the hell is wrong with you? You don't need a man controlling you to live a life Elizabeth" she sighs sitting up. "I just..." Kyleen looked at Kylee as she placed Elizabeth on Kyleen's back. "You can explain everything when we get back to the apartment"

Julia looked down at him "Are you okay?..." he nods "I-I just need to recover..." the poison kicks in as he screams. Chansey stopped the poison as he started to recover more "Who told her to attack?" Krystal appeared "Bryant do you think it was him?" He shook his head "I made extra sure he won't be able to do anything..."

Elizabeth was given hot chocolate "So tell me why?" Kyleen asked prepared to write it down. "Master said he didn't like Bryant so he asked for his death and that was my mission" she started thinking then looks at her "Who was your master?..." Elizabeth sighs then drinks her hot chocolate. "Masters name is..."