Zy Zy University Chapter 6

Story by Bryant Mew on SoFurry


#2 of Zy Zy University

The upload speed will drop soon so don't expect so many

Zy Zy University Chapter 6

When they arrived at the cafe Elizabeth tilted her head "what is this place?" Kylee looked at her "This is a cafe it is a place where you can do simple things in life like study or chat" Julia just walked in and they followed. "Go ask if they have a position open if not just get a table" she nods going to the cashier "May I ask if any position is available?" the cashier shook her head. "No there is none available need anything else?" She sighed "No I will just be at a table" she went over and sat down at one.

When she sat down the pokemon in front of her looked at her "Elizabeth what are you doing here?" she looked up to see a Weavile. "Master?!" she got surprised as the Weavile nodded "Yes anyways I needed to talk to you" Kylee went to them "You did a good job you are already talking to someone" she sighs "This isn't a stranger this is My master" she turns to him "You are the one who tried to kill Bryant!" The Weavile tilted his head "Who?"

She sighed "I guess you aren't" he nodded "Someone played with her head but that isn't important right now I need to talk to her alone" Kylee nods and leaves. "Aright Elizabeth let me explain something you were never intended to be the way you are" she tilted his head. "W-what do you mean?" he sighs "You came from my thoughts you were a wish" Elizabeth got up "What?!" she sat down "Jirachi gave me a wish and I wanted a daughter however every wish has a price and the price for you was that you thought of me the wrong way"

"However my second wish was your free will and it seems to have been found when you got here and my third wish was...you had power however she never granted that wish and left" Elizabeth stared down at the table "I'm just a...wish..." he nods. "Yes you are but don't worry when I find her again I will release you from it or you could just evolve"

"As you part of my thoughts you life is dependant on it meaning if I forget you...you will die if I think you will evolve you will evolve etc" she looks at him slowly "M-my life...is dependant on your head..." he sighs. "It is a lot to take it but still tell all of your friends" he gets up "Anyways I will be doing something at this school so look out for that" he leaves as Kylee came back. "Are you okay?" she nods "y-yeah...I will explain everything we go back" Kylee sighed and gave her cold coffee "Don't worry I already paid for it"

Elizabeth smiled "thank you Kylee" she started drinking it. When their shift ended they started leaving. "I hope you are okay Elizabeth..." Kylee looked at her "Yeah I just..learned something I didn't want to know..." When they got back she started explaining it to everyone. "Wait a minute if you are just a wish can't he just wish for you to be just as normal as us?" Bryant looks at her. She shrugs "I-i don't know..." Bryant sighed thinking "you are still normal to us no matter what you are" she smiles "Thank you Bryant..."

The bell rung "We're late!" they started running until they smacked into a Servine "O-oh sorry!" it got up and ran away. "Who?" Bryant shook his head "Nevermind we can't miss class" they got into their classes "First school property damage now late to class you should have gotten detention you two" Julia ignored her and Elizabeth was too busy thinking about something. The bell rung and before everyone could leave Mewtwo stopped them "There will be a test tomorrow study up and don't fail damn it"

Everyone left to the cafeteria "You know Elizabeth you shouldn't let that stuff bother you" Bryant said stuffing his face with Fish sticks "I know I just really....don't understand it..." Julia looked at them "Hey we can discuss this later for now we need to eat and find that Weavile again" Kylee nodded and started eating "If anything Elizabeth needs a job" Everyone looked at Kyleen and she shook her head. Everyone finished as they went over to the job board.

"Let's see here what can you do?" Julia scanned the board and Elizabeth took a paper "Substitute teacher tomorrow..." she shrugged "Don't care what you get you just need to get one" She nodded as they moved on. When tomorrow came around Kyleen wasn't in class instead she looked at everyone "For some reason all the teachers are doing a meeting meaning everyone part of the staff club has to substitute" everyone sighed.

Arceus looked at everyone "This matter has to be attended to first Darkrai now Giratina won't attend these meetings" Darkrai opens the door looking at them "My apologizes I was doing something" when he sat down Arceus looked at him. "Where is Giratina?" he shrugged. "Don't ask me you are the one that created him" Arceus sighs "He is out of my control now" Giratina was looking deep into the Distortion world "I will win...I will be victorious..." he screamed causing a lot of shadow pokemon to appear around the school.

All the students went outside the school to see all the shadow pokemon "What?!" Bryant looked at them "Guys stand your ground" Bryant pulled out his chakrams. "Alright guys I think I have an idea" he looked Kylee, Kyleen, Julia and Krystal "We should attempt to use Shadow Storm" they nod as they all spun in the air in circles knocking a lot of the shadows away. The other students ran and the rest of the shadows disappear when Mewtwo came from behind them "What the hell just happened?!" Mewtwo looked at them.

Bryant fell to the ground as Kylee looked at Mewtwo "T-there were shadow pokemon everywhere!" Mewtwo gave that some thought "Go to your dorms right away I will report that" Elizabeth picked up Bryant and they ran for it. Mewtwo teleported back to them "We have a problem" everyone turned to Mewtwo "Giratina sent shadow pokemon to the school however Bryant and the others somehow handled it" Arceus gave that some thought "This school isn't safe"