The Card Master Chapter 1

A young adult wolf fur with light green eyes, black fur, and red markings occasionally along his body is laying asleep on his bed, his feet (Paws?) are reaching till just before the beds end. Though he can hear a feint soft voice calling to him, he...

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The Integration Mandate

_This is a teaser for a novel I'm working on. Enjoy! Feedback is always encouraged!_ The Integration Mandate, a Novel Teaser By Grisli Aklark One day ago, a mass gathering of local lacertans in protest of the Integration Mandate met in the city...

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Now's my time appropriate to die just a waste of life seen right through i'm nothing of use functionality neglected purposes have been abused (i think these were my bros words)


Concealed Youth (Welded Sunset)

This surge of curiosity was immediately squelched as it froze in place and the gantry uploaded the appropriate core processing directives.

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Smooth Talkin'

I made the appropriate plans, bought the appropriate items with the appropriate bitcoins and booked a one-way ticket to jordan. amman was gorgeous, by the way; if you get a chance, i highly recommend--" "shut up!" the lion snarled. "just... shut up.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (7)

This seems appropriate. there is no response. **knock on number 202.** you knock on your own door. you do not get a reply. **knock on number 203.** you knock three times. there appears to be a response.

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Cygnus X-1: Book One- The Voyage

The name would be so appropriate, considering what he was to do now.

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(old description from 2010, elaborated into jackie since then) walden's mission in life is to deconstruct the many ways in which magic has been appropriated to serve the interests of the power structure at the expense of the general population - to use magic

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College Life: Chapter One: Baby Steps

Generally this question was raised in the least appropriate of situations. this time; for example; piper had turned to kiss him; asking if he would want to join her for a movie later.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 10

"but i have been searching through the databases for more appropriate holograph images and voice patterns. i estimate another fifty-four hours before i find and switch to my desired choices."

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Madness, Starving, Hysterical

I'm not sure this story's appropriate to post here, however, because one thing i've been learning about the furry community is they have a lot of disposable income. i won't hesitate to theorize why.

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 2: Band Practice

I'll appropriate myself on the next visit." "" "next time. i found your guitar playing quite refreshing, and i want to hear more of it." in embarrassment, kouya stammered while trying to come up with a reply.

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