The orphaned Riolu chapter 1

Chapter 1: the Loss of Loved Ones Riolu wakes up hearing screams of agony then peeps through the bush to find his parents lying on the ground dead, Riolu then looks around just to find a Honchkrow, and A group of murkrows Riolu then sneaks through...



"And no secrets, Jo," I say. I know something is up, I always do. That grey wolf thinks he can bluff me, but no. I've known him for so long, how can I not know when he is troubled? I know he doesn't want me to worry, so usually I play along and let...

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The Continuation

Hey, it's a new story from me! It's been a while since I last updated, I've been really busy. Anyways, this is the continuation of the story. Still have no title for the series. Sorry for the abrupt ending, I rushed to get this finished. If you...

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Tina's Story Chapter 61- Acceptance-Open Hearts

TINA"S STORY CHAPTER 61- ACCEPTANCE-OPEN HEARTS Life goes on at the DMV. It's another weekday morning, and Tina has just arrived at the office. She had recently moved into Colleen's office, though this made her uncomfortable. As a result, she...

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Shem tried to silence his mind, silently repeating the truth, lips dancing slowly and carefully, the weight of the words pressing his skin. "Aware or not, the darkness resides. I can push, And in return be pulled. All is quiet. Balance is all...

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For how long I've been crying, I don't know. The sky was already painted with shades of purple, orange, and grey by the time I noticed. I expect that this was all a bad dream, that I was going to wake up soon. But no, his framed image of him was still...

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Task Force - Prologue

This is the sequel to my story [b][url=]The Academy[/url][/b]. Though it is not necessary, I strongly recommend reading The Academy before reading Task Force...

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WIP (continued)

**Here is a little bit more from my WIP that i posted some time ago. Just a short bit, ending with a cliffhanger. Again, this is a WIP, and mistakes will be fixed. No comments on such are necessary.** **Thank You. ** Not long after she...

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The Battle Continues

Alrighty, and chapter three of hat I had done, now that Sofurry is back up and running. As always, I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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Shannon continued..

"How long have you been online?" he asked as he watched various data fields on the report changing by them self. Most notably, a proper name now appeared in the previously blank 'Identification' field. He did not recognize the name, but it certainly...

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Now Where Were We...

Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams found themselves digging out of their own graves. A U-Turn sent one team back to do it a second time. The officers proved that going upstream can be a tough battle. The first team to arrive was the friends with...

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The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari

Now it came to pass, when the generations since the Time of the Shears when life became mortal were fourteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-three, that the Gods of Old became as mortals, indolent and corrupt in their ways. Dai Yel, He of the Highest...

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