Space Pirate Bart

Among them was a red scaled kobold named bart, incarcerated due to his previous affiliation with the space pirates. he never got enough of the excitement of a new inmate joining, due to how boring it could be here.

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RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly

The straightlaced/repressed vixen's business savvy and ennui versus the space pirates' charisma and persuasion, together they negotiate the terms of her existence."

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Trial of Destiny

- your honors, prosecutor gilpin, the reason for this current predicament is quite simple: while we were returning back to the plant after a routine extraction, our craft was attacked by a gang of space pirates.

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Tails of the Stars 1 - An Anomaly of Some Scale

Maybe the space pirates threw me out into space."

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All Aflame

He, for one, had never battled space pirates. and he didn't really want to. "they're ... " spark!


Space Warrior Hitachi 2 - The Quest for More Money

Yep, it's me again, the noble and fierce space pirate hitachi. the most charming tiger that's ever plundered the cosmos. or something. good thing that i get to write my own biography, eh?

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Rise of the Alters: Chapter 3

Ralph and the other space pirates were petrified as they saw more masked figures, dressed in venomian uniforms this time, walking out towards them.

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Tails of the Stars 2 - Meet the Team

He didn't like being bossed around like this, but considering the fact it could be worse like with the space pirates of before, he decided to count his blessings and collapsed onto an unoccupied-looking bed.

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He'd roundly disposed of seven members of the redclaws, a band of space pirates he'd been tasked with hunting down. as for the eighth... that was looking like a special case.

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