Gods Chosen- Mistress Dilani

She's one of the biggest mob bosses in this particular city. and she's by far a big enough name that people recognize her by name alone. and though she is fairly important to some of the events she is not a major character to this story.

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Chapter II: Tomorrow Never Dies Hard

Arlo said from his room as he prepared to take out the mob boss. he walked in to the bathroom, sat down on the toilet and got ready to take out guy mclean.

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The Stray Cat, Ch. 1

The mob boss walked up to me and gave me a kick to the ribs. i coughed as my lungs refused to take in any air, and i felt like i was going to suffocate.

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More Then just Friends lAcsension to fearl

''you hopefully know that trick never works on a mob boss, i was actually hoping you had bullets so i could believe you had balls, now you just appear to be an idiot'' oklain took out a pistol and held it.

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lMore then just friendsl lApartment 648l

''enough things, and no i don't believe he's psychotic from what i hear he is a mob boss'' oklains eyes began to flare slightly. ''a mob boss, he must be arrested for life then'' oklain's face had almost no emotion.

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Face Value (Species: Foxes Teaser)

Sam's been hired to rob the local mob boss so a subordinate can climb into his place. but when that boss is as paranoid as sal russo, things can get out of hand in a hurry.

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More then just friends lTale Of The Two Oklainsl

''i don't take any pride in having a mob boss as a father...'' ''you paid my step mother 2000$ out of guilt?''

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More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl

Oklain sighed, he'd constantly have to run errands for the mob boss, luckily these errands never involved actual crime...the only problem was how long before they would have to soon escalate?

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[Detective Thursdays] For Sale

I had been told he had been on the case for almost a month now, that we were close to having enough to bust the mob boss who was cloistered in the building we were staking out. i expected the bust would happen tonight.

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Red Shadow

Lady danger is just a mob boss with a bit of a dramatic side. "so you can phase through solid matter." i observe. "and turn invisible." he says with not a small bit of ego. i regard him with a bit more respect. an intangible, invisible assassin.

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The Interpol Files: Ice-Cold Betrayal

Working out of the russian wilderness, these former red soldiers (as well as some other thugs) hired out to any warlord, mob boss, or some other criminal that needed some work done for them.

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Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 2

Ben remembered that they were on top of an abandoned warehouse, quite similar to the one that the mob boss was assasinated in. they glided a few more feet before reaching a small hole in the floor.

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