Gods Chosen- Mistress Dilani

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#3 of Gods Chosen

And we get to meet the Mistress Dilani. She's one of the biggest mob bosses in this particular city. And she's by far a big enough name that people recognize her by name alone. And though she is fairly important to some of the events she is not a major character to this story.

A nelean woman answers the door, her feline features staring at the pair of them with a sort of cold distain, her eyes glances at the Rooqa in Alliquinn's hands and then speaks up, "Yes, what is it?"

"Told. Bring memory. To here," Alliquinn says slowly, trying her best to be as well understood as possible.

The nelean looks over her shoulder and shouts further into the building, "Hey boss, I got a Rooqayla here asking to deliver a memory. Are we expecting anyone?"

"No. What race is it?"


"Pay it whatever it wants to the dime and I'll be on my way."

The nelean shrugs and doesn't look too pleased with the outcome but opens the door and lets them in more fully. She then abandons the two there more or less completely unsupervised as she goes into a nearby closet to grab a purse. As soon as she brings out the money, a sight that make Jaselan drool at bit, Alliquinn extends her hand out palm up to receive it. Thankfully in this instance she doesn't really need to try and guess how much what she saw should be worth, that too was in the note. Though that was also the last thing her instructions told her to do. After that she would be once again left to try and find her own way in life. The nelean grabs a modest amount and places it onto Alliquinn's hand. She looks at the amount briefly before looking back at the nelean, making no other motions whatsoever. The nelean puts another slip onto her hand and still gets no response. Her eyes raise up in skepticism as well as her hackles rising slightly in annoyance. But she keeps putting bill after bill onto her hand. Finally, after having put seven of those bills onto her hand Alliquinn closes her hand, then reaches into a pouch at her side and pulls out a small glass ball. She inserts the glass ball into a slot at the top of the Rooqa and with a deep breath begins to focus and channels the memory into the ball before then pulling it out and handing it over to the nelean.

"This information had better be worth it or I don't care how many gods come for me I will make you pay it all back with your flesh," the nelean says in her own native language, her tail twitching quickly and fiercely. Jaselan catches that she's mumbling under her breath but doesn't know the language. Alliquinn does understand it, but simply chooses to not say anything.

"So how much did she want?" the 'boss' states.

Both find that the person in charge is not only human but also a woman, a somewhat shorter individual compared to the other three but still above average in height for human women. Long, dark hair tied in a ponytail and a businessman attire. She sizes up both of them with a very critical eye as she approaches, noting every detail.

"Seven hundred," the nelean grumbles.

"Oh?" the boss asks as she takes the glass ball from the nelean and chants the necessary spell to see the memory. At first she has a grin on her face but that quickly evaporates and ends up staying on a frown for most of the rest of the memory. Once done she takes in a deep breath and then hands the ball back to the nelean and takes the purse. "He's making his move. Order the necessary preparations immediately."

The nelean nods but instead of immediately obeying puts the orb to her eye as well and chants the same spell to see what all they're dealing with. The human turns towards Alliquinn and Jase, "As for you two," she reaches into the purse and pulls out seven more, "I know the value of this far more than you do. That information will save me easily five-fold what I'm paying you now. And who are you?" she asks Jase.

"I'm uh, Jaselan," he says timidly, knowing full well who she is and how dangerous she can really be. "I was just helping her get here safely. I'm sorry if I'm a bother."

"So you can be her handler then," the woman states plainly. "Alkilraen can be such a bother at times to deal with. At least to have them under your own employ. So for the time being unless I decide to have you replaced as her handler you will be in charge of holding her payments."


"Kellen, make a note that Jaselan is our Alkilraen's initial handler and I'm starting them on a stipend of a grand," she says while pulling out more slips and putting them into Jase's confused hands. "Now, sweet Saren, here's the arrangement you will find yourself in. You may or may not be aware, but Alkilraen do not like to get paid more than they feel they are owed. But for prolonged periods of time I find that this can be incredibly frustrating to deal with each time it's time to pay one. So I assign them a handler, someone who will be with them and handle the money. I give you the money, make it clear to her as I'm doing now that the money I'm handing you is hers and as she feels she's earned it she'll simply take it from you. If you start to run out ask for more and if the arrangement is still beneficial I'll give you more, else we'll end the arrangement. Anyway, you," she points at Alliquinn. "Come along now, I have another job for you for the more immediate present."

And with that the human begins to walk back further into the building, leaving the other two to follow of their own accord. Jase follows more from fear than anything while Alliquinn, confident in the protections afforded by being a Rooqayla follows more out of a sense of duty than anything else. It is their duty to follow and record as desired; to some degree that is their entire purpose for being. The nelean Kellen doesn't follow after them, but rather after looking at the orb quickly grabs a few things then makes her way out of the building, half running off to carry out some errand or another. The human leads the two of them into a grand meeting room, with a bunch of other well-dressed individuals from a bunch of different races all sitting around a central table. Most stop their conversation as she arrives back into the room, though upon seeing Alliquinn a few start having a private conversation with their neighbor.

"I have returned with rather fortuitous news. Brought to us at the behest of her god to deliver unto us her duty," she says, half guiding Alliquinn further along, keeping the young Alkilraen in front of her and showcasing the Bol still being held in one hand. "Now, dear, if you would. We have some private matters to discuss," she says while gesturing at the center of the table. The table has a staircase leading up to the top of it and in the center is a small receptacle for a round object, the exact dimensions of a Bol. Alliquinn notices this and her head tilts to the side a moment. The entire table seems to be an almost exact replica of the council chambers for the gods, at least from the pictures of what is in those chambers. Even though she really doesn't want to she steps up and places her Bol into the opening, looking around briefly to see if she can see another Bolyla nearby to actually use it. Instead the boss simply walks forward, pats Alliquinn on the head gently and then puts her hand on top of the staff. The others around the table do similar for an object at each seat.

And then suddenly like before Alliquinn feels the energy being channeled through her and finds herself and all the others in that other space. And like before a burning sensation begins to boil within her chest as it feels like she's trying to breathe through a straw too small. Being in this space the conversation picks up a bit as a few decide to go ahead and approach more closely to examine Alliquinn. Eventually their leader raises a hand and addresses the others.

"Now for the lesser of news. Lord Farington has decided to make his move against us by killing Eshton. Eshton's death will be missed but thankfully this young lady caught it so we can begin making preparations to take him out. The more important thing I'm sure you are all now very much aware of. And the more informed of you will also know exactly what all this means. So, the question that must be decided upon is this. There is going to be a lot of risk coming up in the near future regarding this newest development. Now as we are here you can know for certain that I am telling the truth, but everyone here must make a choice. Do you stick with me all the way or not? This is beyond what most of you all signed up for. And for this to work we need the highest level of discretion possible. Regardless of your decision you will not discuss this new development outside of our close-knit group right here and only under a mind space. If you are not comfortable with what is at stake I will not take it out on you for it. You will be free to leave and limit your involvement to however little you want, just know that naturally I will be leaving you out of some discussions."

They stop speaking for a while to let everything begin to sink in. The others begin to chatter amongst themselves for a little while. Alliquinn is really struggling with the situation. Being unable to sever the connection herself and being barely able to breathe she sits there gasping for breath, trying to draw as much air through that figurative tiny straw as possible and trying to draw in anything she can to keep herself from passing out. The boss instead seems to be just standing back, absorbing everything about how each and every person is reacting to the information. Just as Alliquinn is starting to feel like she's going to pass out the human raises up a hand and almost instantly all conversations stop.

"It appears it is decision time. Our little girl here is at her limit so I will be removing my hand now. For those that are in, stay in the room. For those that want out, go ahead and leave and go home. I will reiterate that no harm from me and mine will befall anyone who walks away at this juncture so long as they keep their silence as to what is going on."

And with that all of them find themselves in the room with the large round table. Alliquinn just lets the Bol fall down, too intent on trying to fill her lungs with enough air. All of them look around and see that apparently Alliquinn had started trying to absorb the heat from the area as all the walls and surfaces are coated in a thin layer of frost. A few of the more warm climate members of the table begin to try and cast a simple spell to warm themselves up while others look at the boss in surprise at such an action. The woman simply laughs at the turn of events.

"Oh, this is going to be fantastic," she claps her hands. "Now that we have had a full demonstration, I will expect your answers within the day," she then turns to Alliquinn and helps her up before looking at Jase. "I want you to go ahead and take her to your place for now. She'll need to get some rest. You'll be contacted later once I've carried out all the necessary preparations."

Jase doesn't seem to understand at all what had just happened. To him she just touched the staff and then a moment later the air started getting colder. But he decides that it's simply better to not really complain and for the most part just go with it. Alliquinn finally catches her breath and decides to just leave the Bol in its holder, hoping that her job is done and that she can ignore the thing for now and go back to living like she's used to and not having to deal with something like that again. But as she's starting to leave the room the stick lifts itself out of the pedestal and flies to her hand. She stares at it confused.

"Don't know. Thought be here. Stay."

"Only a god can grant a Bol, sweety," the human answers. "So the only way for that to be separated from you is if a god took it away. Think of it much like your Rooqa. Honestly would have felt you would have known that growing up."

"Am Rooqa. Didn't think need."

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