The Cats of the Forest of Time

The Cats of the Forest of Time By CalexTheNeko Deven couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He was currently standing on a trail leading through a forest that had been a good hour train ride and then a two-hour hike to reach. In theory, no one ever...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 12

I began drawing a few magical circles in the air and eventually when i finished, a magical portal open, glowing teal. "hey vincent, can i get a closer look at that tool you used yesterday?" i asked him, he glanced at rin and she nodded.

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The Tale of Thorns - Chapter 1

Ruufus shouted to the others, trying to push his voice above the constant rumbling sound which radiated from each of the magical portals. "pull in tight, and stay away from them!"

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Chapter 2 - Rage

- you were brought forth here by a kind of magical portal that appeared in your laboratory when you did experiments, right?


Light Bane: Chapter 48

As the bracken woods recovered from the ultimately misguided attempt of a war, and after declaring to open their once isolated kingdom to the world, a magic portal was constructed outside the forest, through which travelers not flying on a dragon's back would

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A Small Boon

"you guys use a magic portal to a void of immediate death to get rid of your trash." "hey, it's just a portal to a death dimension and it's eco-friendly!" jak replied with sassy grin.

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Kazufox Interview #5

# ~sephiroth appears from a magical portal all cool like~ \*sephiroth\*: i hope you don't mind if i crash the party. \*ryusen\*: hmph, not at all. \*kazufox\*: then let's go!!

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 7

You wanted to be in our good graces while you're here, looking for your little... magic portal thing." "uhhhh...." "but here's the thing- that's all the more reason you should visit the shrine for real.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 26: The Battle of Sanctuary Begins

The rogarian and kitairan waygates had been periodically spitting out reinforcements as often as the magical portals would allow, and the forces occupying the city were now triple their original size.

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Kickaha vs the Board of Education

They're magic portals." kickaha gave her a blank stare. then he remembered what he was dealing with. humans, but only humans, adults.

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The Father

Realisation struck mavus and he sliced an urgent claw through the seal of the package as the postmaster carried on talking "now i don't know of a miss riftwall, but i do know of the riftwall that connects the east and west by magical portal.

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Primrose Valley: The World of the Forest Boy

"look it's just a magic portal to who knows where in the middle of a forest that just tried to kill us." zeelo wasn't doing a good job of trying to sound reassuring. "what's the worst that can happen?"

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