Making new fur-sona, might need help...

I dont rlly know what to come up with... so i'm reaching out to the rest of the furrie out there and asking for ideas... so please... i beg u all for ideas...

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Help Wanted

Good day to you all. I know that many of you are used to seeing some nice lemons from me, but today I am here on business. Don't allow that first sentence to deter you from continuing on, because I would really love your help. I am currently going...

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Edge Walking. Chap 2: Help Wanted

Chapter 2: help wanted "hey kid, you gotta buy something or get your ass outta here for good." the comment came from a bear, his fur soaked in the cooking grease which lead to phurrydelphia's ever-growing obesity epidemic.

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Here, let's take a look: ## week 1 (april 6, 2009) **urgent** tailor required ask for mina in marina way 98 **help wanted** personnel for gas station on liberators st.

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Chapter 3-The Awakening

The next day carlos had to put up a "help wanted" sign to get help since i couldn't help. about an hour later a huge, muscle, black dragon walked up to carlos. "hello, i'm here about your help wanted position."

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The only things up on the wall were a "help wanted" sign and a short menu. there was nobody else here, but that was deliberate on shy's part; she was here just before any big rush of commuters might be arriving to get their morning fix.

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Futzler Files #3: Whiskey Business

Even from my peeping distance i could feel the warmth radiating from the room, and i couldn't help wanting to be a part of it, to be able to wrap myself up with the warm fuzzies of a family i had a paw in creating.

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Pastry Prilodeoren (Part 1 of 2)

"help wanted: special recipe tester" a taste-tester in need? how could bleo pass up this offer? he tore off one of the tags, but rather than give him a number, all the tag gave was an address.

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Artist, Dreamer, Storyteller, Terror

The girl can put that talent to good use when she arrived at the town and finds a small shop that had a help wanted sign in need of an apprentice.

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New Employees (Wave the Swallow TG) [COMMISSION]

Corina wrote out the job description to post online, while she put a "help wanted" sign on the window of the shop. within a few days applications started to roll in.

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Hope and Dreams part 9

He pointed to the help wanted sign. "i'm only pushing it so you don't get on dad's bad side". issac sipped his warm jumpstart. it was refreshing to have it in hand. "your dad, not mine. no offense if you got any".

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Cousin Amber- Release Terms

She'll just have to check in with like the help wanted ads when she gets a place and figure out what she can do to make some money. but that can wait a week or few before she really needs to do that.
