
The bulletins themselves are just corkboards framed in stone, but this newspaper only utilizes the front.

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New Horse In Town

He thought about pulling the notecard out and posting it on the feedstore bulletin board, but changed his mind.

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Raiyev Part 10

When the raccoon entered his lab, he saw most of his coworkers milling around the bulletin board. he walked on over to the bulletin board to see what the new posting was.


Feral Fantasies Chapter 2

It had a long red carpet from the entrance all the way to what was obviously a reception desk, and a bulletin board next to it. at either side was a set of stairs going up.

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Jeremy 061; Alert

He looked down and reread the bulletin. 'authorities are searching for a male going by the name dominic. they are forcing us from parks and other public areas to intimidate and pressure cooperation.

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Song in the Dark: Day 2

It was something to do, at least. \* \* \* eric stood next to the entrance to the trolley tunnels, looking over posters and such on the bulletin board.

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Gates to Misery CH: 5

You always go to the bulletin to search for missions. why are you so eager?" i know this question doesn't have anything to do with me, but i think i'll build up to that instead of rushing to it.

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Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian

Jybian: i got a note from someone on that same bulletin board. i had posted that i was going to move here and asked for some help regarding rental places.

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Don't Let Go

He dropped the bulletin and it fluttered to the floor. "what are you doing here?" it was john, the greeter. they'd spoken every sunday for months.

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the chainsaw trials (ch.1)

"yep it sure is," i reply "we interupt this program to bring you a breaking news bulletin, the chainsaw maniac has struck again, 26 year old allison cooper who went missing two months ago, was found slaughtered in a field at 2:00 à.m. this morning

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losing hope/first steps ch13.

"good,day this is a special news bulletin,the canler has been spotted in navada," "shit!," i shout, oh well i just drive on... i come to an old rundown house with an old car in the yard, i get out and look, "hey,partner what'cha doing?

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Are Chu Sure You're From Another World?

She was outside a small building standing on a dirt road with a large bulletin board in front of it. she had been in her living room just a few moments earlier.

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