Are Chu Sure You're From Another World?

Story by CalexTheNeko on SoFurry

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#94 of Transformation

Patreon Mystery Egg Commission.

Basically the mystery egg is the $10 tier where when I get the itch to write a certain TF I'll grab someone from that tier who's interests are aligned with the story I want to do, prioritizing those who have gone the longest without popping up in a Mystery Egg story..

Anyway, this one features snowheartkiara who finds herself in another world.

And small spoiler for the ending but disclaimer for going forward. Mystery Egg TFs are not going to be all egg regressions or even the majority, it just felt like since this was the very first one it was appropriate. Anyway Snowheart is the only Mystery Egg tier patron right now, so she's the one getting the monthly Mystery Egg Stories, just saying... Sign up now and there's a really small pool to pull from on who gets the story each month.Support on PatreonDonate a Ko-FiFollow on TwitterDiscord ServerBuy My Shirts! Now Available on

Are Chu Really From Another World?

By CalexTheNeko

"W-wha?" Snowheart had been staring out at the scene in front of her for several minutes now. She was outside a small building standing on a dirt road with a large bulletin board in front of it. She had been in her living room just a few moments earlier. She remembered sitting down to play a game, an early beta of a new pokemon game that a friend had sent her in the mail. She turned it on and suddenly her TV had gotten so bright as to completely blind her and now she was outdoors somewhere.

"Hey... hey Raichu. You okay?"

Snowheart heard a voice calling to someone. She wasn't sure who. However, she slowly recovered from being stunned as her eyes refocused and took in exactly what she was looking at. The bulletin board in front of her appeared to be some kind of request board, but all of the requests mentioned climbing mountains, exploring caves, going deep underwater and often looking for treasure.

"Seriously... Raichu, you've been looking at that board spaced out for an hour. Are you alright?" The source of the voice's hand suddenly placed itself on Snowheart's shoulder. She let out a small yelp of surprise as she spun around to see who was here with her.

And she was certainly in for a surprise. It was a young pikachu, except not as they appeared in the game. He had a more humanoid body, and looked to be a ten-year-old boy, (she could tell he was male from the shape of his tail), had hands instead of normal paws and of course there was the fact he was talking to her.

"I didn't mean to startle you." Pikachu said. "You just looked really out of it."

"You're a pikachu..." Snowheart was piecing together what had happened. It wasn't that she was slow, it was simply reality had changed itself so abruptly. And... Had he said an hour? Sure she had been a bit dazed after the TV blinded her but she was sure it had only been a couple of minutes since she found herself here.

"Yes." The pikachu took a step back away from her and gave her a look of concern. Other than a long red scarf he wore no clothing. "You okay Raichu?"

"Wait I'm the one you're calling Raichu?" Realization dawned on Snowheart that it was more than just reality that had changed. She looked down at her body, and though pink as ever it had definitely changed in shape. She felt a bit shorter, and her fur pattern was different. Most of it was pink, but her hands and feet were a much darker pink and there was a lighter pink over her chest and stomach... And the fact she could see said chest and stomach meant that all of her clothing was gone... At least everything but her collar. Her paws felt huge in comparison to her legs, and then there was her tail. The first problem was that it was only one tail, singular. It was also very thin, extremely long, flexible, and at the very end of it the thing it became wider and shaped like a thunderbolt. "Oh! I'm Raichu." Snowheart looked more sheepish than surprised.

"Are... You okay?" Pikachu asked.

"Fine." Snowheart shook her head. "Sorry, I just usually go by Snowheart so I was confused." Now she had put it all together. The beta copy of that game was magical or cursed. She was in another world now, but it wasn't the normal pokemon universe. Looked like everyone was anthro. So, that brought up the question was it a one-way trip and transformation, or did she go home and back to her normal form if she 'beat' the game. Things to learn later, for now she focused on moving her new tail, testing how flexible it was. That thing was pretty much longer than her body was tall. And wait, if she was a raichu... Snowheart reached up and grabbed her cheeks, finding the circular pouches that helped generate and store electricity. She tugged on them a bit and then much to her delight a few sparks jumped from her.

"I get that..." Pikachu said. "I mean I go by Zephyr myself and-" Zephyr paused as he watched Snowheart's behavior. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine! Really!" Snowheart grinned. She wanted to test out the abilities that came with this body, maybe go on an actual pokemon adventure. "I was just surprised I transformed into a raichu." Snowheart paused after she said that, wondering if she should have kept it a secret.

"Oh, recently evolved?" Zephyr asked.

"No... I..." Snowheart considered for a moment if she should tell the truth about her form or not. After a couple of seconds of internal debating she decided that lying gained her nothing and honesty was generally the better way to go. "I wasn't even a pokemon. Or from this world."

"O... Kay..." Zephyr paused. "Going to be honest, starting to be a little concerned."

"I guess it's pretty hard to believe huh?" Snowheart grinned. "I won't hold it against you if you don't." She turned back to the board remembering her craving for adventure. "So... Is this some kind of job board where anyone can take on a mission?"

"Well yeah, most Exploration Teams find their work here and-" Zephyr didn't get to finish explaining.

"This one looks fun." Snowheart grabbed a sheet of paper off the board. "Find a legendary gem of rejuvenation. Says it's in an underground maze."

"Fun?" Zephyr paused. "Wait don't tell me you're planning to take on a mission like that alone!"

"Yeah, is there a reason I shouldn't?" Snowheart tilted her head.

"Maybe you are from another world." Zephyr stared at her blankly. "Usually entire teams go, at the very least you'd want a second person."

"Want to come then?" Snowheart asked twitching her tail eagerly.

"We just met and-" Zephyr paused and considered. "You're going after that regardless of if I come or not huh?"

"Probably." Snowheart nodded. "As long as I can find my way to the maze."

"You... Really don't know anything about how any of this works huh?" Zephyr looked at the paper Snowheart held. "This dungeon sounds a bit more dangerous than a kid should take on." He was referring to himself, he was only around ten years old. "But... If you're going anyway... Guess I can't exactly let you walk face first into danger."

"Thanks!" Snowheart grabbed his hands gleefully. "Let's get going then!" She paused. "Where is this maze?"

"You're really excited to do this huh?" Zephyr smiled. "It's like watching a little kid go on their first exploration. We need to head to the town gate. There there's a portal that can take you to most dungeons or at least get you within walking distance. I'll show you the way."

It wasn't long before Snowheart and Zephyr found themselves deep in an underground cave. Along the way Snowheart had a million questions for Zephyr about how all of this worked. As well as about how to actually generate electricity and use it. She practiced several times along the way, and eventually got to put her electric powers to work when they encountered some very angry zubats. Zephyr answered all her questions with an amused smile. He didn't know if he believed her other world story, but it was entertaining that he the kid was explaining everything to the adult.

Snowheart had finally run out of questions right around the time they reached the heart of the maze they were exploring. There sitting on a stone pedestal was a bright shining sapphire that glowed emitted a strange silver light.

"This was actually really easy..." Zephyr looked around the room suspiciously expecting a trap. "I guess the maze was the real challenge and we just got lucky and picked the right paths."

"So we just take this thing back and we're done right?" Snowheart walked forward and grabbed the sapphire from the pedestal.

"Wait it could be-" Zephyr noticed a distinct lack of rumbling or angry pokekmon appearing upon her picking it up. "Trapped? Huh..."

"Alright!" Snowheart was bouncing. "Let's go ahead and get this thing-" And then the sapphire shattered in her paws. "What?"

"Maybe it was a fake and the real one is somewhere else in the maze?" Zephyr suggested.

"I guess that was too easy." Snowheart nodded. "Let's get going."

The two started through the tunnels again, but no matter where they searched they didn't come across anything else looking like another treasure room. As they walked though Zephyr noticed something strange.

"Hey... Were you taller?" He looked to Snowheart. He would have sworn she was taller earlier. And she looked like a teenager now. No older than fifteen. He was sure she was an adult.

"Maybe?" The only thing Snowheart had to compare herself to was Zephyr. And he looked a little taller. It was possible he was getting bigger, except her voice sounded a off bit. So it likely was her.

However, any doubt on who was actually changing was eliminated immediately when suddenly Snowheart began to glow with a bright light, shrunk smaller, and devolved into a pikachu. Her round ears were now thin and long, and her tail a much shorter thunderbolt shaped one.

"What just happened?" Snowheart looked down at herself then over at Zephyr.

"You... Devolved... Unevolved?" Zephyr stared wide eyed. "I've never heard of anything like that and-"" He paused realizing that Snowheart now looked no older than him. "I think that gem was the real one after all... And when it shattered..."

"It started making me younger?" This wasn't the first time such a thing had happened to Snowheart. "Makes sense, wonder how young I'll get." She grinned. "It's actually always kind of a nice feeling to have so much extra energy."

"This has happened to you before?" To Zephyr this was uncharted territory. He had never seen someone regress like this. He was starting to believe she really was from another world. Could the treasure have reacted to her specifically because of that? And as the two continued through the tunnels he was soon looking down at her as she continued to regresss.

"Hee hee." As Snowheart got younger she got more energetic and playful. Running out ahead of Zephyr, looking to explore further down the tunnels.

"Careful you'll get lost!" Zephyr shouted as he chased after her. "We have to find our way back to the entrance."

"It's fine!" Snowheart called back. "I just wanted to-" It was at this point she tripped and fell over. There was a shift in her gait right around the time where she hit the five-year-old mark. Suddenly, she began to glow with a bright light again. When it faded, she was now even smaller, with a shorter tail and wider ears. She was a pichu.

"Running off, not even concerned when that's happening to you?" Zephyr shook his head. "I swear it's like having a little sister constantly getting into trouble." He paused. "If you're really not from this world that might pretty much wind up being what you are... I don't imagine you have a place to stay and I doubt a five..." He paused as Snowheart continued to shrink. "Three-year-old pichu can rent their own place."

"I'm really small now huh?" Snowheart had slowed down if only because her body wasn't as capable keeping up the pace. There wasn't quite as much energy, and in fact she felt like she needed a nap now. "Sorry... I'm just." She yawned and laid down on the ground. "Going to take a minute..." And as she passed back into infancy she fell asleep.

"You can't just sleep in the middle of a dungeon." Zephyr's tone was more amused than concerned. He gently picked up the strange pink pichu and held her to his chest. In her sleep Snowheart instinctually moved her arms to cling to him. "All the way back to a baby huh? This is going to be tough to explain to mom and dad, but I'm sure they'll let you stay with us once I expla-" Zephyr was cut off as Snowheart lit up with a bright light again.

But this time when the light faded, there was no Snowheart and Zephyr found himself holding a pink and black colored egg.

"That... That isn't normal." Zephyr sounded concerned. "Please tell me you're going to hatch from that." He didn't know what to do. He was just a kid, and a very strange person had just turned into an egg. The only thing he could think of was to take the egg home and hope his parents had an idea.

A few days later, Snowheart awoke finding herself in darkness. She remembered being on the adventure, and then being very tired. How long had she slept? And where was she? She pushed around at the walls around her and they began to crack and break apart. Suddenly light filled her world blinding her. After a few seconds she could see again, and found that she was in someone's bedroom. She was sitting in the fragments of something and on top of a pillow that had been placed on the window seal.

"You hatched!" Zephyr was there, though he towered over her. "It took a week but..." There was a sound of relief. "When I brought you to my parents they took you to a doctor, said you were a normal egg, ready to hatch soon but until you did I wasn't sure-"

"Pichu pi?" Snowheart tried to ask him, but words didn't work very well.

"Heh I guess it worked out." Zephyr rubbed the top of his head. "And I guess now I really do have a little sister."

"Chu!" Snowheart added cheerfully, happy to be awake able to see more of the world again. Although, it might take some time before she could try another adventure.

The End