Michael and Amanda, Chapter 10

Albert takes michelle home and meets her half-sister, janet. janet is very protective of her sister; she's so protective that albert is taken by surprise and backs away from her. michelle, in a change of pace, protects albert from janet.

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Family Therapy: Rociel Hentzel

.** alright, now onto the next set; what do you feel about your half-sister? **you mean my little sister?** yes, your half-sister. **no, she is my little sister and you better get it right...or i'll tear you apart!** ....

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Horns & Halos CH4

_arken for love of all that is holy, behave for her, _the tiefling shouted telepathic to her half-sister, silently thanking the gods the two of them had drank those strange fluids when they were younger.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 19

She was wide-awake, staring straight in the direction that she'd sent puki with the threat of killing his half-sister. behind ninetales her nine long white tails waved irritably behind her.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 18

. \*\*\*\*\* ninetales paired puki up with a vulpix who was his half-sister. she wasn't sure if they knew that they were related but it wasn't any of her concern, she had more important things to think about.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 22

Puki nuzzled his half-sister uncertainly. no one knew what to do now so they only watched as dark growlithe cried alone beside his dead love. \*\*\*\*\* when the sun had risen higher and dark growlithe was dry of tears he rose quietly.

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U.O.P.I. chapter 1 page 2

I almost screamed, he let me go and we sat quietly the rest of the way, when the taxie pulled up to my mothers house i got my stuff out the boot of the car and gave some money to the driver, then he drove off, i knocked on the door and my half sister opend


Inari, Chapter 8: Legacy

The half-sister looked at the twins, eyeing them up and down. her four white tails, nearly five at this point, swayed in the cold wind. "so tell me, why did you call me here?" "because it's time," sakura answered, "to answer our call."

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Believe – Chapter 3: Omega

Imya whimpered and tried to evade as many bites of her half-brothers and half-sisters as possible. from the chant, they just repeated, she knew which was the position she was in right now.

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Chapter 1: The Many Daughters of Summer

She was as lovely, as perky and pert as the typical teenager, and kneeling either side of her, her half-sisters naira and rayen were the same.

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GoM-Ep8-Introducing the Roomates

For his backstory- he and his mother had a rough life after his father had died being homeless for a while,but after his mother married his step father and had two kids (his half sisters) things got better.

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Spirit Dreams

Zuri turned to cast her spells on the spiritual realm, eyes turning chrome-blue, her half sister using her magic to heal meeka, dying in sharp's arms. as the spiritual realm began to fuse, the portal to reality began to shut.

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