Change of Plans

_Rustle, rustle...CRRRRRRRRRRRUNCH! CRUNCH! Crunch...rustle..._ "Come on, Mika," Apollo said gently, arriving in the doorway separating the kitchen and living room, "Put the chips away so I can take you out to that fancy Italian place on the...

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Martial Arts Shota Kid

Hes about fo 4'11 and has light brown eyes hes about the same color as a full thai person he got chubby cheeks like a chipmunk and has white hair for some reason because his hair look naturally white but it might be just dyed like that.

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Unconvincing Gains

He couldn't believe his new size, his chubby cheeks parting with shock. yet, for some reason, he kinda liked it. it wasn't ideal, but maybe he could work it out. besides, he couldn't really be out of shape, this was just part of the routine.

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Episode 9: Welcome to Stuff Em'z

My name is mark and i'll be assisting you today." he said with a smile, his somewhat chubby cheeks giving him the most adorable look, "have you men been here before? are you carrying stuff em'z id?" the wolf sighed, "no, we aren't.

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Feeding Dinner

cheeks into his eyes and neck "nooo!!!"

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Filling the Role - Part 1

He rose up on his tiptoes and gave the rabbit a small kiss on his increasingly chubby cheek, then bounded off with an obvious spring in his step.

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A Helping Hand

Each house the brothers visited was greeted with a cheery smile, their chubby cheeks lifting expectantly in a wide grin as they made the traditional demand for treats.

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The Choice: Chapter One: Incident

Tears covered his round chubby cheeks. at first a look of fear was in his deep blue eyes and then there came the unexpected smile slowly crept around his cherub face.

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The fur there and around my chubby cheeks was already dirty with grease and other sauces, but i didn't really care. not that i could. not in the position i was in.

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Winston's Weight Gain

: all he needed to do each evening was sit by the entrance to the restaurant (his capacity for standing had long since vanished amongst the rolls and folds of bunny blubber that he continued to accrue), greeting potential patrons with his most winning of chubby-cheeked

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Bai Leang - The Jade Warrior

"hehe, i could never get angry at you two chubby cheeks!" he gave them both a kiss on the forehead. "daaad stop!" cried chen. "oh alright, i have to tend to the fields anyway, you to go along and play."

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Getting Squishy

Even her face was bedecked with chubby cheeks and her arms were heavier. orchid was surprisingly smaller than her now, a reversal of their past as guild apprentices--though he wasn't that much smaller.

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