Winston and the fruit
"for arceus's sake winston! let it out!!"
Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 3
Chapter 3: judgment "winston! winston!" hutch came running into winston's den.
The Weight: Chapter 8
"winston," eve addressed, stepping toward him.
In the Negative: Chapter 5
"affirmative, sir," he replied, addressing winston. "winston, thank the lord," humphrey mused to himself, then lifted his head to his pack's leader, "winston, what the heck is going on here?" he asked.
Winston's Weight Gain
winston hurried to the serving window where three servings of dessert were waiting to be delivered.
The Weight: Chapter 4: The Things Taken for Granted.
"you got me," winston answered, turning away, "but kate insists on going after him."
The Weight: Chapter 7
winston did not even know where to begin looking for his daughter.
The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm
"yes," thought winston to himself, "he would do nicely."
Soldiers of War prelude
As winston approached the person he got a better look. it was a snow leopard dress in military attire. he must of been from a nearby base. "hey buddy need a ride?" winston asked.
In the Negative: Chapter 14
"well, sir, if i may, we are in a time of reform," he began, causing winston to turn his head to him, "perhaps we could do away with this policy, too." winston sighed.
Escaping the Pack Chapter 1
Mom and winston fell fast asleep but i couldn't sleep...i just kept thinking about what winston said to me.
The Weight: Chapter 3: Where Have You Gone, Charming Omega?
winston glanced down at the bowl for a moment then nodded. kate nodded in return then continued on her way down the ramp. "where are you going?" winston called after her.