Making Bears
She found herself scratching her arm pits and crotch, as she became aware of some very powerful desires. she turned around and headed back to her house, wondering if tom would be in the mood for a quickie........
Birthday Balloons 3
He reached out his hands and started to tickle rom's sides and arm pits. rom's body started shake as all his muscles constricted trying to block the tickle attack. but the balloons we're holding him stiff until, pop, pop, poppoppop, pop!
Hunting Death- Ambushed
That isn't to say that he isn't noticeable taller than i am, but he's short enough that he doesn't even come up to the arm pits of rophan.
That Gay Goth Dog: New Beginning 2
I got out of bed, my fur still soaked in sweat, and a strong musk came from my arm pits when i gave them a scent check. "gah, guess i need to shower." i said and looked around the apartment. "well, do i have anything to do today?
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 9
He stopped and hold me under my arm pits in front of him while he bombarded me with questions: "that was awesome, argon! i didn't know you could do an attack like that! where have you learned that? did someone taught it you?
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 7: Stuck Together No Matter What... (part 2)
"well me and hayden have to go." i said as hayden walked over and put his arm around my neck. his musk was really strong when he bright my head close to his arm pit. i had to pull out everything i could to not get hard.
Not So Retired Any More XXII
She then grabbed buck and pulled him up, sliding herself under the heavier fur's arm pit to help him along. arlen slid under the other arm, and between the two of htem they stumbled into the raggedy ruin of a building.
Scaly Heart Chapter 3
I took notice of my biology book still open, having my tired cogs of my brain spark with life and have me throw my still sleeping legs onto the floor, doing a service to the silly walks administration, until i found saisa picking me up by my arm pits, and
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 78 - To call it a day...
Locking his arm underneath my arm-pit and kicked his waist... i kicked his legs to take him down on his stomach with his face on the pavement... and then i quickly got on top of him to make sure he wouldn't get up...
Last Light For Los Angeles: Chapter 2 - Hollywood's Final Act, Part Two
Grimacing as they grabbed one each under the arm pits they dragged them over to where everyone else was assembled, all hoping that the brief absence of violence would last long enough.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 56: Caught In A Web Of My Own Intentions (Conclusion)
The adolescent boy did as ordered, starting at the top and making his way down lathering her shoulders, arm pits, breasts, stomach, her vaginal slit, and legs. "very good." the queen said complimenting her servant.
Broken Words: Chapter 9
His hands tucked into his arm pits and his head hidden beneath the fabric of his hood, he breathed the cold air in deeply.