Out Of The Bag

arctic fox returned, with a stereotypical maiden outfit in her hands. the same one mostly known for soap operas and adult movies. or porn games.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 4

_wow, i guess i was wrong about that whole 'arctic hybrids only have ice powers' thing. now i feel stupid..._ "awww, cool, i didn't even know anyone had the same powers as me!" harry said. "now things are really gonna heat up!"

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The Search for Ka'Le (3/15)

When the panda looked up he saw the sweaty face of an arctic fox looking down at him. "it was as you feared, my king," the arctic fox reported.

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I'm Here For You

I think he said he was an arctic fox/husky hybrid or something. i don't remember, but his fur is snow white. there's been rumors going around the school that he's gay. i don't know who started them, but i don't really care.

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Chapter 8 (Todd)

One is an arctic fox with highlights. one is a fox/husky hybrid. one is a wolf. lisa. ashleigh. lori.

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Infamy - Prologue

Brett's character was a venomancer, a half fox half human hybrid. only the fox ears and fox tail resembled any hint of beast within the venomancer class. she had red eyes that were very small and far apart from each other.

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To Be Forgotten

It looked like an arctic fox by the size, and a vixen no doubt by how pretty she looked with a long braid trailing after her. she stopped in mid-stride grumbling and letting out a few choice curse words.

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Cant Take My Eyes Off You CH. 1

Seigi, like i said before, is a white wolf. jayson is an arctic fox, with streaks of red and white all throughout his fur. hills is a snow leopard, with black splashes all over her. neya is a cross between a wolf and a fox.

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The Beginning: Repetitive Dreams

Sometimes it seems that I am living a second life, I have never been able to quite understand the dreams I have every night. I see myself as a normal human being driving with 3 friends, we must have been going somewhere important, maybe to a big...

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Chapter 7 - Story Time

The night grew darker as the sparks from the fire danced with the rising smoke. Each of us had a story to tell, and one was to be the scariest, most frightening story that could possibly be imagined. These few moments before an unfortunate circumstance...

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JakeFox 2

Dingo, jackal, wolf, fox, husky. arctic, temperate, tropical, desert versions. bear, wolverine, otter, beaver, weasel, ferret, mongoose, raccoon, mink, rabbit, gerbil, rat, mouse. several busloads went to biosyn's own hotel.

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