Chapter 8 (Todd)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#8 of First Steps

I fell asleep after Wendell finished the first chapter. When I wake up, I'm still cuddling on Wendell's lap and he's still fast asleep. When I hug him tighter, I think he's awake because he's rubbing the top of my head.

"Morning sleepyhead," he says, kissing the top of my head.

"Hey Wendell," I yawn and stretch.

"Aww, is foxy still tired?" he says playfully.


"Well, you're gonna like today."

"Why's that?"

"Tomorrow's monday."

I lift my head and open my eyes. "Really?" Wendell nods. "That means my parents are coming home tomorrow." Inside, I'm jumping around like crazy and excitement. Outside, I'm wagging my tail out of happiness.

"You excited?" Wendell asks.

"Of course I am." I say as if I wasn't sleeping a minute ago.

Wendell gives me a kiss. "I'm glad you're happy."

"Thank you." I say, returning the kiss. I stop wagging my tail.

"What did you want to do today?"

"Not sure. You want to just stay home all day? We had a crazy day yesterday." And it was, between the diner, arcade, cat crew, movie, and how crazy powerful Wendell can be.

"Sure." Wendell rubs my head behind my ear.

"What is it with you and cuddling me," I smile at him.

"Do you hate it? I can stop if you want."

"No, I love it, I just wanted to know."

"I just love it, plus I want you to feel good." I get another kiss.

"Well, just you being with me makes me feel good."

"Aww, that's sweet," Kiss! Damn! I'm getting some love this morning. "You're the best boyfriend ever."

"Thank Wendell, you too."

"Can I tell you something Todd?"

"Of course."

"I'm still a bit horny." Oh? This'll be fun.

"Really now?," I start to rub his stomach fur, "Do you want me to fix that?" I wink at him.

"Oh? How are you going to do that?" I love when he playfully talks.

"I'm sure I can think of ways." I take a finger and put it on his chest and slowly run it down his stomach to his waist.

"Does foxy want to get playful?" He takes the blanket off of us.

"Oh yes." I get up, and Wendell does the same shorty after. Before he can say anything else, I kiss him.

"What does foxy want?" Wendell puts his paws on either side of my face.

"I want you to make me moan like a bitch." I loved it when he did it last night. Wendell gives me a spank and I yelp.

"Does foxy love that?" Wendell's in 100% play mode.


"Get on all fours." he commands. I put my paws and knees on the bed, eager for more from this sexy wolf. I received a few more spanks, each harder than the last. I moan loud..

"I love this sexy ass of yours." Wendell says.

"Yours is way sexier." I feel Wendell's paw slide up my shorts and start to caress me.

"I don't think so." I get more spanks. "God, you're so fucking sexy."

"What else are you gonna do to me?" I'm very excited.

"I wish I could fuck that ass. But, I will someday." He kisses the outside of my jeans. I feel him play with my tail a bit. It's a nice feeling.

"Can I ask you something Wendell?" I try to break any silence from occurring.

"I thought we agreed we can just ask each other without permission first?" he says.

"Oh. Ok." I turn around and face him, I sit on the edge of the bed facing him, Wendell still on his knees. "Is there anything else you've always wanted to try?"

"Well," Wendell thinks for a minute, "I... I've only heard of this once but... what does B.D.S.M. mean?"

I open my eyes in shock. "Uh... let's just say it's mostly Fifty Shades of Grey shit."

"Oh..." Wendell gets embarrassed. "I don't want to do any of that stuff, I just wanted to know what it meant."

"Ok good, you kind of had me worried for a minute."

"Todd, do you honestly think I would ever do something to you without your permission?"

"No, I guess not." I blush.

"Exactly, I love you too much to let something bad happen to you." I get more kisses.

"I know." I hug him tight. "Anything else you want to know about? Preferably something that won't scare the shit out of me."

"Well, I know I cuddle you all the time but, what's it like being little spoon?" he asks.

"You want to know?"


"Here," I open my arms, "I'll gladly show you." I lay back down and hug Wendell. Eventually, he turns around facing the other way. I don't think we've spooned the other way before. I rub his chest fur.

"This feels nice." Wendell says, moaning a bit. After a few minutes, he holds my paw. "Why haven't we done this before?"

"Because usually I'm in your position right now." I hug him tighter.

"I know but, this feel nice."

"I'm glad you love it."

"Well, not as much as I love you."

"Aww, I love you too Wendell."

"How come you don't have a nickname for me?" he asks. The question really hits me. I never did come up with a nickname before. In the seven years I've known him, I've never done so yet.

"I... don't know." I admit.

"I mean, my name for you is 'foxy', but you never gave me one yet."

"I know but, I'm not good at stuff like that." Which is true.

"It's ok, I was just wondering about that." Thank goodness. I was worried I was gonna have to do that soon.

It's silence again. I hate it. I hate when someone who I love talking to, isn't talking to you. But, what do you say to someone to break silence? Especially awkward silence.

"Wendell, please talk." I sound desperate.

"Is everything ok?" Wendell turns around and faces me, so we're not spooning, but we're still cuddling.

"Everything's fine it's just, I want to talk to you." I start to pet his head, being careful not to knock the rose off of it.

"What about?"

"Anything. Just talk to me." I put on puppy dog eyes.

"Ok. Don't use puppy eyes, they make me want to cry." I stop and he continues, "But, I do have to tell you something to be honest."

Oh no. What could this be? "What is it?" I ask.

"Well, ever since I've hooked up with you, one of my exes has been messaging me on my phone nonstop."

"Why? How? Does she know?"

"She must've seen us at the arcade a couple days ago."

"What did she say?" Wendell reaches behind him on the nightstand, grabs his phone and brings up his messages. Jeez!!! 10 unread messages! All from the same number.

"Why haven't you read them yet?" I can't help but ask.

"Because I hate her." he says without any hesitation.

"Who is she?"

"Lorraine, or Lori for short. She's a total bitch."

"Why does she bother you?"

"I don't know. Probably because she's insane."

"What kind of fur is she?"

"A wolf. Just like me. Although she has brown and wears a purple bow."

"So why'd you break up?"

"Well, after we've been dating for about two years, she kept asking whether or not I was going to have sex with her. I always said 'no' but, she didn't get the message. Eventually, she started to get crazy and would try to force me to do so." Yikes! "One day I just said 'enough'! I dumped her and told her I wasn't talking to her again. And to think, this was a month ago I broke up with her."

"Was sex the only reason for all three of your break-ups?" I ask. It's interesting to hear about Wendell's past relationships.

"No. It was always part of the reason."

"Then what was the other part of the reason with Lori?"

"'Cause she's nuts. She once followed me on a trip to see my cousin Angie. And she lives in California."

"How did she follow you?"

"She got on the same plane as me when we went. I didn't notice her until the last day."

"What about your other breakups?"

"Well, my first girlfriend was Lisa Pender."

"Really now?" I know who Lisa is. She's this arctic fox with purple highlights in the fur on her head. She's ok, I guess. Though I wouldn't consider us to be "friends" per se.

"Yep. We went out for two or three months. Then one day, on my birthday in fact, she brought me to my room in private, and she gave me two presents. One was some video game I don't play anymore. The other was a condom. The second I figured that out, I said to her: 'Nope. I refuse to have sex with you' and she said 'C'mon, It'll be real quick' then I said 'No. I'm not doing that. We're not even done being in 8th grade.' and she said 'No one will ever know.' and I remember standing up and yelled at her: 'No! Forget it bitch! I'm not doing that! We're done.' Then my parents came in and kicked her out. Never spoke to her since."

"That's crazy." I never would've thought that Lisa would do something like that.

"I know."

"What about girlfriend number 2?"

"Ashleigh Garcia."

"Never heard of her." It's true.

"She's a hybrid fox and husky. So her fur had a bit of purple on it. And you want to hear something ironic?"


"She always wore a daisy in the fur on her head." Wendell points to the rose I put on his head. Wow! That is ironic. Maybe this Ashleigh girl is the reason Wendell wanted to put a rose in his fur,

"Really? So what happened?"

"Well, we only went out for two weeks. One reason I broke up with her: she wanted to have sex with me. Reason two: she would try to sneak into my room at night to try and get me into trouble doing crazy stuff. I remember one day where she asked me to come with her because she and her friends were going to graffiti an enemy's house. Another time, she tried to convince me to sneak into this abandoned paper mill on the other side of town. The third time, she asked if I wanted to sneak out into the middle of the forest to have sex. That time, my parents found out she was sneaking in and told her never to come back. Well, they were thinking it. I was the one who told her never to come to my house again and that I was breaking up with her. She still tried to make me jealous to this day but, she never does."

"Wow. I feel bad that all of your relationships go bad." I hug him. It must be awful to break up with three different furs.

"I know. It was terrible. But, all of that doesn't matter because I have you." I get hugged back.

"Thanks, Wendell."

"You're welcome. So, you never had a relationship before me?" Wendell asks.


"Surely you must've thought some other fur was cute enough for you."

"Well, of course there was, but for me, looks isn't the only thing that goes into a relationship. In my eyes, a relationship has to involve both furs just being happy. How someone looks can go into that, but you don't date someone just because of how they look. You date someone because you believe they will make you truly happy for the rest of your life." Which is true. I've always believed that. "For you Wendell, you're very cute, plus we've been friends since elementary school. And during the seven years I've known you, I've always been happy, and so have you."

"You've got a good point."

"Yep. So, to me, your past girlfriends may have looked good, but they never made you truly feel happy. Even after you told them you're not comfortable doing what they asked, they still did what they wanted anyway."

"I've never thought of it that way."

"I'm just saying, you date who you think makes you happy."

"And that'd be... you Todd." Wendell smiles and kisses me. It's nice to have a conversation with him.

"Aww, thank you."

"You're welcome. So, tell me something I don't know about you."

"What do you mean?" I ask. What else is there to know about me? I'm gay. I'm shy. I always have an urge to cuddle. I'm good at video games from the '80s. I love sci-fi movies.

"I don't know. I've told you about my ex-girlfriends, tell me something about your life I never knew about." Wendell insists that I talk about myself. The question is: what should I say?

"Well... I've told you that I'm gay, but did I ever tell you how I realized I'm gay?"

"No. I don't think you have."

"Well, I've always known I always loved guys in a certain way. But, one day, I was searching through the internet, and I've been looking at YouTube. And, I recall watching a video of two furs cuddling and kissing. After watching the video a minute, I realized that they were both boys. I was about to X out the page but, I found myself staring at the video longer and I thought 'You know, this ain't that bad'. And then, I kept rewinding the video because I thought that it was hot. Then I whispered out loud: 'Yeah. I'm gay'. And think: I was only eight when it happened."

"So your were eight when you found out?"

"Yep. When did you notice you were bi-curious?"

"I told you: first day of freshman year."

"Tell me about it." I nuzzle my head in his chest.

"Ok. Well," Wendell pets my head as he tells me, "I remember walking in through the doors of the high school thinking it was going to be a miserable year for me. Then I saw you at a table looking just as nervous as me and I thought: 'Oh thank god! Someone I know is definitely here!' And it was better because he's my best friend. Then, when I sat down next to you and I started to talk to you, I kept thinking: 'Has Todd always had brown eyes? I never noticed. They're pretty nice.' I didn't know why I thought that, I just did. Then later at lunch, luckily we had the same period, I said to myself: 'Why was I thinking that this morning?'. Then I saw you walk across the cafeteria, coming back with your food, and I could not get over how cute you looked with your black T-shirt on since black looks good with your fur. I couldn't help but think about you all day and what I was thinking and how adorable you looked. And I remember when we walked home that day, I kept looking at your tail swaying back and forth, wanted to play with it a bit and you've never noticed."

The way Wendell tells the story makes me have my own flashback to ninth grade. I do remember Wendell talking to me that morning, we did have lunch together all year, and we always walked home together. And to think, Wendell thought I was really cute during that time, but never told me. I wish he did, And thinking about it, I wish I told him I was gay sooner. But, then a thought struck me.

"Wait, didn't you say you were dating Lori during your Freshman and Sophomore year?"

"I did say that."

"So, you kept thinking I was cute while you were dating someone else?" I ask.

"Well, the thought was shoved to the back of my mind when me and Lori hooked up. But, sometimes in dreams, the thought would resurface. I never told Lori I had these thoughts." Damn.

"So, you really did like me?"

"In a way, I did."

"I've been thinking, had I come out to you that day when we were walking to my house, we probably would've been boyfriends sooner."

"That's a nice thought." Wendell kisses the top of my head. I hand him back his phone.

"You want to look through those messages."

"No. Not really. You can, if you want." Woah! He really wants me to look through his phone?

"Are you sure?"

"It's okay." I look at his phone. It's an iPhone 5. I turn it on (he doesn't have a password) and open the phone app and look at his recent messages. It's true: all of them are from Lori.

Friday July 24, 10:37 am: Hi!

Friday July 24, 11:46 am: Hello? Wendell? U there?

Friday July 24: 6:59 pm: Night Wendell. Hope we talk tomorrow.

Saturday July 25: 8:40 am: Hello :)

Saturday July 25: 8:55 am: Wendell!

Saturday July 25: 9:11 am: HEY!!! TALK TO ME!!!

Saturday July 25: 9:30 am: Y R U NOT TALKING 2 ME!!! >:(


Saturday July 25: 10:01 am: I thought ur over what happened! Txt me back!!!

Sunday July 26: 5:25 am: Ok. Since appearantly, you might've blocked this number, you better be prepared for hell later.

Oh shit! This last message was was delivered before we woke up! I look at Wendell.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"The last message she sent." I show it to him. "What's she going to do?"

"I have no idea." Within a minute, a brick comes crashing through the window and lands on the floor next to my bed. I bury myself in Wendell's chest out of fear.

"What the fuck?!" Wendell yells.

"I told you you should've watched out for me!" I hear some girl yell.

"Fuck!" Wendell says.

"Or should I say, us!" the same female voice says. Wendell walks over to the window to see who's vandalizing our house.

"Triple Fuck!" Wendell says to me. I walk over to the window and see three girls waiting down below. One is an arctic fox with highlights. One is a fox/husky hybrid. One is a wolf.

Lisa. Ashleigh. Lori.