The Search for Ka'Le (3/15)
#3 of The Search for Ka'Le
A clean story that I wrote for FurSquared when I first did the dealer's den! A fantasy epic involving myself and several others attempting to get to lost city of Ka'Le, all in an attempt to destroy its power while the king of the land attempts to get it for himself. It involves all sorts of good stuff, if you like Dungeons and Dragons then you'll enjoy this story.
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With the sun had fully risen in the sky King Pandez sat in the dining room of the castle with his half-eaten meal off to the side as he poured over the reports being given to him about the map to Ka'Le. From what they had already gathered things were looking good, it was very likely legitimate, though there was still a lot of historical evidence to sift through until they were sure. Just as he took his fork and speared one of the lukewarm potatoes on his plate he heard the sound of footsteps behind him walk hurriedly up to the table. When the panda looked up he saw the sweaty face of an arctic fox looking down at him.
"It was as you feared, my King," the arctic fox reported. "I was doing as you told and I watched Xander the Blue, and not only was he with the dark paladin Alkali, but it appears he has just ridden off with him and several others towards the town of Tarecona in the south."
"Oh dear, this is rather unfortunate news, Shuken," Pandez replied as he stood up. "Meet me in my chambers after you have ensured that the map is present and accounted for, then bring every guard from the time the map was brought down until this very instant with you. This is an immediate and pressing order, I don't care if they're in the middle of a shower, just hand them a towel and get them up here."
Several minutes later Shuken and several of the guards were present inside the king's private chambers, the panda pacing in front of all of them for a bit before he finally turned to one of them. "So the map is still there?" he asked, to which they all nodded.
"We did a security sweep as soon as you told us about the potential theft and so far everything is accounted for," a badger reported. "The map is still locked and sealed in the case as you ordered, and the key is still in the proper place."
"My lord, is it possible that Xander is doing what he said he was going to do?" Shuken asked. "He reported into the spymaster that he found a lead on a potential authenticator for the map and had to travel to Scilerno in order to find them. A journey like that, plus with what I saw, maybe he just brought the necro-ferret along for company."
The panda paused for less than a moment before he just shook his head. "That doesn't explain the others," he mused as he sat down. "It's no coincidence that Alkali has been plotting something concerning Ka'Le for some time now, he was even researching it at the arcana library before he got kicked out for something involving two snakes, a small kettle filled with caramel, and sixteen blue candles."
"Oh man, I remember that," one of the other guards said that caused a small outburst of chuckles from the group before Pandez calmed them down once more.
"This is a rather serious matter we have before us," the king reminded. "I need to know every interaction that Xander the Blue may have had with the map itself or anyone who's asked for access to the map. Anyone?"
There was several moments of silence from the group as if no one wanted to speak first, until finally the bat guard stepped forward and spoke up. "Xander had visited the vault last night," Issac informed the panda. "He was with Serina though, so I didn't think anything of it. Plus they never actually touched the map, she just looked at it while it was still in the case! I didn't even have the key on me, anyway, so I couldn't have opened it for them if I wanted to."
As Issac went into greater detail on what happened there was a tap on the window, Pandez pausing the bat's story in order to open the window and let the bird perched outside in. As the small creature hopped off the ledge and onto the floor it suddenly grew bigger, the feathers smoothing out into a set of mage's robes as the avian features disappeared from it. As soon as her transformation was complete Serina pulled her hood off and bowed to Pandez, then pulled a book from her robes and set it on the table. "I got here as soon as I could once I received your summons," she informed him as she sat down.
"And?" Pandez asked expectantly.
"And you were right," the vulpine replied as she opened the book. "Xander the Blue used your writ in order to gain access to one of my evokers, a demonborn by the name of Draggor who has extensive and intimate knowledge of Ka'Le, likely from his demonic patron that he draws power from. This same warlock has just taken a leave of absence to go to Talin's Grove near the coast in order to find information I didn't request. Luckily the researcher who checked them in was a fan of Xander's and had him sign an order slip, otherwise it would have been tough to prove."
"That definitely matches with my spy's statement," Pandez said as he traced a finger over the signature on the paper. "Tell me Serina, did you by chance visit the vault yesterday night and talk to Issac over there about looking at the map?"
Serina looked at Pandez in confusion, then shook her head before a glimmer of recollection appeared on her face. "I was asking about Draggor before you had summoned me about his sudden disappearance since I needed his insights on something I had found," she explained. "One of my transmuters said that he had seen him a few days ago and asked about possible transmutation-imbued items they might have sold. After a little further pressing and under the promise of not being punished for it, one of them admitted they were moonlighting as an enchanter and created a ring of disguise for someone."
"That's impossible," Issac spoke up. "Our wards would have detected such magic, especially if they used something to try and make a magical copy of the map. They never even got close to the map in the first place."
"At this point I'll pretty much believe anything," Pandez rebuked before he turned back to Serina. "I don't suppose the one who purchased this ring gave a name or anything like that?"
"All my mage got was a description which was, and I quote, some sort of big-toothed hybrid creature," Serina said with a sigh. "He's currently been assigned to help the other transmuters with their polymorph spells... as their subject."
"Alright, so we have Alkali and Xander, Draggor, and some vague hybrid with a disguise ring," Pandez said as he rubbed his temples with his fingers. "Is that all of them, Shuken?"
"Well there was a fifth with them that seemed to be a part of their group," the arctic fox replied. "But he looked like a barbarian, and you know how barbarians are."
"Mmmm yes, they tend to do what they please," Pandez replied before he stood up. "Alright Shuken, I want you to gather up anyone you might find useful and set out after them. Meanwhile I want everyone to doubletime the authentication of this map, the second it turns out to be real, we march."
"But sir, this Alkali just set out on the belief this map is real," one of the other guards chimed in. "Should we just assume it is, then, and assemble our forces?"
Pandez shook his head and made a slow walk to the open window, staring out across the expanse of land where he knew the five were somewhere, at that moment, plotting to take the power of Ka'Le from him. "Just because a deranged ferret believes it's real doesn't mean it is," he commented. "Still, I want you to get your team ready, Shuken, because if it is real and he gets ahead of us... gods help us all on what they're planning."
Meanwhile on the road between the capital and the town of Tarecona the five continued a brisk pace down the road, which was now cleared of most of the traffic that they had encountered from farmers bringing wares to the capital. Even at the hurried pace they made and the relatively short distance the trade outpost was from the capital, it would take a full day for them to get there. All Alkali hoped for was that they didn't have to set up camp for the night before reaching it, since they would likely spend the day there in order to get the supplies they needed. The rest of the group seemed to noticed the ferret's preoccupation and elected to talk with each other instead, learning what information they cared to share amongst those they would be traveling with for likely some time.
As the day slowly turned to night the darkness settled in on the group like a blanket, thankfully the moon was close to full and its light unobstructed by clouds. With the city within arm's reach they decided to continue onwards until they made it to their destination, hoping that they could find an inn with open rooms. But as the road ran along the edge of a forest their bedding situation was pushed to the back of their minds as they heard movement from the treeline. Their horses started to grow skittish, save the nightmare that stood stoically as they all dismounted and opted to travel on foot.
"I'm not liking our situation here," Serathin spoke up as they started to walk once more. "This place would be a perfect ambush point for a group of bandits or monsters." The others turned and looked at the thief, whose head darted between the sets of gazes leveled at him. "What? I know my ambush points."
"I say let them come," Zen responded heartily. "This riding has stiffened my muscles and I could do with some combat to stretch them out." Though the barbarian was cocksure, the rest of the group continued to gaze around their surroundings for any potential danger. As time passed and the end of the forest came into view they breathed a sigh of relief that it appeared they were in no real danger.
That notion was quickly shattered as a grey blur jumped out from the treeline and flew straight towards Zen, but the warrior was quick to react and kicked a tree branch up to his hand before he swung it down on his approaching target. There was a loud thud and a whine as the rest of the group looked over to see a feral wolf on the ground pinned under the heavy wood. Its hind legs kicked at the air as it frothed at the mouth, snapping at its captor before it tipped its head back and let out a snarling howl. The others drew their weapons as several more pairs of shining eyes came up from the edge of the woods, their forms hidden but their howling making it clear what they were.
"Enough of this hiding in the darkness," Draggor said before he snapped his fingers and muttered something that none of the others understood. Almost immediately afterwards the smell of burnt canine fur filled the air as one of their ambushers was suddenly set on fire. The afflicted wolf began to run around and light up the surrounding area as the others decided to bare down on the group.
Xander and Alkali stayed close to one another as one of the larger wolves bared its teeth at them. The draconic bard whistled and waved his arms to get the animal's attention, which worked as it focused on him and began to bare down. While Xander continued to lead it towards him the creature failed to notice the ferret jump towards him with sword raised, not until the dark metal had sunk past its fur and flesh. Just as the wolf was about to turn and try to snap at its attacker, a green glow surrounded it before the energy flowed up into Alkali and the light of life went out from its eyes and it slumped to the ground.
Behind the two Draggor kept hold of the reins on his horse with one hand as he stretched out his other arm and pointed a finger at his attacker. Just as the wolf was about to jump it flew backwards as if hit by an invisible object, flying backwards into a tree before it crumbled to the ground. When a second wolf tried to finish what the first started the demonborn conjured a ball of flame in his palm that he threw down. Though it didn't completely immolate the creature like the flaming wolf that had fallen a few feet away, it caused a large burn to form on the animal's muzzle that caused him to turn tail and run.
"Whoa, easy there puppy..." Serathin said calmingly as he backed away from the snarling wolf that bared his teeth at him. "No need to get nasty now." The wolf was having none of it, though, and took a few running steps towards him before he leapt in for the pounce. Had the wolf any sort of intelligence, he would have realized the figure it attacked was a solid black haze, clothes and all, that disappeared as soon as it jumped through it. Serathin took advantage of the creature's confusion and stepped out from the shadows where he had hidden himself and brought his blade down in one swift stroke.
The barbarian fox just laughed as he left the tree branch on top of the wolf and charged the other two that were left, which seemed to stun the animals. Before they could move away Zen tackled one to the ground, then took it by the tail which caused it to yelp. Zen whirled the wolf over his head once before he threw it at the other one, the two canines connecting and tumbling off back into the forest. The others, seeing their pack being decimated, scattered away and ran off into the night.
"Good riddance," Draggor huffed as he straightened out his robes in the dying light of the wolf he had turned into a bonfire. "Mangy beasts."
"It'll be some time before they mess with anyone on this road again I'm sure," Zen replied as he got on his horse once again. "Shall we continue on?"
The rest of the group nodded in agreement and got on their respective horses, all except for Xander who stood there with a look on his face. "Alkali... what is that?" the bard asked as he pointed at a wolf with a large, bloody gash on his side.
"Oh, well I thought since I was the one who killed it I would take it as a pet," Alkali explained calmly. "You know, waste not, want not."
"You can't just bring a zombie wolf into town!" Xander exclaimed. "We're trying to fly under the radar here!"
"I don't think it looks that bad," Serathin chimed in as he trotted his horse over and looked down at the canine. "I mean, you give it a bath and maybe clean up the wound a little-" as the hybrid talked the wolf turned its head until it reached an unnatural angle and looked up at him with dead, milky eyes that caused him to lean back in horror. "Dear gods, that's the stuff of nightmares! Kill it with fire, Draggor!"
"I think I can arrange that," the demonborn said with an evil grin as he brought up his fingers.
"Don't you dare, Draggor," Alkali warned. "None of us would even be here right now if I didn't find out about the map!"
"I actually found out about the map..." Xander corrected.
"Well, true!" the ferret exclaimed. "But... I managed to get us here thanks to getting the map in the first place!"
"Hey, I was the one who stole the map!" Serathin refuted.
"Well who was the one who pointed us in the right direction?!"
"Yo," Draggor said simply as he pointed at himself.
The ferret let out a frustrated cry and turned his horse around to point towards the city in the distance. "Fine!" he shouted. "I'll make it circle around and meet us on the other side of the city, alright?!" the others looked at each other and with mixed shrugs and nods they agreed. "Good! Let's go already, then! Jerks..."
The group made it into the city just as the moon rose up high in the sky, most of the city quiet save for the few inns and taverns that hadn't settled down yet for the night. Being a trading post there were quite a few that stayed open late into the night, which was fortunate for them as they found spare rooms for the night. Once they had secured their lodgings they spent the rest of the night in the commons room in a booth at one of the corners, pouring over the map as the demonborn continued to decipher its directions. As they did Zen couldn't help but feel a pair or two of eyes on him, but when the barbarian fox turned around he saw no one that he recognized. They stayed up for quite some time before they all returned to their respective rooms for the night, Xander and Alkali sharing one while Zen, Draggor, and Serathin moved to their respective doors.
The next morning came with it the bustle of a busy trading station, all of the group awakening early in order to get what they needed as quickly as they could. In order to maximize their effectiveness they split into two groups with Xander, Alkali, and Draggor finding and potential arcane supplies that would help them find Ka'Le while Serathin and Zen would take care of the general necessities. With a plan formed they went their separate ways through the market, unaware of the hooded figures that continued to watch them.
"I really don't know about all this," Xander said to Alkali about an hour later as they looked through the various merchant stalls, the demonborn asking about an arcane trinket that another mage was selling. "I mean bringing Draggor along was a smart move considering he can translate the map on the fly, but I'm not sure about the other two. One is a known criminal and the other is a barbarian who's a wild card at this point."
"Relax Xander," Alkali replied while he examined a skull. "The thief's here because you offered him a deal, and it's always handy to have someone as talented as Zen fighting for us. To be honest if it was just the three of us I would be more worried, the journey to Ka'Le will not be an easy one, and the more we have on our side the better, even if we are lacking in the trust department."
The dragon nodded slightly at the ferret, then continued to browse as well. As time passed; however, the three noticed more and more people starting to run down the street towards the central square, and once the traffic had entirely shifted that way it prompted them to ask someone what's going on. "It's the Burning Pyre, they're making some big presentation in the central square!" A bobcat said excitedly before he continued to run with their friends.
"The Burning Pyre?" Draggor asked.
"I know about them," Xander answered. "The Burning Pyre was founded in the midst of the ogre purges in the Southern Glen, a group of paladins and clerics were stuck in a temple that was besieged by the creatures and ended up setting the whole place on fire to take the monsters with them. By some miracle they survived and killed an entire cluster of ogres in the process, which caused them to believe that the flames they used had been blessed by the divines in order to save them. The group has considerable influence thanks to their heroic feats and every temple they build has a golden bowl filled with oil and burns with flame that came from the fires of that original building."
"Oh great, religious zealots," Alkali snarked as he crossed his arms. "I'm so glad we're only in this town for a day, regular paladins and I don't get along."
"Likewise," Draggor chimed in once they had gotten to the square. "Though I'd like to see how well their holy fire works once I was done with them."
The three managed to find places amongst the crowd that surrounded a raised stone platform in the middle of the square. On the stage were several men in gleaming metal armor with the brands of the Burning Pyre emblazoned on it, along with a lemur in bright red robes that gestured over something large and square covered with a sheet in the middle of a big brass receptacle. "For many years we have resided here in this fair city with the one simple purpose of making sure that it's citizens stay safe from the scourge of evil in the land," the cleric shouted as he grabbed the silken cloth. "Now you shall see what it is that we protect you from!"
The crowd gasped as he tore back the cloth and revealed a disheveled, slightly decayed wolf with milky eyes that snarled and growled as it tried to escape from the confines of the metal bars it was placed in. "Damnit Alkali," Xander muttered as he put his hand on his head, the ferret's eyes growing wide and the demonborn putting his hand over his mouth to stifle the chuckle that was coming from it. The rest of the townspeople started to chant 'burn it!' in unison and all the three could do was watch as the paladins took casks of oil and coated the wolf and cage with it.
"It lifts my heart up to hear your overwhelming support of our mission!" the cleric shouted as he was given a lit torch that he held up in the air. "But don't think that we're going to rest here! We will find the source of this scourge and eradicate it from the land! By this time tomorrow the practitioner of this foul magic will reside within this cage in order to join the ash of the creature it created!"
The three quickly left as the crowd cheered when the lemur dropped the flame into the bowl and lit the oil, not stopping until they reached a relatively empty street. "Well this journey is already off to a rousing start," Draggor commented. "Not even out of the capital lands yet and we have a religious order that wants to kill us. I think that might be some kind of record."
"I can see why King Pandez never allowed them to establish anything inside the capital itself," Xander said as he crossed his arms. "Normally I'd say we go to the guard and tell them about this, but it appears the entire city is behind them. I think our best option is to run, and run fast."
"Agreed," Alkali said as he scratched his headfur. "I need to get off the streets before they start trying to search me out, normally or with the arcane I won't be hard to find if they're as good as Xander says. You two find Serathin and Zen and tell them the change of plans, hopefully they got enough supplies that we can get to another city along the way."
Meanwhile the hybrid and fox walked casually down the city streets, each of them with a rucksack loaded with the necessities for a long trip in potentially deep wilderness. "I'm starting to think that we might be getting a little overboard on necessities for this trip," Zen commented as he shifted the heavy pack on his back.
"What can I say, I like to shop," Serathin replied as he inspected the wares of another table. "Plus you didn't hear me complain when you wanted to get that big jar of gunk that I managed to get half off for you."
"You'll thank me for that later," Zen stated. "It may not look like much, but that black gunk is some of the best waterproofing agent this side of the four kingdoms. A light coat and you can turn a sheet of burlap into a roof that'll keep out the rain or help make a makeshift boat watertight."
Serathin rolled his eyes slightly and shook his head. "Whatever you say," he said as they turned the corner. As they did the hybrid watched where they had just come from and saw something that he wished he hadn't, lowering his voice as he closed his stride with Zen. "We're being followed, I think it's time we ask why..."
Several narrow alleys later the three that had been following Zen and Serathin stopped when they saw the fox sitting on a crate as soon as they turned the corner. "Hello gentlemen," the barbarian said as he looked them over. All three were clad in light armor and had swords that hung from their belts, and though they appeared tempted, none of them reached for them as Zen stood up. "Is there something I can help you with today?"
"So it really is you, Zen Fox," the eagle in the middle said as he stepped forward, showing a thick scar that ran from eye to beak. "I don't suppose you remember us, do you? The mercenaries you left for dead outside the Arvok Plains when that skirmish caused the ground to collapse underneath us?"
For a few seconds Zen stood there in contemplation, then his eyes lit up in realization before he looked back at them. "I remember that battle!" he exclaimed excitedly, which only caused the three mercenaries to glower at him. "Now to be fair, Kaylik, I didn't leave you for dead, I thought you were dead. That is a very important distinction, I'll have you know."
"Not as important as you'd think when clawing your way out of the dirt," Kaylik snarled as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword, the other two doing the same. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you here and leave you for the crows."
"I don't think that's the right question you should be asking right now," Zen replied as he slowly backed away from the approaching marauders.
"Oh yeah?" the eagle replied as his mouth turned up into a cruel smirk. "Then what is?"
"It would be where did my friend go?" the barbarian shot back.
For a second they looked at the fox in confusion before they realized that the two they had been following had been reduced to one, their focus solely on their enemy. Before they could think to try and regroup the eagle was yanked backwards and the other two turned to see the draconic sabrewolf grinning behind their leader with the glint of a blade against the eagle's neck. "One misstep and it's your body that gets left for the crows," Serathin instructed as he leaned his muzzle in close to use as much of the other man's body for cover as possible, his eyes darting up at his captive as he tried to look back at him. "You smell nice, Kaylik."
"It appears the conclusion of our discussion is going to have to wait for another time gentlemen," Zen informed them as he slowly moved his way past the other two and stood next to the grinning hybrid, grabbing the packs they had hidden in the nearby crate. "Perhaps next time we can pick a better venue for this chat? I hear there's a lovely inn a few blocks down that has the best mead, but until then it would be best for your friend here to not follow us, if you'd like to keep all his blood inside his body."
The other two mercenaries stared daggers at the two but kept from moving as Serathin and Zen continued to backtrack, eventually losing sight of them as they turned a corner and continued moving backwards. "You'll never get away from us, Zen," the eagle spat as they turned down another alleyway, the sounds of the city streets growing louder. "I know where you are now, we'll track you down."
"Oh, so you're saying I should just kill you now then and save us the trouble?" Serathin replied as he pressed the edge of the blade against the avian's throat. "I would hate for you to interrupt our travels again with a personal quarrel."
"That's... that's not what I meant," Kaylik replied as he swallowed hard. "I meant... eventually..."
"Good boy," Serathin chided as he patted the captive on the head. "One should really learn to think before they speak. Anyway I believe this is as far as we need to go, you want to do the honors, Zen?"
Kaylik was able to let out a gasp as he turned just in time to see an orange-furred fist fly straight into his face. Zen shook his hand slightly as the mercenary crumpled to the ground unconscious, stepping over him as Serathin put his knife back into its sheath. Once they were sure he was knocked out they continued out into the street where the crowds had thickened considerably from the morning. After only a few minutes they bumped into Xander and Draggor, who informed him of their own problems before the four double backed to the inn.
After a few hours Alkali, Xander, Draggor, Serathin, and Zen were all cramped inside one of the rooms they had rented, all of them in deep thought save for the demonborn who was busy with the contents of the map. "Well this is a fine situation," Xander finally said, breaking everyone else from their reverie. "Trapped in a city with clerics hunting the ferret and mercenaries hunting the fox. You got any enemies here you want to toss in, saberwolf?"
"Not that I know of," Serathin replied. "I mean I'm sure if I go out and look I could probably find some."
"Please don't," Alkali spoke up after draining his glass of the alcoholic contents contained within.
"Well the good news is I have deciphered the map enough to get us to the next major city that we can reach with the supplies we have," Draggor explained as he stood up. "Which means we just have to deal with the bad news of being trapped in this city. Are we really sure that there is no way out of here with all the caravans that come in and out?"
"You'd be better off trying to climb the wall," Serathin interjected. "Mercantilism is heavily regulated to prevent spies and bandits from just getting into cities unnoticed, most require special permits from a merchant guild just to be a guard, and you wouldn't believe the amount of work it takes to get a trader pass." The others just looked at him with a mixture of disbelief and accusation until the hybrid crossed his arms. "Alright, I may have a trader pass, but even if I burned it to escape here, it would just be me getting out."
After a few more minutes Alkali stood up and went over to the window, looking down and watching as several men with the symbols of the Burning Pyre wandering around talking to people. "We're going to need a way to draw all of them away from the town gates," the ferret mused. "Once we do it's going to take something big to keep them away, at least long enough for us to sneak out. Maybe in the town square... they certainly like to put on a show."
"What if we knocked over that bowl full of sacred oil?" Xander chimed in. "Light it on fire and while they're trying to keep the blaze contained and away from the houses, we get out."
"Unfortunately they already prepared for something like that," Draggor replied. "That whole town square must have been built by them, the entire area is made of stone and is surrounded by a deep ditch covered in perforated metal plates. Any flammable oil would just drain safely into there I suspect, so would likely need far more than what's left over after their zombie wolf barbeque."
"A lot of oil..." Serathin mused himself, a finger rubbing against one of his saberteeth before he pointed it up in the air. "Wait, I know where we can get a lot of oil! The friend of Zen's I threatened smelt of fresh oil, I bet they're running it into the city for the Burning Pyre as a way to earn money while they hunt him down. I can make a few inquiries through the traders to see if I could find where they're storing it."
"That still leaves needing to gather them into the town square," Zen reminded after taking a drink from his own glass. "What event can we do that will draw them all away from their search of Alkali and into there?"
For a while everyone was silent once more, staring down at the floor until Xander once more looked up at Alkali. "I have an idea of how to do that," the bard informed them as he looked sheepishly at the ferret. "You're probably not going to like the plan though..."
About an hour later Alkali and Xander walked up the stone steps into the temple of the Burning Pyre, both glancing about nervously as the acolytes looked over at the newcomer's direction. "You're right, I'm not liking this plan," Alkali muttered as he looked straight at the lemur cleric that tended to the flame at the head of the altar. "I don't suppose we can just abort and head to the nearest tavern."
"I think we hit the point of no return here," Xander whispered back as several began to approach them, one in particular the cleric that moved towards them that Xander waved at. "Cleric Skyler! I have found the foul necromancer responsible for the abomination your people found at the city gates!"
The lemur looked slightly surprised as his gaze scanned the ferret up and down, including the shackles around his wrists that Xander had put on him before they entered. "You have done us a great service," the cleric thanked. "I can sense that the fire of justice burns deep within you. Tell me, what is your name? How did you manage to come across such an illusive and despicable creature?"
"My name is Xander the Blue," Xander replied. "I had been working with King Pandez about a string of similar acts that had been happening in the area and finally came upon him while I was staging a performance. Been following him ever since and that trail led me here. Had you not found the desecrated wolf and closed the borders of the town he might have slipped through unnoticed and gone on to terrorize other territories."
"You speak the truth, and quite the amazing one at that," Skyler said with a nod. "Once again we are in your debt Xander the Blue, if you should ever need the services of the Burning Pyre we will be happy to come to your aid. I will get a few paladins to escort this trash outside of the city where we can make sure that his cursed taint will not befoul this city anymore."
As the cleric motioned for several heavily-armored men to come forward Xander quickly put his hands up to stop them. "Wait wait wait," he said, causing them all to stop. "While it would be easy to just execute him and be done with it, I know that this ferret is not the only one who practices such arts in the shadow. I happen to be a bard, so why not make a show of it like you did with the wolf? I have some people that help me out, they can build a small stage and I will perform my services free of charge so that everyone in this city knows what happens when you dabble in such dark magic."
Alkali couldn't help but swallow hard as Skyler motioned for several of the other acolytes away from them and had a private discussion. Xander tried not to look worried as they talked in secret, but he knew that their whole plan rested on him convincing the Burning Pyre to wait until nightfall. If they decided it would be better to just kill him now then wait they were in a lot of trouble. Neither male tried to let it show, though, as the group broke their huddle and the cleric came back to them.
"You truly do embody the spirit of fire," Skyler praised, to which Xander waved a hand in dismissal. "This will be a testament to the good works we do here, and I'm sure all the men will enjoy watching a necromancer burn. I have an Ember Initiate here who will guide the prisoner to his cell, then you can accompany me and we can talk with your men on getting the town square ready."
"Thank you very much, Cleric Skyler," Xander replied as he bowed his head slightly as a sign of respect. "If you don't mind I would like to say my parting words in private, as I mentioned I have tracked this creature for a long time and I don't want what I say to reach your divine ears."
The lemur and his cohorts nodded and moved away, though they remained in the room as Alkali and Xander turned to each other. "I'll make sure the keep the clergy distracted so they don't focus on you," the dragon instructed. "Just make sure to not attract any attention to yourself so they don't think of what they could possibly do to you while you're alone in a jail cell."
"Relax, I'll be fine," Alkali replied.
"Really?" Xander said as he crossed his arms in disbelief. "Like the time at King Pandez's birthday party with the four lobsters and the game of dragon poker?"
"Oh yeah... that was fun," Alkali reminisced before he looked back down at Xander. "Listen, I'll be fine, they're not going to do anything to me before the main event. Just make sure that the others can do what they need to do and we're out of this everything-forsaken town and on the road to Ka'Le once again."
There was a brief moment of awkwardness as the two began to approach one another, then quickly backed realized what they were about to do. Xander glanced over at the members of the Burning Pyre before he reached up and slapped the ferret in the face. "Owwwwie!" Alkali cried out.
"Sorry..." Xander whispered.
"Nope, totally get it," Alkali whispered back as his tongue inspected the inside of his mouth. "I think you knocked a tooth loose..."
Suddenly the two were interrupted by the lemur cleric as he walked up to them. "I do believe that's a good end to the conversation right there," he said as the paladins dragged the ferret away. "Now that the unpleasantness of his company has been removed, I would like to talk to you about what you're going to say during the performance..."