Tournament of Transformation Registration (CLOSED)

An Important Message from the Netherrealm: \*classical music begins to play as a black, latexy dragon sits in a plush red chair while he looks down at a thick tome through glasses perched on the end of his muzzle. After a few seconds he looks up at...

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Beautiful Night

A very quick submission to help pass the time while I get my things together, written a year ago at my DA account. It is as perfect a night as one could possibly hope for, beautiful in every aspect. The night sky is clear and illuminated...


Completing Preparations

It's always the same, every time I come here. I look out my hotel window and see the people coming to and from, completely unaware of what's about to happen right in this very room. They do not know me, and they will continue to not know me even when I...

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Out of Touch

On the top floor of the Nexus Island Resort in the Nexross the twelve creatures that had created such a place sat around the conference table, all of them looking at the rubber dragon that stood at the head of it. They had all been called there...

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Double Blind Monster

Dorian sighed slightly as he walked into the estate of his elven companion, the note that he had gotten stating that he had a breakthrough that needed to be seen to believe. While the human didn't doubt that was the case he often knew what the...

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Spreading the Shine Further (1/2)

Xavier found himself yawning loudly as he sat in his apartment, looking through the paper as the rest of his pack continued to move about with the preparation of breakfast for all of them. It was strange being the lead vulcanthrope and having the...

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Safe Harbor (3/3)

Reynard wasn't sure for how long he ran, all the rubber fox knew was that the longer he moved the more the gurgling in his insides increased. Even with his rubber skin starting to shift and the occasional swell of the white and red latex that was...

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Hippo Hype

Dieter hummed to themselves as they made their way down the street, the lion trying to make their way back to their apartment without getting trampled by the usual traffic that happened downtown. It was their usual route home but they were...

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Immigration or Naturalization 2

Rick heard a loud click as the key he fed into the lock turned, the simple finished wooden door opening soon after. The hinges creaked as the Draconian slowly opened the door and peeked inside, looking around the empty room before he made the gap...

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Time After Time

The alarm buzzed, the leopard blearily opening his eyes as he looked at the display screen on his alarm clock cheerily tell him that it was time to get up. He sighed and hit the snooze button, only to remember that a recent prank had made that...

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Ferret's Five - A Brief Debriefing

Back at the hangar the whole crew was gathered around a makeshift bar as they told the entire story, everyone with a drink in their hand while each possible perspective was shared. When everything was said and done they continued to celebrate well into...

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Ferret's Five - The Big Reveal

Serathin grunted as he crawled his way up through the elevator shaft, trying not to get any dirt on the uniform that he wore as he hoisted himself around the car that was blocking his way. "Perhaps I should have put this on after I got onto the...

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