Completing Preparations

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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This is an old, old piece that was basically a practice for first person transformation. No sex and very short, but a good little tidbit nonetheless.

It's always the same, every time I come here. I look out my hotel window and see the people coming to and from, completely unaware of what's about to happen right in this very room. They do not know me, and they will continue to not know me even when I walk among them. That is how I prefer it, better they not know the real me. I quickly draw the shades closed, I don't want anyone to see the transformation that is about to take place. Changing into something else is such a private matter, an experience I am... unwilling to share with others.

I grab my suitcase and open it, running my fingers over the articles inside. These are the tools of my change, the essence of the creature I am about to become.

The first thing that had to go is my eyes. I grabbed a small white case from my bag and popped them open, my new eyes staring back at me. This was always the most uncomfortable part of the change, but I always loved the contrast it made when I was done. After a short minute I rubbed my eyes and opened them once more, only now they are red and slitted. Eyes far more appropriate to my new form.

My very nerves tingle as my fingers brush against fur while I pull a black full-body suit from the case. What was soon to be my body. I pulled the clothes from what's soon to be my old form and toss them in the corner; I won't be using them anymore for a while. I sit now on the bed, the cool room air kissing my skin for the last time as I slowly pull the fur covered lycra suit over my legs. Wiggling my new toes I can't help but smile, it's always fun to watch my human form be subsumed by black fur. Soon my legs are completely engulfed as I wiggle it up to my hips, grabbing the suit's tail... my tail, and moving it out of the way.

My human chest and back were the next to be sacrificed to the suit, pulling it up and covering my muscles. I shivered, and not from the cold, for I will not be cold for quite a while. Oh no, I shivered from pure excitement as I thrust my hands into the suit, becoming paws. Pulling the arms tight to my form, I realized I couldn't move my fingers very well, but what cat can? It was something that I was willing to sacrifice for the form. I move to the mirror to inspect myself and let out a small purr, running my paws over my fur.

Before I put my hood on, I grabbed a bag of claws from a small compartment in my suitcase and slowly slipped them on. All big cats need claws, and what kind of cat would I be if I didn't have them? With the last toe-claw in place, my body was complete, and from the neck down I am an anthro panther. In comparison, my still mostly human head looked completely out of place. Luckily that was about to change, and very soon. I grabbed the hood hanging from my neck and flipped it over my face, taking the short muzzle and fitting it over my face, becoming my new face. I grab my fangs and slip them over my human teeth, then grinning with my new feral look. After a quick final adjustment to the wig attached to the top I reached back and zipped myself up, and just like that my human form was completely gone. Well... not quite.

Looking into the mirror, I still saw my human side where the eyeholes didn't quite line up. That was unacceptable, and to remedy it I grab a small vial of black face paint and brush the rest of my humanity away. With it, my transformation is complete, and the creature I have become was almost ready to present. I preened myself, put on my new clothes, and gave one last look at myself in the mirror to admire my new form. After that, I left the hotel and walked to the unsuspecting public below.

This convention was going to be awesome...