Double Blind Monster
Sometimes it's hard to be the friend of a researcher, especially one that doesn't mind using you as the guinea pig. One thing is for certain is that meet-ups with them will never be dull, as this elf finds out.
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Dorian sighed slightly as he walked into the estate of his elven companion, the note that he had gotten stating that he had a breakthrough that needed to be seen to believe. While the human didn't doubt that was the case he often knew what the end result of his breakthroughs entailed and wondered just what sort of shenanigans would happen this time. He had just gotten done taking a stint in the garden of the elf and knew that from the haste the note was scrawled that he would be in for something similar. Still he found himself at the door and letting himself in while looking around the house and laboratory his friend called home.
"Phyrgian?" Dorian called out as he walked through the hall, his footsteps echoing slightly on the wood-shaped walls while he looked around. "You around?" When there was still no answer the only thing the human could think of doing was head to the lab, though he knew the potential dangers in that as he brushed a few errant strands of long black hair away from his face. "I'm hoping that you're not going to ambush me with whatever it is you have cooking up, this is my favorite cloak."
Eventually Dorian did find the other man, spotting the crystallized antlers adorned with lush green leaves that was a trait of the elves of this land bouncing around the window outside. It seemed whatever was happening would be doing so outside as the human wondered out loud if this was another garden project as he stepped outside and caught the elf's attention. "Oh, there you are Dorian," Phyrgian stated with a smile as he set down a plate on the table.
"I came as soon as I got your note," Dorian replied as he saw a tart being put onto the lone plate. While it may look like snacks out in the garden there was something off, especially since there was only one serving. Even though Phyrgian was able to get much of his energy needs from photosynthesis he was still capable of eating, which made the highlight of only one snack being presented even more worrisome. "So I'm guessing that you didn't just come down here to show me the latest in your culinary creation."
"Oh, you know me so well," Phyrgian chided with a giggle. "I actually have a new serum that I've been trying out and I wanted to see if the results that I believe I achieved are actually possible. If it works then I may have developed a means for warriors to get a temporary boost to their strength."
"A strength boost?" Dorian repeated as he eyed up the tart, only to see the elf produce a second one that he put next to the first. "That's it?"
"What do you mean, that's it?" Phyrigian asked.
"It just seems rather... tame, all things considered," Dorian explained as he took off his cloak and put it around the chair. "So this isn't going to turn me into a shirt or a kettle or a plant?"
"Why, disappointed?" Phyrigian teased, the elf's grin growing wider as he saw a slight blush form on the human's cheeks. "We have plenty of time to do that, I just want to see if this particular potion is strong enough to show any reasonable results. Now one of these tarts has the serum in it while the other doesn't, I want you to pick one and eat it so that I can see if you can even tell if you've gotten stronger."
Dorian continued to eye up the elf wearily as he sat down in front of the two desserts. He had known his friend long enough and been a part of enough experiments to know that usually there was more than meets the eye. One thing he did know however was that Phyrigian was very scientifically minded, so if he told him he was giving him one that was just a treat and another that had the potion in it that was probably true. It didn't hurt that the human was also hungry as he picked the tart that the elf had put down and took a few bites of it.
If he had picked right or not the elf didn't show it on his face as Dorian continued to consume the rather small treat until it had finished. When nothing seemed to happen the human asked if he needed to do something to prove if he was getting stronger before he felt a tingling sensation deep in his gut. At first he thought that perhaps it was just the sugary pastry settling in but as he got up from the chair he could feel the warmth spreading more. With the way his shirt was cut it also exposed his midriff and he could see his already defined abdominal muscles twitching slightly.
So much for being subtle, Dorian thought to himself as his shirt and pants started to feel tight on his body while the warmth radiated up from his skin. "I think I may have found the one with the potion in it," Dorian muttered, huffing as he felt the seam in the shoulder of his shirt tear slightly as the muscle of his chest thickened to make the fabric stretch even more. "You could have warned me before I lost another pair of clothing that muscle growth would be involved, how would I not notice this?"
"Mmmm, seems that I was a little overzealous in a few of my ingredient proportions," Phyrigian said as he watched the human try to get his shirt off before it split right down the sides as he grew another inch of height. "Plus you know that I'll always spot you a pair of clothes, or if you want to go back to what we were talking about before you can always become a set. Either way it looks like you won't have to explain what you're feeling with the changes."
Dorian grumbled and rolled his eyes as he gave up on trying to save his shirt and merely pulled it off, showing off his bulging muscles as the serum began to course through his system. Fortunately he was able to at least kick off his boots in order to save them but it was rather close, especially when he had to practically lie down on the ground to get at them due to his new physique. When he did get it off his feet were so swollen that his sock was starting to tear at the front, except that as he watched he saw that the ripping wasn't being caused by the growth. Instead the human just watched in shock as spikes burst out from the thick fabric, pushing through the fibers and practically causing them to disintegrate and reveal the bulbous toes and thickening ankles underneath.
As his stretched flesh began to become discolored and shiny it was clear that there was more to this serum than just increasing strength he felt something push out past his lips. At first Dorian thought that his face had started to push out into a muzzle or something but as he felt his jaws practically getting stretched he realized it was something far more bestial in nature. When he looked around to see what was happening to his face he quickly found that the elf had prepared for his curiosity and had a mirror that was propped up against the side of his house. With his feet being as malformed as they were he had to practically crawl over and his eyes widened in shock as he saw an iridescent pair of mandibles pushing out of his mouth as it revealed his teeth starting to sharpen.
With his mouth being transformed like that it was hard for Dorian to form the words he wanted to say to the conniving elf watching him with glee as he noticed that his abs and chest had gone from defined to looking like it was starting to barrel out to unnatural proportions. "Oh yes, definitely added a little too much of my secret ingredient," Phyrigian observed as he walked around the flailing, transforming human. "Well, not quite what I was expecting, but this should be interesting nonetheless!"
If Dorian had the capability he would have rolled his eyes, but as he could feel a pressure on his skull it felt like they were being stretched out. While the transformation wasn't painful, in fact the elf had always gone out of the way to make sure that they felt pleasant to the point of pleasurable, it was still a shock to the human's system as he watched his irises and pupils suddenly split into two. What the hell was that secret ingredient, Dorian thought as he let out another groan from feeling his spine stretching. His pants that had been clinging on for dear life finally gave up the ghost as the waistband popped and his thickening legs split them all the way down the seam until they were tatters beneath them.
With his body growing heavier by the second it was getting harder to move about, especially with his form becoming more disproportionate by the second. Anyone that would have looked at him might have been intensely concerned about his transformation as his fingers began to lengthen. When he looked down his eyes widened when he saw that they weren't just growing slightly longer, the digits were actually stretching out to the point where they almost looked like tentacles. The flesh on them stiffened as they changed and the longer they got the more opalescent they looked as webbing began to appear on them.
Looking back Dorian found that it wasn't just his fingers that were changing either. As the changing human tried to turn back around his spine stretched even more while his toes popped and grew while growing the same semi-translucent flesh between them. At first he thought that they were becoming something aquatic in nature but as his hips thickened and he felt his joints shifting there was something else happening to him. At the same time his head was still changing too and looking back at the mirror once more he could see his face looking swollen as he saw that his abs and pecs had morphed into a belly that looked more like a beast than a human. This was not a normal transformation, which was something he had come to expect as he let out a sigh.
"What on earth are you transforming me into this time?" Dorian managed to ask once the mandibles that had grown out of his jaws finally had allowed him to speak, though his voice had deepened considerably. When the elf feigned ignorance and shrugged his shoulders the other man let out a huff and turned his bigger form towards him. "I know you, this isn't some accident..."
"I did say that you were going to grow bigger muscles," Phyrigian corrected as he ran a hand down the mandible of the transformed human which caused him to shudder slightly from the sensation of touch. "Honestly I was just seeing if I could recreate something I saw out in the field, and from the looks of it you're taking to the form rather well. There is a reason that we had to do this outside though so feel free to stretch out."
Dorian grumbled again but it came out as a growl before he yelped slightly at feeling his neck pop. The entire time that he had been lying there on the ground he hadn't been able to get back on his feet, except he no longer had them anymore as his legs continued to thicken with muscle. It wasn't just his limbs that was getting bigger though and as his frame mutated it grew bigger, much bigger than what he was used to as he found himself looking down at the elf despite practically being on his stomach still. Whatever Phyrigian had spiked his dessert with was bigger than even he had originally realized, especially as his exposed body looked less human by the second.
When Dorian looked around to try and get more answers out of the elf he found that Phyrigian had left his field of vision, no doubt to try and do more observations. When he attempted to turn back to see where he was he found himself more than capable of doing so. With his focus on his arms and legs, which were still shifting about as the joints of his shoulders and hips rolled back, he hadn't even realized just how much his torso had stretched out until that moment. He had nearly double-backed on himself and even with his human skin hardening in places there was a newfound flexibility to his form that he had never had before.
Even with the changes being pleasurable Dorian began to writhe a bit on the ground as he hit a huge growth spurt, letting out a cry of shock from his stretched mouth as his torso bloated while lengthening more. When he found himself starting to peer over the roof of his friend's house his vision blurred for a few moments before suddenly his perspective and field of vision grew bigger. He had been so focused on his hands and feet that he had forgotten that his head was changing even though his skull had been pushed out, and as he looked back down at the mirror he found that he was looking out of four eyes instead of two. His pupils had also disappeared and as he watched his head quivered as he started to see opal spikes pushing up from the lighter colored mane that used to be his long black hair.
With his body growing so did the pleasure, and it seemed the more bizarre his mutations the better it felt. Dorian found himself baring his jagged teeth as the last features of his human face disappeared from the stretching flesh while his new mandibles clicked. When he looked back he no longer had arms and legs, as he felt the limbs migrate further up his body he saw as the fingers kept growing longer the membranes were stretching out further as well. It took him a while before he realized what he no longer had arms and legs...
...he had two sets of wings.
His chest and torso had grown much longer by this point and with his sides barreled out the human flesh had become completely transformed to opal, the thick jagged scales on his stomach translating to finer ones on his back but with spikes pushing out from them. The last of his humanity had completely disappeared but even with his body becoming that of a monster he could sense that he wasn't done growing or mutating yet. "Just how much bigger am I going to get?!" Dorian shouted, his voice echoing throughout the countryside and even causing the elf to flinch.
"Whoa, you could rattle the windows off my house!" Phyrigian shouted as he put his hands against his ears, even the leaves on his fey antlers shuddering as Dorian turned down and growled at him. "Oh don't act so grumpy, I'm sure you're starting to see just all the benefits that body of yours has. Think of it, you can fly now, and you could practically decimate an entire city!"
"This better not be permanent!" Dorian practically roared, once more causing the elf to nearly get knocked off of his feet as he could feel the scales on his body thicken. While he no longer had arms and legs, both sets flapping behind him as wings, he found with his muscles thickening that he could do something similar to the slithering of a snake. At this point he was so big he thought that he could practically wrap around the entirety of the elf's woodland home, his two sets of eyes twitching slightly from the surreal sensation of having a pair of horns pushing out of his skull that were bigger than the spikes.
As Dorian arched his back up he almost gave himself a sense of vertigo so that he could look at himself. His entire body was covered in opalescent blue scales that glimmered in the light of the sun that were thick and jagged on his belly while smaller on his back. The monstrous nature of his form wasn't lost back there either though as he had grown a set of spikes all the way from his head down to the tip of his new serpentine lower body. He imagined if he rolled around at this point he might cause sizable holes in the grass as his head was the last to transform, groaning as his already swollen face stretched out even more. His mandibles remained as he gained a muzzle that was almost eel-like, growing into a snout that stretched out his field of vision even more.
Despite looking like he was made of stone, which when Phyrigian stroked a hand down his side remarked that they felt like it as well, Dorian's body felt quite light given the size. It wasn't for the lack of muscle though as he found instincts bubbling up alongside his thought processes, a primer on how this new body of his was supposed to work from the essences of what made it up. He found himself feeling particularly indulgent after being tricked by the elf yet again and went over to a nearby tree before coiling around it. Phyrigian let out a slight yelp as he gave it a squeeze and heard the sound of the wood cracking just from the brute strength of his power.
"Whoa, settle down there big guy!" Phyrigian shouted, calling up to the monster that Dorian had become and causing the four glowing eyes of the creature to look back down at him.
"Just testing my strength like you wanted in the first place," Dorian replied, marveling not only at how deep his voice was but also at how he was still able to talk as he lowered his huge head down towards the one that had changed him. "Also you don't have to shout, I can hear you just fine. Seems one of the perks of this form is augmented hearing."
The elf grinned at hearing that and patted Dorian on his new flanks, which had just finished with the last of its swelling and thickening. At this point it was hard to guess what his size was but considering he could practically see the town from just coiling up his body and how small the elf was compared to him that his body was huge. There was no going into town for him, not while whatever Phyrigian had done to him was still active. Even when he asked what was in that serum he had been given the elf remained as tight-lipped as usual and merely mentioned that it was all part of the scientific process.
"Well I'm sure you've had your fun but I think it's time to turn me back, don't you think?" Dorian growled, though when he didn't get a response he turned his head and saw that Phyrigian was no longer there. "Phyrigian? You better not be intending on leaving me like this... again."
After another minute or so Dorian finally found the elf, feeling something crawling up the back of his body. "The structure of your new scales are fascinating," Phyrigian observed, the voice of the elf still able to be clearly heard despite being so much smaller. "Your new wing structure too, perhaps you want to take them for a test run?"
Though Dorian still glowered at the elf he admittedly had been rather curious about doing such a thing himself, especially since the only locomotion he had done so far was the slithering over towards the tree in order to demonstrate his new-found strength. Despite that the human had some rather severe reservations about doing such a thing as a massive scaled monster as his body shivered slightly from feeling the elf still climbing up his form. "I don't think that's a good idea," Dorian finally said as he looked back towards the village he had come from. "You may have a reputation for such things but I don't feel like becoming a pin cushion so you can experience riding a dragon."
"There are plenty of woods around here where you won't have to fly over the village," Phyrigian explained as he patted Dorian on the side while maneuvering around one of his larger spikes, slowing getting up towards what would be considered his neck. "Plus like you said they know me around here and won't come to my place with pitchforks in hand if they see you. Probably not anyway, and I can practically feel your muscles tensing with how much they want to fly."
Dorian grumbled again but knew the rather annoying elf was right once more. With the effects of having transformed into a massive winged wyrm like monster settling down he could feel the desire to fly rising up even more within him. Whether it was part of the potion or just his own natural curiosity he found his mandibles clicking together as he gave the huge wings an experimental flap. While definitely not enough to lift them up on his own Phyrigian explained how he could potentially take off and get airborne.
Though Dorian considered not letting the one that changed him so drastically get the satisfaction of riding on his back he decided to finally succumb, feeling his body tremble in both anticipation and pleasure at the decision. With a little help from the elf that had gotten wrapped around his neck he started to slither forward with increasing speed before flapping. At first nothing seemed to happen but after using his new limbs a few times he could feel himself lifting off the ground. The instincts that came with the transformation kicked in and allowed him to angle the wings as his scales no longer touched the grass.
The trees rustled underneath him as Dorian managed to clear the tree line, feeling his body wiggle in the air with each flap of his wings. At first the momentum caused him to practically squeeze down and coil onto himself before he managed to get everything straightened out. When he got to a gliding altitude things grew easier and the anxiety that came with flying for the first time was quickly replaced with exhilaration. This was definitely different then when the elf had turned him into a plant, Dorian thought to himself, or most of the other times that he had been experimented on.
Dorian's senses were still as sharp as ever even as the wind whipped around him, able to hear the leaves of the elven antlers rustling about while Phyrigian used his massive form to shield himself. For a while the transformed man didn't even remember that he was there as he enjoyed himself to the fullest extent that this new body gave him. With the actual changes behind him there was an invigorating power and strength that came to slicing through the air. While he had been messing around with the tree and had his concerns about the village he could sense that they would have trouble taking a beast like him down.
The thrill was so intense that he didn't even realize that Phyrigian had been trying to get his attention until finally he felt something pat against the scales of his neck. "Hey, I was just wondering..." Phyrigian asked as Dorian managed to curl himself around to see the elf on him even while flying through the air. "Since we're up and about perhaps you could fly me to the town that's on the other side of the woods?"
"I suppose it wouldn't take long to..." Dorian said before his huge monstrous mouth curled back and exposed his sharp teeth. "Wait a second... Phyrigian, did you just turn me into this monstrous flying creature so that I could take you to that town?!"
"You have to admit, this is quite the way of traveling," Phyrigian said with a sheepish grin, causing Dorian to roll his two sets of eyes. "C'mon, don't you want a chance to stretch those new wings of yours?"
Though Dorian growled loudly at that he felt incredible and from his vantage point in the air he could already see the mountains that the town sat next to. It probably would have taken the elf a few days to get there through normal traveling or perhaps he could have used his magic to some extent, but instead he seemed content in transforming his human friend into a monster I order to do it. All that other stuff he had said probably was true too but it wouldn't be the first time he had been changed just to meet a need of the mad elven scientist. All Dorian replied with was that he had better get back to his place by the time whatever potion he had taken reverted him...
It turned out that even with the errands Phyrigian had to run in town the two were able to get back with plenty of time, though Dorian had to make sure to use the mountains as cover in order to now raise the ire of the townsfolk. While he waited for the elf he continued to explore his new body and without hands he had to coil around himself to feel all the new sensations. Between the scales on his form and the spikes on his back he almost looked like part of the mountain range itself as long as he stood completely still.
But in short order the two were back on the elf's property as Dorian slithered about, though as day turned to night he could start to feel himself shrinking. It started with the spikes on his back receding all at once before he started to watch the ground rush up towards him. He almost felt a sense of vertigo as his body shrank, mostly compressing back on itself with the same pleasurable sensations as when he was stretched out to begin with. The biggest surreal sensations was his head as the vision that he had been enjoying shrank back from his eyes merging together as the mandibles he had been using started to pull into his maw once more.
"Looks like the length of time leaves something to be desired," Phyrigian said with a grin as he watched Dorian flail about on the ground slightly while his body turned back to his humanoid upper body. "How are you feeling?"
"Slightly less like I want to throttle you for doing that to me... yet again," Dorian replied once his head was changed enough so that he could speak. "At some point I will learn what your machinations are and to not fall for it."
"Oh you know you love it," Phyrigian stated with a giggle as he watched the scales soften on Dorian's shrinking form as he became more humanoid by the second. Though Dorian continued to scowl he knew that once more the elf had someone that he could probably sucker into whatever scientific scheme he had through sheer curiosity alone. "Now I believe I have a set of clothes of yours inside, of if you'd like I could turn you into a set."
Though Dorian scoffed at that he could feel himself blushing slightly, not only because as his human flesh was exposed it made him more than aware he was naked. As he felt his arms and legs reforming once more and watched the membranes meld with his limbs there was once more this sensuality to it that he couldn't help but watch. Though not nearly as prolific as his initial changes it was still something that caused him awe every time he watched himself change to and from whatever Phyrigian had chosen for him. There was also more to their little dynamic... but as the last of his spikes receded and his hair grew back once more he found himself more concerned about his clothing situation.
Fortunately Dorian had been through this song and dance enough that he always made sure to keep a spare set of clothing at Phyrigian's place. Even though he had regained his arms and felt his fingers popping back into place he didn't bother to cover himself. The elf had seen him in far more compromising positions and after being a massive monster for so long he had gotten comfortable with sailing through the air while naked. That would no doubt change once things settled down again but for the moment the only thing he could think of was that it was quite cold out as his muscular chest reformed while the last of his scales disappeared completely.
Phyrigian invited Dorian into his house and the naked human followed the elf inside so that he could grab his second set of clothes. It turned out that his friend had already laid them out for him in a corner of the kitchen he hadn't investigated before and just shook his head as he went to put them on. While he got dressed once more Phyrigian said he had to stop in his lab for a second and make sure that he recorded all the results of his latest experiment, which just caused the human to roll his eyes. To be fair after such a drastic switch in perspective it was taking him a while to getting used to being so close to the ground and could use a second to get his head straight.
When he finished putting on his shirt however Dorian noticed something that had caused him pause. It was that second tart laid out on a plate for him, and though the human guessed that both had been spiked with the same serum he found himself licking his lips...