Out Of The Bag

In a youngster's life in school, especially the college years, people often prioritize image over everything. Even the bookworms work hard to be not behind their schedule, recognized by the fellow students while gathering together in study sessions....

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Tides of Battle: Chapter 3: Arena

After the small shaft of light we'd been treated to for the last week, it was unmercifully bright, and we both shielded our eyes from the glare. the crowd boo'ed us, likely thinking we were cowering.

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Somewhere we belong

"you've probably got a small dick, so you should fit in anywhere" estelle muttered without thinking, she was known to be rather direct if not a little crude. perhaps a side effect of her profession being so male dominated.

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Shadow of the Father, Chapter One

He reached out and took the small shaft in his paws, turning it over. "it's not from the palace," he said. sinch shook his head. he hissed, "it came from out there! someone shot at you!" the arrow itself was perfectly ordinary.

Dating Out. Chapter One.

small dick. too smooth. needs to trim... to young. twunky. not bad but i've already tried." corey muttered as he laid on his bed in the middle of the night in nothing but a pair of underwear and socks, one hand inside his boxers.

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Then at a distance they could see a shimmering small shaft of light at a wall marking the end of the tunnel. "we've made it," wessy said in relief. captain could see that it was a small hole in the wall allowing sunlight in.