The Lonely King

Even though i'm still your king the jester's the only one laughing chorus i ain't getting any younger i ain't feeling so strong why should i wonder when it always goes wrong? it always goes wrong...

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Path To Stardom

The 'or younger' didn't quite justify saying he was only a few years younger anyways. maybe len just didn't know how to talk to adults! kai was old enough to be considered an adult! after all he was... how old was he, again?

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Oh Holy Night...part V

Nihilis found, at a much younger age, that the blood of women was much more satisfying, especially young women no older then twenty five and no younger then 16.

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Jerry Archer character Bio.

A couple of times in his life, he met his mother and his younger half brother. but she kept his true identity a secret from her family.

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the war part four the jewel

Suddenly the younger brother martin ran as fast as he could scared but alex caught up to him and turned him over and punching his face and sending him flying and crashing through three solid walls.


Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

, and kenshi and laurran's younger brother.** ** ** **\*figer (fox-tiger hybrid)\* kesha shinaji patusana lo kempura himora-tan: crown warrior princess of persia, and kenshi, laurran, and hiranose's younger sister, as well as hiranose's twin.*



Hunter could hear his younger brother rolling his one good eye. "see you soon bro."

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Band Room Boyfriend (VN ideas)

He has two brothers also in the band program will his 14 year old younger brother and jacob his older brother who is one of the directors at 25.

Those Three Words (Origins)

These were dark dreams, you see, old memories, painful ones, from his younger days as a younger lad playing in the gardens of his old home in saxony, and being taken away, to his first days in the army, through to his first battles, the lose of his friends

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Dragonball Z fanfic Chapter 2: Goku's Growth

He knew his younger brother had grown stronger over the years, but he didn't know by much, and he couldn't use his techniques. but he wouldn't pull any punches.

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The Unintended Curse ch11

"the same goes for your younger sister." she turned and looked at me and i could see the blush was gone but one of sorrow was in her eyes.

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Meeting the Hero

They shook paws, the younger otter quite energetic. "though, as you know i do mostly do historical research nowadays." "yeah, i know, and i'm not here ta say keep making movies.

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