Those Three Words (Origins)
#1 of Those Three Words (Origins)
A rewrite of a project I have in the waiting for almost 6 years now. now lets hope I can finish what I started so long ago.
Those Three words
Chapter I
Decilis Ac Fortis
It is believed that in this world, there is someone for everyone, histrionically speaking it wasn't uncommon of partnerships to be arranged, often one's own child was betrothed to another by two wealthy to create alliances, seal them and consolidate assets, Nobility did the same thing too, but that was more to ensure that their future children had long line nobility in the blood to show legitimacy to claim. If one of the two families was not wealthy, but was of noble blood, the child of noble blood was instead betrothed to a child of a wealthy family and an exchange of sorts too place between the families, status of nobility, in exchange for wealth and financial security, through this system of wedlock, many children convinced not of love but duty, came into the world. With only their parent's contractual obligations to use as a guild line many if not most these children grew with no true understanding of what love actually is. And so we entire the life of one of these children, it is year of our lord 1865, January 11, in the country side of newly conquered Prussian territory of Schleswig.
The sun rises across the mostl flat snowy fields of the country side, and the Burgsee, glimmering its golden sparks of dawn, while a young, strong figure in a long Blue coat with a red collar, rides across the war scared landscape upon the back of large black shire horse, while the mighty island castle of Gottorf stands proud and tall dominating the land with its mere presence, amongst its battlements and walls a scant reminder that there was once army garrisoned here by the Danes just a few months prior to the start of the new year.
That was before the Prussians moved in to claim the land and stall themselves along the recently formed German Confederation, as the new lords of the lands in the interests of protecting native German speaking residents as a response to the Danish Prime Minister, Monrad's lunacy taking shape in the new Danish constitution of 1863. - A very irresponsible answer to the Schelswig- Holstien question.
Now though, its quiet and peaceful once more, with the Sky Lark's singing the loudest things to be heard for almost miles around. It is a top the hill over looking the Burgsee that we finally see our figure up close in the light, revealing a black and white Border collie. He has one brown eye and one blue eye, with young face, broad strong shoulders, average height, and a slender but strong frame, with a long black tail with a white plume on the end.
He sports his Prussian uniform of an officer, The blue double breasted great coat and red collar with gold buttons, grey trousers, and caff high cavalry boots, and on the right hand side of his belt hangs famous sabre of an officer of the Prussian army as carried since the days of Napoleon Bonaparte.
This sword was, golden in the hilt, a lion head pommel, with ruby eyes, shark-shagreen wrapped handle with silver wire accents all contained within the golden frame in the P style guard, with a fairly curved blade, inside a black and gold trimmed scabbard, a very famous style of European sabre.
After stopping his mighty stead he leans forward and dismounts landing firm on his feet in the crisp white blanket releasing the reins of his horse to grant the beast some freedom to roam, as he looks out across the country his breathy, like thick cloud upon the air around him, placing his hand on the handle of his sword to hold it firm in place while he walks further down the summit of the hill towards to the water before stopping closing his eyes, taking a deep breath of cold, salty, and clean air, before finally exhaling a thick cloud of air from his lungs. He smiles to himself and exclaims out; "Träume machten das Leben neu".
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later after sundown:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Inside the palace like castle, in what what appears to be a study, hundreds upon hundreds of old books, in shelves up and down all over the walls accept for the windows, with desks, and arm chairs with small tables large enough for drinks, candle lit lamps and ash trays, empty suits of armour decorate the corners with pairs of cruciform guard swords hung from the walls in crossed over each other. Reminding the residents of the castle's medieval origins. The young collie from earlier, stands in the door way now no longer wearing his sword or great blue coat revealing a loose fitting linen shirt, grey trouser with braces neatly tucked into his boots. By the fire place, stands another taller Collie stands with a large grey moustache, glass brandy in one hand and a small pipe in the other, wearing night time robes, blue checked pajamas and thick slippers.
While the fire flickers and cracks lighting the rear of the room in a mellow orange glow within its white marble fireplace decorated only with a brass hand wound clock, The younger collie addresses the older gentlemen; "Why have you have summoned me at such an hour? I'm about ready to head to bed." Taking a little time to reply as sips his whiskey, "I heard to took a leave of absence earlier to go wondering around the grounds, and you went quite far. May I enquire as to you why that is?" seemingly reluctant at the acknowledgement of this question, the younger of the two spoke back, "I am not an officer of your regiment, nor am I posted here at your behest farther. I was sent here by Field Marshal Moltke and the general staff to servery the land and see how to best integrate the residents of this area into our kingdom back home, although it is honestly beyond me as to why." Snorting at the rebel in his own son and moving to sit down in his arm chair the farther replied with a stern tone: "While your stubborn nature amuses many of the other officers I am not impressed with it, now answer my question, honestly why did you leave when I gave explicit orders otherwise?" Sighing in some minor resentment, and still reluctant to open up to his old father, "I was bored and wanted to see the lay of the land, The last time I was here it was a war torn nightmare, the grass was stained with blood, the air was filled with the screams of the wounded and thunder of howitzers blowing everything to shreds, So I wanted to ride off into the silence and hear it for myself'
Laughing in amusement at his own son's naive nature "How on earth did you make it to your rank with your unattractive nature? David, if you run off like that again while in uniform I'll have you tried for disobedience and cowardice, do I make myself clear?" David now took one step back so he was outside of the room on the other side of the door frame and merely remarked "There are no such cowards this side of the door, Dad, now good night" Then, click his heals together, about turned and walked off dismissing himself to find his room.
David had never really gotten on with this farther, matter fact he down right loathed the man. As the youngest of 4 children, two older sisters and an older brother, he was given the least amount of affection his father, not that there was ever much to begin with, after his birth his mother passed away and David was left in the arms of father's furious grief. The list of beatings he had received for minor offences, and the mistakes of his older siblings was almost endless.
While he walked towards his room, feeling each of the strikes he had been given at childhood across his back filled him only with more fury and left him restless for what may as well been the rest of the night laying in bed reading one of his own many books, or drawing to help him pass the time of his anger. eventually he managed to calm down enough to climb into bed and settle down for what little remained of the evening drifting off very quickly into a deep where again as was the case with every night, he was set upon by his nightmares.
These were dark dreams, you see, old memories, painful ones, from his younger days as a younger lad playing in the gardens of his old home in Saxony, and being taken away, to his first days in the army, through to his first battles, the lose of his friends and comrades one by one to the guns and bayonets of the enemy and the first people who had died at the barrel of his gun, to the blood that dripped from his sword and sadly everything else in between the old scars around his body still burning as if they were brand new injuries again.
Awaking the next day, panting in a hot sweat that soaked the sheets and dripped down his forehead and face leaving his thick fur damp and wet to the touch he as palaces a hand on his chest to help sooth the heavy feeling of dread in chest. Once his heavy breathing subsided, he rose up, flung off the bed sheets and pulled of his soaked night shirt, revealing a handsome, strong chest, with some fluff between the protruding pecks. He got himself out of the old mahogany wood framed bed, and walked towards the windows where he swung them wide open letting the cold air rush in, swoosh around him and fill the room helping him to cool down and wake up with some ease. Before he could turn around he noticed a small framed dachshund, In the musician uniform of a band member, standing freezing in middle of the cold courtyard about to play his morning bugle,with hands shaking and his lips barely able to meet the horn. David sighed thought to himself to see what he could do to help, Then called out to the bugler, "Hey! young man!, it is too cold to play that with no breakfast!" and bent down to rustle through his coat pockets and pull out a silver hip flask filled with Berlin Brewed schnapps from his trouser pockets, he then threw it of the window to have it land at the feet of the bugler.
The dachshund bent down to pick it up, and then quickly saluted back to the young collie who was no longer at the window to receive the salute, so shouted back "Danke mien herr!" He then turned back to his original position, drank some of the flasks sweet warming contents, put the flask inside his tunic pockets, cleared his throat and then finally begin to play the morning call to parade, all be it much louder than normally heard. maybe the schnapps had something to do with it. Ether way David had a deep sense of joy hearing his bugle being loud enough to wake his more than likely hungover father.
"Now lets get the rest of this day started, shall we?" he smiled to himself as he headed toward the bathroom"